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Chapter Number 154 - Relate

'Why did he put a gun on the table?'

Celia gulped as she glared upon the weapon, which sat between the two.

'No... even before that...'

Was Jessica being forced to take part in this gamble?

The weapon had taken her attention, so Celia had almost almost overlooked this critical piece of information, but the man known as Evan Stirling had claimed that his own subordinates were not even allowed to choose their own gambles - which could have only meant one thing.

Jessica didn't decide to take part in this gamble on her own.

Was she being puppeteered by this man?

Was he offering his own subordinate as a sacrifice in a gamble that he was sure to win, regardless of the outcome?

'If I lose... will I become his slave as well?'

"Ahem... it looks like you're lost in thought, Miss Celia. Ah... could it be that you are concerned with what will happen to you under the condition that you lose?"

His intuition was spot on - as expected of a man who owned a casino.

"1 Million Sin must be an unimaginable amount for someone such as yourself. Well, don't worry too much. I will have you work it off. And as for the type of work... well, that will depend upon the repayment plan which you wish to select."

"Hm? Repayment plan?"

Celia looked at the man as she questioned his words.

"Well of course. Just as a loan is paid back over a given time period, so too will any debts encountered with the casino. Whether you wish to pay back your debt in 30 years, 20 years, 10 years, 5 years, 1 year... or even a single day. That much is up to you."

"How... a single day!? How could anyone pay back such a large debt in such a short amount of time!?"

At that last option, Celia couldn't help but to lose her temper.

"It would be better if you didn't ask for now. I would never force anyone to undergo such a repayment plan. Only those who have had absolutely no choice due to certain external circumstances have ever chosen this. I will allow the debtor to choose their option, and assign them to a particular area of work depending on that option. Of course, you will be fully informed of your duties prior to selecting any option."

The way the man spoke was enough to send chills down Celia's spine.

The less time the repayment period was, the more illegal it was likely to be.

"Have your questions been answered? If you have any others, I will answer them to the best of my ability.", Evan inquired.

"No... that's all for now.", Celia responded.

"Excellent. Now then, if we could return to the game... as you can see, this is a revolver. There is a single bullet loaded in one of the six chambers. I'm sure you've heard of Joratian Roulette?"

"We're... going to play that?"

Suddenly, Celia's world froze.

Joratian Roulette - the game in which one fired a gun at their head with a single bullet loaded in a random slot - hoping that the bullet wouldn't be in the chamber that was fired.

It was quite literally a game of life and death.

"Wait just a minute... is... is there another game we could play!? I don't want anyone to die just for this game! And if I die and lose, then I wouldn't be able to pay back my debt, would I!?"

"I had assumed that you would say such a thing. But the conditions remain the same for you. Either you lose or you win. Dying is merely one result. If you lose and die, we will obtain the money from your body one way or another. Uncle Gerard... he has some particularly disturbing clientele that I'm sure would pay very well for such a thing. Ah! I seem to have said too much."

With a wry grin, the man shut his mouth, though Celia somewhat felt that this slip of the tongue was intentional.

Just who was this man?

"But, death is not exactly the goal of this particular game. As I said, it is ONE outcome. Not a guaranteed one."

"Even so... if death is an outcome, is there any way that we could switch the game to something that won't result in death!?"

Celia continued her pleading, however as she did so she was met with a deathly serious expression.


With this single word, the man denied her, and the room became heavy in an instant.

"I have decided on this game. You have accepted this gamble. If you do not wish to save your mother, that would be another story. So tell me, girl."

As he leaned forward, the man's words cut into Celia's heart.

"Do you wish to abandon this gamble?"

And with these words, the heart of the girl clenched, as if it was wrapped around by the hand of a demon.

Her chest constricted, her lungs became wrenched and her breathing hastened.

Her eyes widened as fear overtook her, and the girl realized the gravity of her own situation.

If she did not put her life on the line, there would be no saving anyone.

