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Chapter Number 26: The Special Classroom

[To be able to read the memories of a human... is never a pleasant thing. However as soon as we enter one's mind, even if it is only for a moment, the memories begin to accumulate within our minds. Do you understand what this means, Marcus?]

Having swapped from one body to another, Number 7 now controlled the body of Larry Pertan, whose arms were slowly regenerating.

"You... took over another body?"

Marcus could do nothing more than watch as Number 7 took control of someone even beyond himself.

He was already aware that such a thing was possible from when Amy had been taken over, but even so - the fact that Number 7 had done such a thing to the demented man before him was... disturbing.

[It means that I know about this man... and everything he has done. And after seeing such a thing... heh... well... perhaps it would be better if I were to show you yourself. Come.]

Waving for Marcus to follow him, the man turned around and begun to head towards the hidden opening, descending the dark spiral stairway into the hidden chamber.

'Should... I follow?'

Closing his eyes and resolving himself, Marcus looked forward with a serious expression.

'What am I thinking? Should I leave this thing which has already overtaken my mind alone? Of course I should follow.'

Stepping forward, Marcus, too, entered the corridor.

'For even if I cannot stop him... I must bear witness to the crimes which he commits. That much... is my duty.'


"There are some people in this world who become disturbed at even the slightest inconveniences. They blame their troubles on everyone but themselves... and yet they refuse to do even the slightest thing to solve their own problems. These people fall into a category of... false victims."

Five nations held control over the territories of Clarica at the time of the cataclysm.

The Coalition of Vorathia.

The Soviet State of Joraten.

The Imperial State of Koravik.

The Republic of Stronvardia.

And the Forgestarian Empire.

These five nations held power over all the territories of the world after thousands of years of human civilization evolving and developing.

And within the Republic of Stronvardia, Larry Pertan established himself as one of a kind - a school teacher who had gained political influence without ever running for office as a politician.

"We must learn from the warnings which the ancient Vythguardians provided us in their legends. For these people are just like the wretch Bella, who lost her children due to her own carelessness, and blamed it on the soldiers of the Empire. She went mad after losing her two children, and became a danger to society - slaughtering hundreds mercilessly under the rule of those Evil Dictators."

His speeches which often put a focus on the legends of old would imply certain messages to the people of the modern day, and he spoke fervently that the people should learn from the mistakes of others - even if those others never existed in reality.

"She went on to betray all of humanity, and took her role as the torturer of the Queen of Evil. Now let me ask all you people who have gathered here today. What could we possibly learn from such a woman?"

With a grand smile, the man looked into the crowds before him.

It was filled with people dressed in suits and ties, all of whom were excited to hear whatever words the popular speaker had to say.

"We must learn... not to become like her."

"Do not allow your children to fall into the traps of this society!" He announced. "Protect them with your lives. For within this society, there are wolves who take on the clothing of sheep, pretending to assist and love your children when in reality... they are teaching them lies, poisoning their minds with untrue statements and gentle falsehoods. And that is why, as a teacher, my profession is so important."

With a smile, the man gripped his microphone as he spoke to the many.

"Education is the foundation of a nation." He told the crowd, which silently took in his words. "If we do not care for our children and what they are taught at the lowest level, then we could never possibly hope for them to become great people later."

Turning with fervor, the man continued as he pointed to the crowd.

"Therefore I implore each and every one of you to continue supporting our nation, and our brave warriors who fight in order that these children may receive a good education. And more important than anything else in that education, so that these students do not become corrupted with immoral ideas and fallacies, is to teach the students to love."

The man spoke this word with a tenderness, his tone flashing on the brink of fascination and fanaticism as he spoke the term.

"The one thing which is not taught in the classroom... is the concept of love. Yet this is such a crucial aspect to the building of one's character. For if a student grows in his studies, learning all the knowledge in the world, but is unable to love - then he is nothing."

"That is right!" Shouted someone suddenly, prompting others to speak up and say their piece.

"Our students need to be taught to live upright lives before anything!"

"Without morality, there is nothing more than chaos!"

"Without love, our society will crumble, just like the Soviets of the North or the Imperialists of the Central and Southern Nations!"

The people cheered the man on as he inspired a fervency in them which not even the politicians could manage.

He used his position as a humble teacher to influence their hearts all the more.

A supporter of the state, this man convinced the people that funding education and promoting good teachers was of utmost priority.

