224. William's Lifestory

"Since when did you convert to Islam, Will? Why won't you tell me at all?" asked Amurwa while hugging William. William returned Amurwa's hug with emotion.

"Two years ago"

"Two years ago?" William nodded as he looked at Amurwa and all the men in front of him. He took a deep breath, recalling the incident where he had an accident that nearly took his life.

"After I had surgery because of a terrible accident that took my wife and child."

"Innalillahi." Amurwa hugged William frantically. He had not heard the news of William and his family's accident.

"I'm sorry, Willy, I had no idea you were going through such a historic event in your life." William smiled. He looked at Amurwa with a sad look.

"I know you also experienced an event that was no less horrific than mine, Amurwa. I also apologize for not supporting you at that time. I am with you when you get an incident that is no less sad than mine." Amurva nodded. Hearing Willy's question, he remembered all the past events.