"Very... well..."

Thus, she agreed.

"I will take... this gamble."


"The rules are simple. You will have a five minute discussion period. After five minutes are up, the first shooter will have a choice to make. They will either take the shot or give up and forfeit the game. Once the shot has been taken, the turn will be passed to the next person until someone either gives up or dies. There will always be a five minute discussion period prior to any shot being taken."

As the man explained the rules, Celia found herself desperately attempting to calm herself.

As she controlled her breathing, she realized something within the explanation the man gave.

'Wait a minute... that five minute discussion period...'

On realizing it, the girl smiled.

This game was not designed to kill - but rather to convince the other person to forfeit.

Within five minutes, one could speak with their opponent and convince them not to take the shot. That was the true purpose of the game.

It was unlikely that the bullet would be within the first couple rounds, so even if people were brave enough to take the shot once or twice, as the number of rounds decreased, so would any bravery one showed.

To put it simply, barring some misfortune such as the bullet being within the first or second chamber, someone would almost certainly give up before the bullet was fired.

"I'll shoot first."

However, Celia's thought process was interrupted by a most illogical suggestion by her opponent.

"You have no problems with that, right? If I shoot first, you'll have more time to convince me to give up, and I'll take more shots before you do. Also, if the bullet is on shot number 6 and the game does last that long, you'll know for certain that the next shot is a bullet and know to give up."

"Why would you give me the advantage like that?"

With suspicion in her voice, Celia studied her opponent, who merely shrugged it off.

"Even if the result has already been determined, it's a 1 in 6 for the first shot, which is less of a chance than the second - 1 in 5. Each shot the second person takes has a greater chance of hitting than the first. But that's all assuming that the first person isn't already dead."

Thinking it through, Celia nodded.

There were advantages and disadvantages to being first or second, but those were purely based on what one knew.

The chance of the bullet being in an even or odd position was 50-50. That much was guaranteed. If it was even, then Celia was doomed to die if she forced the game long enough. If it was odd, then it would be the other way around.

However the knowledge which one held would change over the course of the game. If the first shot didn't succeed, then the chance of the next being a hit was increased.

Yet even if the chance of being on the winning or losing shot was equal, the option of forfeit changed everything.

Indeed, the first person would have an advantage assuming their opponent was someone who clung to their life - which applied to most people.

More time to convince their opponent to give up was a great advantage in this game - one which Jessica must have had a significant resolve to abandon.

'Does she not intend on giving up no matter what... and that's why she was willing to so readily hand over this advantage?'

This was the only thing Celia could have imagined.

If this decision merely came from such a resolve, then Celia would happily accept.

"Alright. You can shoot first."

Was it just her imagination?

Celia could have swore she saw Jessica smirk as soon as she said this, but it was only for an instant.

"Very well then."

Playing with his watch, which was a modern electronic one that functioned similarly to a smartphone, Evan pulled up a timer as he set it to 5 minutes.

"I will not interfere at all in the next five minutes. While no violence is allowed in this game, and while you may not fire the gun unless it is the time to take your own shot - at your own head, mind you - anything else is permitted."

Suddenly, Celia frowned as she realized the implication of this statement.



And with that, the game had begun.


As soon as the timer started, Jessica closed her eyes, sitting back in a relaxed manner as she put her hands behind her head.

"Eh? How... how can you be so relaxed? You're going to fire first, you know! The fact that you even came into this game and offered to go first means that you're definitely going to shoot, so shouldn't you be at least a little bit worried?"

Something was certainly strange about Jessica's demeanor.

Why was she so calm?

Was she simply too stupid to comprehend that she had a chance to die in the next few moments?

That couldn't be it.

Perhaps then...

"Do you not mind even if you die?"

At these words, Jessica's eyes went wide.

"That... that isn't it at all!", she shouted, her demeanor suddenly becoming one of terror.

'I hit a soft spot? That... that doesn't make any sense, but I guess I'll press forward.'