Because of this activism, his activities outside of the classroom were unthinkable.

'And it is exactly because such a thing is unthinkable... that I can continue to do so. However... even that has it's limits.'

"I am aware that you all are extremely concerned about the recent murders. And as a teacher... it disgusts me that so many things could happen to such precious students. To all of you parents out there who have been afflicted by such things... as an instructor who should have been protecting the students..."

Bowing down, the man genuflected towards the crowds as he took off his hat in apology.

"I am deeply sorry."

"Do not apologize, Mr. Pertan!!"

"You've done nothing wrong! It's the fault of whatever sick freak is doing such things!!"

The people cried out in support of the man, but even so he bowed further.

"No. This is a failure on my own part. I cannot believe that so many of my own students have been killed... and in such a horrible manner. Perhaps I could have noticed something going on if I were a better teacher... yet I did no such thing."

The man bowed, silencing all the parents with his firm resolve.

And as he bowed to them, the parents were convinced of one thing.

'This man is humble beyond belief... lowering himself before us for something which he had no control over.'

'He is a true man of character.'

The parents of the students thought this, and even those who had lost their children were soothed at least slightly - filled with the ever so dwindling hope that at the very least, a man of this quality existed among them.

'If only... he had influenced my child more.'

'If she were around this man more often... then perhaps she wouldn't have gotten involved in something like this.'

'At the very least... there are some upright people in this world.'

Yet not a single person present at this speech thought for even a moment that the man bowing in apology was the very monster who had performed the actions he was apologizing for.


'How wonderful...'

Walking around the newly built lair, Larry was amazed.

It was filled with all sorts of disturbing devices meant for torture, as if it had been specifically prepared for him.

Of course, it had.

'And with a soundproof room like this... there is no longer a need to kill off the victims. Ah... how painful it has been on me that I have to kill my precious student just to keep them quiet... yet it is all... for the sake of true love.'

With a malicious grin, the man smiled to himself.

'Yet even that... is no longer necessary. For now... I can truly form an entire class of students... and teach them what it means to love someone... beyond all else.'


"Therefore, this war has lasted years, and yet there is no sign of a treaty to be had. With Stronvardia and Vorathia allying, our soldiers are giving their all to fight the EVIL allied forces of the Forgestarian Empire and the Soviet State of Joraten. Koravik has somehow managed to stay neutral in this conflict, however this poses another grand problem. Can anyone tell me what this is?"

Standing before a classroom as he pointed to a map before him, Larry Pertan fervently taught his students.

Slowly raising her hand, a girl with glasses gently offered her answer.

"The war is currently balanced, and if Koravik were to take a side it would result in a great shift in power."

As the girl said this, Larry smiled grandly.

"Excellent, Genevieve! That's exactly correct. Koravik has managed to stay neutral, but who is to say that they will stay that way forever? If some sort of deal is made, Koravik will switch to one side or the other - and it is critical that they fall on OUR side."

The girl seemed to smile lightly as she looked down, happy at the small praise which she had received.


The bell rang, and all the students immediately begun to get up to leave for the day.

"Ah, be sure to study properly for your test tomorrow! I won't go easy on you all! And Geneveive, could you stay behind for a moment?"

"Ah... alright."

The braided girl nodded as she carefully packed up her bags while all the other students left in a flurry of chatter.

"Hey, you wanna go watch the game?"

"Sure. Should we see if Elaina and her group wanna hang out as well?"

"Yeah, def."

Soon, all the students had filed out and the only two left were the student and the teacher, who was currently wiping off the board.

"You've been doing exceptionally well in my class recently. You know that, right?"

"Ah... thank you.", the girl said quietly.

As he continued his work, the man spoke with pride to his student.

"You know, I've never had a student as smart as you. It's always been my dream to truly raise students above their level through education. And after seeing you... I think that you can reach a higher level than this."

"What do you mean, Mr. Pertan?"

The girl looked at the man with a confused expression as she finished packing her bag, standing up to approach him.

Turning to the girl, the man placed his hands on her shoulders with a kind smile.

"I think you could become a wonderful historian one day."

"Eh... do you... truly think so?"

A slight tint of red came across the flushed cheeks of the girl as the man held her, to which he replied with a proud smile.

"Of course. Would you be willing to come to some extra lessons in order to... secure your future?"

