WebNovelThe Crime100.00%

sleeping in the living room is better than with you.

~~ Girls' "Home" ~~

Aila: Is it serious? - Question with eyes closed and lying on the couch.

Julieta: Are you going to tell me you don't want to see Nathaniel Teneza? -Her tone of voice was malicious

Aila: Shut up girl - Roll your eyes - I just don't know if it's a good idea...

Julieta: But why?

Aila: What if it's a trap?

Sophie: I don't think so - Give a smile - Come on Aila, I'm sure it'll be cool, at least I hope - Makes a funny face.

Aila: Ok Sophie, I'll go - Talk making the girls do a funny dance - Jeez, it's ridiculous, stop.

Sophie: It's 5 pm and we have to be there 6 pm, so I don't know about you, but I'm going to get ready. - Says heading towards the stairs.

Julieta: To be cute for Smith right? - provokes

Sophie: God forbid, get out. -she Rolls her eyes and goes upstairs.

Aila: Let's go Julieta - Pulls her friend up the stairs behind Sophie.

Julieta: Oh my god.

~~ Lyam's house ~~

Nathaniel had already arrived with Mark, the 4 were preparing some things to eat, arranging some mattresses, but for not having many they would have to sleep in couples. It was already 5:30 pm, 30 minutes before the girls arrived, causing the boys to "get ready".

Nathaniel: 30 minutes to go... Think they're coming?

Noah: They told me they were coming, but right - Shrug

Lyam: Stop being pessimistic. - Roll your eyes - Everything's ready right?

Mark: It even looks like you're going to ask them to date, everything's so tidy and you're so anxious, man - Say it and leave the room

Lyam: I think I agree with him, yuck.

Noah: Nothing to do, impression of you.

Nathaniel: Hurry up, look like little girls. I'm going down with Mark - Warns and then leaves the room.

Lyam: Who knew, we were after them like cops and criminals and now we're here, calling them to sleep with us.

Noah: Just fun, that's all. - shrugs

Lyam: Yeah. - Finish fixing your hair - I'm going, I'll wait for you there.

Noah: All I have to do is look for my pajamas. - Put your hand on your head when you remember something - You'll have to lend it to me, did you forget I didn't go home today?

Lyam: It's true, pick one there. I'm coming down they should be arriving - Get out.

Noah: They even look like they're in love - rolls her eyes and looks for some pajama -like outfit.

~~ With the girls ~~

Julieta: Have you got everything? - Says coming down with a bag in his hand.

Aila: I got some clothes, pajamas and toiletries. - Says and Sophie nods in agreement.

Julieta: Great, let's go. -She takes the car keys and leaves accompanied by the girls.

Sophie: I hope it's at least cool. -she says while sitting on the bench.

Aila: Me too.

Julieta: Let's go - From the car departure

~~ Minutes later ~~

Julieta: We're here! -She says when parking the car.

Aila: Are you going to leave it on the street all night? - Asks when getting out of the car

Julieta: I'll see it later. - shrugs

Sophie: Guys, what a house! - Speak when observing the outside of the house

Aila: Imagine inside - They approach the door and Julieta rings the bell.

- Hi girls, come in - Lyam says opening the door, they give a weak smile and enter.

Lyam: Welcome to my home.

Sophie: Oh case. - Says impressed.

Aila: Make it a point. - Observe every location in the house.

Julieta: Don't call them - Give a weak laugh being accompanied by Lyam.

Lyam: The boys are in the room, shall we? - Asks and the 3 nod heading towards the stairs.

Lyam: Arrived -She says opening the door.

Noah: At last.

Sophie: Shut up, kid. - Rolls her eyes and sits on Lyam's bed.

Julieta: Hi Guys. - Wave to them.

Aila: Excuse my rudeness, but who are you? - Question referring to the brown -haired boy, Mark.

Mark: Hi, I'm Mark, Nathaniel's brother - Reach out to the girl - Nice to meet you.

Aila: Pleasure is only in bed. - blink

Sophie/Julieta: Aila! - They scold her.

Aila: Then leave me! - You throw yourself at Sophie.

Sophie: Hey girl, you weigh. Leaves! - Toss it aside.

Aila: Delicate as a cow. - Gives a cynical smile that is reciprocated.

Noah: Okay, what are we going to do?

Lyam: I don't know, watch a movie?

Julieta: Without being terror.

Lyam: Are you scared, Brazilian? - It provokes her.

Julieta: No, I just don't like it.

Lyam: Yeah.

Sophie: We'll put action! - And that's how a little discussion about the genre of the film begins, being cut off by Mark screaming.

Mark: ENOUGH! - Screams making everyone look - Let's see no fucking movie.

Nathaniel: So let's do what?

Lyam: I have no idea.

Sophie: But you guys are a bunch of aggrieved people.

Aila: I could be going to Dubai right now, and I'm here not doing a damn thing.