"Could it be that your life as this man's subordinate is that bad?"

"That isn't it at all! I'm glad to be working under the master!"

"The master?"

Raising an eyebrow, Celia's suspicions were further plunged into confusion at this method of referral.

"Why would you refer to him as the master? Isn't that..."

'As if you're a slave?'

These were the words which Celia stopped herself from saying, however upon looking over, the man known as 'The Master' was clearly amused.

"That... that's because..."

Glancing over to Evan nervously, Jessica was now flustered as she spoke her words with caution.

"A-anyways... your statements are wrong. I have no intention of dying in this game. I just don't think that there is any possibility that this first bullet will kill me."

"But that's just a guess. You can't possibly know that for certain. Even if it is only a 1 in 6 chance, how can that chance not scare you even the slightest bit?"

At this point, Celia was on the offensive.

"That... that doesn't matter! This bullet isn't going to kill me. There's no way that's going to happen."

Jessica was clearly frustrated, the words of Celia having shaken her confidence - however she didn't seem to be frustrated or nervous about her own death.

Rather, she vehemently denied the possibility of such a thing.

'Perhaps she is denying it... to deceive herself into thinking that there actually is no chance that she'll die?'

Celia had to get her to crack and give up before it was too late.

No matter what, she couldn't allow anyone to die in this game - whether herself or Jessica.

'After all... you're the person that my father gave his life to save. If you died here and now... what purpose would all that have served?'

She would never forgive Jessica if she died here for some ridiculous reason.

"What if I told you that I saw the chamber that the bullet was loaded in before it was spun, and knew where it was?", Celia stated.

"You don't."

"How do you know that? How can you possibly be so certain?"

"If you knew that, you wouldn't be so nervous - unless the bullet was one that would end on you. But that can't be the case, because you would have tried to go first if you had known that it was in an even slot."

Jessica denied Celia's bluff with sound logic, at which Celia flashed a wry smile.

"I guess that's right. But what if I was nervous that you would die?"


Jessica looked to Celia with a strange expression, unable to comprehend such words.

"Is it really so hard to understand? If you died, my father's life would have been thrown away for nothing. Which is why... I can't let you die here."

Standing up, Celia walked over as she grabbed the hands of Jessica.

And in that instant, even Evan sensed a profound change in the girl who once showed such timidness - at which he grinned with interest.

"Hey, what are you-"

"So please. Will you give up and save your own life?"


Averting her eyes, the girl looked away, as if to avoid the glance of Celia.

"I won't."

And with this response, Jessica stood up, shoving Celia off her.


Turning around, the girl let out a laugh as she walked off in the opposite direction.

"You think you have control over everything, don't you? You think you can manipulate me with cheap words, acting like you care. But listen up, Celia. I don't care. I don't care how you try to convince me - as soon as that timer beeps I'm going to pull the trigger."

"I thought that I couldn't ever relate to you."

Even while Jessica shoved off the attacks of Celia, the girl smiled as she continued to press on.

"I was so filled with hatred towards you that I was almost blinded by it. I viewed you as some sort of demon who I could never understand. I mean... I guess that's understandable. You killed my best friend at the time in front of my very eyes - of course you'd become a wicked existence in my heart."

While Celia spoke, Jessica stood firm, not turning around for a moment.

However with this, Celia turned to Evan with a wry grin.

"You probably knew that, didn't you, Sir? Given both of your reactions, I don't think this is a surprise. As a matter of fact... perhaps that is exactly the reason this girl is subordinate to you?"




Suddenly, the sound of slow clapping filled the room.

The clapping hands of the man known as Evan Stirling.

"I said I wouldn't interrupt... but I must applaud your deductive skills. Truly... you are worthy to face this girl as an opponent. Celia."

Standing up, the man placed his hand on the shoulder of the girl.

"I do hope that you end up losing - because I feel that you hold great worth to our organization."