A wide smile came across the girl as she looked up to the man with excitement.

"Yes! Of course, Mr. Pertan! Ah... but what about all the disappearances as of recently? My parents surely would be concerned if I were to come home late, and it might be dangerous to head home alone..."

As the girl looked down with concern, the man placed his hand on her head with a gracious smile.

"Worry not about that. Even if such things have been happening, I will be sure to protect you."

On seeing the muscular figure before her and the confidence with which he held, the girl was filled with reassurance.

"I see. Thank you, Sir! Then, shall we?"

"Of course. Let us head to the special classroom."


"Special classroom?"

"Ah, the principal has given me permission to use a special classroom if there are any students which I feel deserve extra lessons - whether it is because they need extra help, or because they are exceptional like you."

"I see... so there are other students who you are giving these extra lessons to as well?"

"Yes, that is true. There are some others. However you are by far the most impressive out of all of them."

"Is... is that true?"

"Of course. I would never lie like Oraguth did to Troy."

"Ah... the story of the monster who deceived a hero into working for the monsters... which led to the downfall of two of the four great heroes... and destroyed the opportunity for the heroes to join together against the forces of evil..."

"Exactly. You know the story well."

"Ah... thank you." She giggled, braids bouncing.

The two walked down the corridors of the now emptied school, making their way to the teacher's lounge.

"Ah... am I allowed in here?"

"Worry not. I have been given special permission by the principal. Come."

The two entered the lounge and made their way into the principal's office, where they were met with the grey haired man sitting at his desk working on various paperwork.

"Ah, Mr. Pertan. It is good to see you. And I presume this is one of your students?"

"That is correct, principal. This is Genevieve. She is my best student."

The principal nodded with a smile, focusing his attention on the shy girl.

'How many times have you told me that, Larry?'

"I see. It is nice to meet you, Genevieve. I hope that you will do great things for the sake of this school."

"I will do my best, sir!"

With the bow of her head, the girl spoke with excitement as the man glanced to the side.

Pressing a button underneath his desk, the filing cabinet slowly moved to reveal a door which then opened on it's own through mechanical contraption.

"This... is the special classroom?", the girl asked with a slight amount of fear in her voice.

"It is. Now come. It's time for your lesson."


Genevieve had no idea what to expect.

When she was brought into that office on that day, there was a slight amount of fear that irked at her as she witnessed the eerie mechanism which revealed the room.

However even greater than that fear was the fluttering of her heart as Mr. Pertan had called her his best student.

She wanted to become better for him.

She wanted to be successful for him.

She wanted to give her all so that he could be proud of her... as his student.

However no amount of blind desire for praise and acceptance could shield her from the horrors she witnessed on that day.

"Why is there a staircase down here?"

"It is because this chamber was built specifically for those students who needed my help after hours."

"You... certainly must care a lot for your students then. To give so much time and thought to them like this..."

"That is exactly right."

With a grin, the man reached the bottom of the stairway as he stepped into the room, and the girl followed him.

"I care so much... for each and every one of my students. And I wish to teach them lessons which they will never forget."

It was as Genevieve stepped forth into that room that she knew for certain that something was wrong.

The first thing that threw her off was the strange, salty smell which entered her nose.

However as soon as she turned that corner, she was immediately aware of exactly what that smell was.

"Good evening, my precious students. I've come to teach you another important lesson... and today we have a new member joining the class."


That smell which entered her nose was the rich aura of blood.

It was everywhere.

All over the walls, sprayed about chaotically to the point where it completely engulfed the room.

"Good... evening... Mr. Pertan..."

Like zombies, the girls who were chained to the walls looked up with dead eyes, using every effort to get those polite words out.


Falling backwards in horror, the girl covered her mouth as tears came to her eyes due to the horrific scene before her.

"What... is this?"

The girls had been mutilated.

Each and every one of them was covered from head to toe in lacerations, and their eyes were all devoid of life.

Their hair ragged, their skin penetrated, their veins bursted.

Yet even with those dead eyes, the girls slowly smiled as they looked up to their instructor who stood before them.

"Please... teach us more." A brunette croaked, missing an eye.

"We wish... to be of service to you."

"We wish... to be successful... for your sake."

"So that all may know... what a wonderful teacher you are."

It was then that Genevieve was grabbed.

"Come now. You should take your spot among the others."

"No.." She whispered, before shouting. "No!"