Nathaniel: Easy there.

Julieta: I'm going to cook, it's stressing me out already. - Leaves

Sophie: I'm coming with you. - Get out too.

Lyam: We can put in a Horror movie since they're not here, what do you think? - Hopeful question.

Nathaniel: Go on faith.

Aila: If you want to die later, go for it. - Shrug.

Noah: Hurry up.

Lyam played in the horror movie while the girls made food, but Aila's screams were heard by the girls.

Julieta: What the fuck is going on up there?

Sophie: Getting laid they're not, so...

Julieta: They can only have the horror movie, more than a bag - Cross your arms

Sophie: Let's eat alone since they picked the movie.

Julieta: Great, let's go.

Sophie and Julieta go upstairs full of food, popcorn, snacks that the boys had bought, brigadeiro and strawberries with chocolates.

Julieta: Good to know they were waiting for us to play. -Says ironically opening the door, with a little difficulty because of the food that was in her hands.

Lyam: You know how Brazilian it is, they took too long.

Nathaniel: For us? - Asks watching the food that Morena and Blonde brought.

Sophie: No, it's just for me and Julieta, Aila at best. - Sit on the floor near the door.

Noah: But why?

Julieta: They wanted to put the horror movie...

Lyam: It's no excuse! - Pause the movie

Julieta: It is. Come Aila, eat with us - Pass some food to the same woman who was sitting between Nathaniel and Mark.

Mark: Share with me? - Whisper to Aila.

Aila: No. - Whisper back

Lyam da play again in the movie, causing the girls to jump right away, causing them to grab the closest person.

Aila: Sorry... - Whisper to Bailey.

Nathaniel: It was nothing - Lets out a low laugh.

Sophie: Stop laughing, shit - Speak a little loud to Noah, as he only knew how to laugh.

Noah: No way - Talks laughing even more, but stops when he receives a slap from the platinum. - Ouch!

Sophie: You deserved it, coward. - He smiles and turns his attention to the movie.

Julieta: You can take it out of this movie, I'm scared?! - Ask Lyam softly.

Lyam: Hmmm no. - Speaks seeing the same roll her eyes and cross her arms.

Sophie: Friend - Nudge Julieta - I want to get out of here, I'm scared - Whisper to herself.

Julieta: Me too, I asked Lyam to take it off, but he said no. - She rolls her eyes again, but keeps whispering.

Lyam: Can you two stop talking? We are looking forward to watching!

Sophie: It's your problem!

Noah: Don't want to watch, get out of here, simple - Says and sees the two leave the room, followed by Aila.

Lyam: Oh shit.

Mark: You guys are dumb huh. I'm leaving, Nathaniel's downstairs - Says and leaves the room.

Nathaniel: Now what?

Noah: And now nothing, they turn around, they don't want to watch, don't watch it!

Lyam: Okay... - The 3 turn their attention to the movie.

~~ Downstairs ~~

Mark: Sorry about that... - Say as you approach them.

Sophie: Argh! How angry - Cross your arms - I'm leaving!

Julieta: No, it's already night.

Aila: So what? You have a car.

Julieta: So, it kind of got stolen, you know... - He says pointing to the place where the car was supposed to be parked.

Sophie/Aila: WHAT?!

Julieta: I just saw it....

Sophie: Shit.

Aila: I want to go home -she folds her arms and throws herself on the couch

Mark: I could take you guys, but I still don't have a car or a wallet.

Sophie: Don't worry, we'll work it out.

Mark: You don't need to go, sleep here, tomorrow I'll buy you an Uber.

Aila: All right...

Xxx: Are you staying right there? - Asks one of the boys at the top of the stairs

Julieta: Come on Lyam, we don't want to be scared so we'll stay here. - Say simple

Sophie: The room is way better than your company.

Lyam: So you guys hurt me.

Julieta: I don't care.

Lyam: Let's go, let's play something.

Sophie: I don't want to. - Says joining Aila on the couch.

Julieta: I will.

Aila: I'm coming too.

Mark: Do what, I'm going up - Say the 3 and go up the stairs.

Lyam: Just you, come?

Sophie: No, I prefer to stay here alone. - Get comfortable on the sofa

Lyam: All right, anything we're up there. - Go up.

Sophie: More Than Bag - Whisper to yourself.

~~ In Lyam's room ~~

Lyam: All that's left is Sophie down there. - Say and sit on your bed

Julieta: No way, she hates horror film and won't go up for anything. - Sit next to Lyam

Noah: We're not in a horror movie anymore.

Aila: More were. - Sit next to Nathaniel.

Nathaniel: That's enough, she doesn't want it done. Now let's play.

Mark: What are they going to play? -She asks sitting next to her brother.

Julieta: I never? - Question and everyone nods - No drinks, please.

Lyam: Nobody here drinks, Brazilian.

Julieta: Great.

Aila: Let's get started soon.