"That isn't fair, is it now?"

With a smile, Celia responded to the man as she giggled.

"If I'm worth more, then wouldn't it mean you have a reason to assist her?"

"I said before - did I not? I value the rules above all. And before any set of rules, all are equal. I will not give any advantage to one side or another, and you will always play by the same rules."

Sitting back down, the man folded his hands as he notioned for the two to continue.

"So that's it.", Celia uttered as she turned to Jessica. "You couldn't get away with killing Heather completely. Perhaps you were blackmailed into joining this group. Or perhaps they offered to protect you from someone who was blackmailing you. Or perhaps as a killer, you were simply unable to live a normal life."


At that moment, Jessica shouted out in rage, tears in her eyes.


"I'm not acting."

Yet even as the girl shouted, Celia smiled peacefully.

"I can relate to you."


An alarm sounded, and as soon as Celia said this, Jessica turned around, fury in her eyes.

Rushing to the table, Celia clenched her lips as Jessica grabbed the gun without hesitation, holding it to her head as tears filled her eyes.

"You could never possibly relate to me."


And with the uneventful click of the rifle, Celia fell back in her seat, letting out a breath of relief.

'Thank goodness.'

Closing her eyes, Celia smiled to herself.

"Why do you look so happy!?", Jessica shouted.

"Because you're still alive."

Then, opening her eyes, Celia looked forward with a grin.

"We don't need the next five minutes. I forfeit, and I want to inherit my mother's debt for myself and let her go free. Is this acceptable?"

As Celia made this proposal with a newfound light in her eyes, Jessica's jaw dropped and Evan seemed to grin with delight.

"Excellent... excellent. Of course I will accept."

"Wait just a minute!!! She was supposed to... how can she just... no... well... I guess I've won... I guess... that's fine."

Taking in the circumstances, Jessica slowly calmed down as a grin drew itself across her face.

"Heh... I guess I won, didn't I? How do you feel, Celia? You came here to get rid of your mother's debt, but in the end you just got more debt than you started with! Even if you took it on yourself, you should have just done that from the start if this was how it was going to end."

"But if I just did that, then I wouldn't have been able to forgive you."

Looking at Jessica with eyes filled with a bright hope, Celia grinned benevolantly as she spoke.

"So thank you, Evan. And thank you, Jessica. Because I was invited to this game... I was able to come to peace with myself and my past... and I was able to relate to the one person that I thought I could never possibly have related to."


"Come to peace with yourself!? I think you've just gone nuts from the 2 million debt you're now in! But whatever. That isn't my problem."

Turning away, Jessica let out a hmph as Evan took the lead.

"Now then... Celia, as you are aware, 2 million is quite a sum. Which repayment plan do you wish to do? I would suggest the 5 year plan for your current situation. In this case, you would be sent to work as a prostitute for 5 years. Your treatment wouldn't be inhumane, and you could work your way up to improve living conditions even further - if you worked hard enough, you could even become an executive. Of course, if you choose the 20 year plan you could work underneath me personally at this casino. Do you have a preference?"

"Hmm... 20 years is a long time. I'd rather get this over with quicker. 10 years as well is pretty long, but what would I be doing if I chose that option?", Celia inquired.

"In that case, you would be assisting with scams. Personally I am not a big fan of that particular branch. It doesn't sit well with me at all, so I wouldn't recommend such a thing… but if that is what you wish, I will send you there."

"Eh? You're a gambler and an owner of a casino but you have an issue with scams?"

Celia looked at the man with confusion as she uttered her thoughts out loud.

"I have said this numerous times. I play by rules. Scammers have no rules. They have no code. They have no sense of right or wrong. They break the rules and change them as they need to in order to win. Everything about the fraudulent industry goes against my precepts. You, for example, lost fair and square. Could you say that I scammed you when you agreed to such a thing in the first place?"

As Evan explained, Celia almost found a newfound respect for this man.