Slapping away the hand of the man, Genevieve looked to him with fear as she cried out, shivering as she backed away.

"Get... get away!"

"That... is no way to speak to your teacher."

Mr Pertan's eyes darkened as he stood before the girl.

Reaching out, the man grabbed the girl's arm firmly, this time with a grip that was great enough to crush her very arm.



The girl screamed out, yet the man did not listen as he dragged her up, forcing her over to an empty set of chains on the wall.

"I have come to teach my students to love... and yet... why is it that your eyes which were just filled with love... are so devoid of it?"

Chaining the girl to the wall, the clicking sounds were heard as she was restrained.

"Stop this!" Genieve screamed. "Let me go!"

The chains rattled as she struggled, yet as he finished restraining her, the man walked away with his hands behind his back.

"What are you doing!?!? I'll... I'll call the police!! How could you do such a thing-"

Without even a word, the man looked back at the girl with a deadly stare that was so intimidating it cut off her very plea.

She was left to gulp as she sweat, too terrified to even scream any further.

The pain in her arm disappeared, for the terror which she felt from this man was something which was far greater than any physical pain.

Turning around as he continued walking away, the man let one last mutter out under his breath.

"I suppose I still have much to teach you."


Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone!

I have a few days off here and there for the holidays, so that's quite nice. I've been doing quite a bit of writing and planning for this series, and I really hope I can take it where I want to. There are a lot of times where I have been extremely concerned though.

Pacing is the thing that concerns me the most about my writing. Sometimes I feel like I'm going too fast and not fleshing the characters out enough. Sometimes I feel like I'm going too slow and spending way too much time on a character. And so often I end up getting sidetracked and writing out entire stories on certain characters which end up being waaay longer than they probably should be.

Recenty I've been writing a particular character which I honestly feel like his backstory is taking way too long, but at the same time I feel like it's necessary to take the time to develop this character. I hope that people don't get bored when we get to that part of the series, but we shall see. I've enjoyed writing some of these scenes a lot, and it's my opinion that regardless of how long you take, if it's enjoyable regardless, then it doesn't matter.

One issue I faced in my previous series was that since the MC's were so overpowered, I had to spend a lot of time building up the other characters around them because as soon as I focused on the MC's the story was already over. This was a lot of fun in it's own way, but a lot of people got very irritated. "I just wanna see the MCs! Why are you spending so much time on this!?"

This series doesn't exactly have that problem, but I became so used to really drawing out the backstories of all the villains and building up other characters and an entire world around the MC that there will always be a point where the story shifts it's focus elsewhere.

I really enjoy building massive worlds and for this one I built up a world that I am extremely excited to reveal bit by bit. There are so many stories to tell, so many intricacies... and I'm just getting started. I can't say much more as that would be spoiling everyone, but I have so many things in my mind, so many stories to tell by the time this series is over.

When I wrote Undetermined I had a big file on my computer with tons of data and information on the world, the characters, the nations, the hierarchies, the factions, etc. And I've done sorta the same thing for this world, and it's complexity increases each day.

I also have been reading Undetermined in my free time to look back on my previous work, and there are a lot of errors I've been noticing in my writing back then. There are some things that I thought were very good, but others that I feel I could have done better today.

Even so, there is one thing that I will say without question - the quality of ones writing can only be measured by how much one enjoys it. If I enjoy my own writing, then it is a success. This is how I have always and will always measure my writing. Regardless of who doesn't like it, regardless of if I receive bad comments or whatever (And trust me, I have received PLENTY of those), if I enjoy it then it's good.

Only if I find myself not enjoying my writing do I realize that something is wrong, and try to fix it. And there have been many times where that has happened. But that has always been my measuring stick. 'Do I think this is good? How do I think I can make it better? Am I bored? What can I do to make myself not bored?'

Well, I will continue my weekly uploads as usual. It's really hard not to give into the temptation of upping the release schedule, but I don't want to force myself to write when I'm working a job. The job comes first. That much I know. But even so, that won't stop me from using my free time as I want!

Thank you to all the readers who are reading this, and I sincerely hope you are enjoying it as much as I do, and are as excited for the future of this series as I am. And if you haven't, but are interested, please look at my previous series Undetermined! It may not be a gem, but it's something which I created that is so special to me and I take a lot of pride in having created it.

Thank you and Merry Christmas.