Perhaps, as devious as he was, he was not as wicked as she thought?

"Well... I don't really want to do anything that would leave me with a dirty conscience. Working as a prostitute... it isn't something that sits well with me... but at least I wouldn't be hurting people."

Closing her eyes, the girl seemed to be deep in thought.

"Very well. I'll go with the five year plan."

"Understood. A shame, as I would prefer that you work for me personally. But I will put you on this track."

The man seemed to be exceedingly disappointed at having lost Celia as a potential subordinate.

"We don't play by legal rules, so signing a contract doesn't matter at all - but I like to do it as a formality. Because I am a man who plays by rules."

Sliding open a drawer, the man placed a contract and pen before Celia, urging her to sign.

"Please read through it and-"

"There's no need. I've already decided that I will shovel this debt and pay it off. If I work for you during this time, I will be set free of any debt - correct?"

Looking at Evan in the eyes, Celia spoke with a fierce determination.

"That is correct."

And the man responded without hesitation.

"Then... it's decided."

Without a moment to spare, the woman signed her name as she stood up.

"I assume you'll have some subordinates guide me to my next destination."

"How astute. You truly are someone I regret not obtaining. They are waiting for you outside."

With a chuckle, the man took the paper, sliding it into his own pocket after folding it.

"I see."

With these words, Celia walked off.

However, stopping in her tracks, she let one last word of gratitude reach the ears of the two.

"I had thought both of you were rotten to the core... but I'm glad that both of you proved me wrong. I think that because of this experience, I might just be able to relate to anyone. So sincerely."

Walking off, the girl seemed to have reached total peace of mind.

"Thank you."


"What the hell is wrong with her? She... she pisses me off. What is good about anything in her situation!? We should be villains in her eyes! Even you, Master..."

"Heh... that is something you can't see, Jessica."

"Something... I can't see? Don't tell me that you can understand her?"

"No. That is not something I could understand."

As Evan said these words, Jessica seemed to be visually relieved as she let out a sigh.

"Of course... she's nuts after all."

"It is in her own insanity that she might be able to succeed in things that even I myself would fail at.", he whispered.

"Either way, she was destined to lose this match. She was stupid enough to come into a gamble that was obviously rigged, and accepted so easily. And then she just gave up in the end.", Jessica chuckled. "So she can't have been all that much."

However, as she smirked with a sly expression, the words which the man spoke next halted the girl's celebration.

"But you yourself were concerned for her life - were you not?"

"I... that..."

"After all, you asked me to place the bullet in the sixth chamber. If you cared not about her life, you could have asked me to put it in the second chamber, or in a random one that was even."

"I... I just happened to pick that one!"

"If she continued to fire, she would have eventually learned that the sixth bullet was the correct one and been able to forfeit. You guaranteed that situation from the start. That was your mercy towards her - and your own guilt."

"That isn't..."

Clearly frustrated, the girl stopped herself from saying any more.

"But you... you don't usually cheat like this. Why did you go along with my proposal?"

As Jessica looked to Evan with a questioning expression, the man raised an eyebrow.

"Is it so wrong to care for my subordinates and give them an advantage?"

"I... guess not."

Standing up, the woman walked off.

"I guess I have to get back to work."

"Indeed you do. You should be quite happy. With this, you've gained quite a bit. Half the cash is yours, as promised."

"Thank you, Master."

Walking out of the room, Jessica took her leave as she left the man alone.

Glancing onto the table, the man took a look at the revolver as his expression became emotionless.

"But Jessica... you clearly understand nothing about me."

Picking up the weapon, he inspected it with scrutiny.

"For I play by the RULES."

Gazing upon the weapon, the man thinned his eyes without a shred of concern.

"I will always ensure that everything is fair... no matter which parties are involved."

Closing his eyes, the man aimed at the table as he shot once.


Then again.


"And if you believe that everything is tilted in your favor... then even a fair match will be at your complete disadvantage."