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Chapter Number 157 - Nothing

"The atmosphere... the employees... the reception... it's different."

A man walked through the lower floor of an office building, garnering the glances from numerous workers.

His hair was styled in an attractive manner that garnered glances from women, two of which were clung to his left and right.

Jealousy of these two seemed to spread throughout that Office, making its way into the hearts of every woman he passed.

For merely witnessing this man was enough to instigate such emotions within them.

His eyes darted around the room, and as if the glances he shot were bullets, the women which he made eye contact with seemed to fall weak just upon meeting his gaze.

"It looks like a typical corporate office. Everything about it screams that it's just a standard business. But... there's a difference."

Coming to an elevator, the man reached out to press the button, at which both of the women raced forward to do so for him, one hitting it before the other.

"Hehe... I got it first."

"Mmm... no fair... Donovan... are you going to let her outdo me like this?"

"I got it before you! If you're going to complain to him, then just work harder for his sake."

"Alright, enough of that, ladies. We're in public. I need you both to be quiet while I meet with the CEO. Understood?"


While the two women seemed to playfully argue with one another, the playboy silenced them with a smile, garnering the irritated glances of numerous men working throughout the office.

'Who is that guy?'

'A guest of the CEO? What business could he have with someone like that?'

'I thought he didn't deal with those kinds of people.'


The elevator opened after a short wait, at which the prettyboy stopped before stepping inside.

"Actually, you two go ahead of me. Wait for me on the top floor. I have some business to take care of."


"So unfair... alright..."

At the orders of this man, the two boarded the elevator as the doors closed - at which the man turned around immediately, his smile vanishing.

"You... you... and you. Stand up, if you will."

Picking out three particularly disgruntled office workers, the man ordered people around in this company which was not his own.

The men merely looked at him with surprise, confused and disturbed at the strange actions of the man.

"Excuse me?"


"Do you need something from us?"

Reluctantly standing, the three men approached the man known as Donovan, whose thinned eyes fell upon them.

"You three were thinking some strangely nasty things about me, weren't you?"

As the man spoke these words, the entire office floor went silent.

Men and women alike could do nothing more than stare with shock - the three who had been picked out included.

"Sir, I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.", one man responded.

"I'd like not to cause a scene, so if I could return to my duties-"

"Ah, ah... little weasels. Men without any balls who want to avoid any conflict. Heh... well, I guess that's obvious. You'll lose your job if you say anything back to me. You certainly wouldn't want to treat a guest badly. Such is this corporate world."

The statements of the man clearly irked the three, veins forming on their foreheads, however they all desperately held themselves back from making any comments.

"Sir... if that is all, would you please allow us to return? I believe the CEO is waiting on you if you have a meeting with him, so-"

"He isn't expecting anyone. I came here because I decided I'm going to meet with him. But even if that weren't the case... he could wait all day long for me and it wouldn't matter. You."

Pointing to one of the secretaries at her desk, a woman stood up as she responded to the call of the strange man.

"Y-yes?", she stuttered, making her way forward.

"You work in human resources, correct? I'd like these three to be reported for... let's go with sexual harassment."


"Excuse me!?"

"Who do you think you are!? Coming in here and making such ridiculous statements..."

As the man said this, the three became indignant.

"Hm? Ah... are you denying my claim? Well... I guess it's natural. Nobody would openly admit to something like that. Very well. I suppose I'll leave it to you to investigate such a thing."

With the wave of his hand, the man winked at the secretary, whose heart fluttered as her eyes met with her.

Walking off, the man pressed the button to the elevator as he once more began his wait.

"I'll certainly have an investigation performed.", the woman stated, at which numerous eyes fell upon the three in particular.

"Hey... could it be true?"

"Those three... I always thought there was something off about them..."

"Who could they be harassing?"


As the elevator doors opened, whispering began to spread around the office, at which the three men shouted out in protest.

"HEY!!! How can you make such baseless accusations and just leave like that!? This is ridiculous!"

"We aren't doing such things! You can investigate all you want! You won't find anything!"

"That's... that's right..."

While two of the men shouted out in rage, one seemed to shy away from the accusations, looking away with guilt.

"Is that so? I think you'll regret making such statements out loud. But hey... I'm just a guest here. So it's not particularly any of my business."

Stepping inside the elevator, the man folded his hands behind his back as he glanced out towards the three men.

And as the doors of the elevator began to shut, his expression suddenly changed.

And mouthing some words, the three saw it just as the doors had closed.

'Don't become my enemy.'

The doors closed, and the men were left surrounded by suspicious glares, at which the vehement denial of such accusations began.

And as for the man who rode in the elevator, he ascended in peace - a smile on his face.

"Now then... it's time to take care of MY business."


'What are these two doing in my office?'

Alfonso was at a loss.

He had been working in his office as usual when the door suddenly opened, at which two young women entered the room.

These two women in particular were clearly not his own employees. Not only did Alfonso know the faces and names of each person he had hired, but just a glance at their outfits was enough for him to deduce that they didn't belong in an office.

"Ahem... do you two... need something from me?"

The two had merely taken their positions at either side of the door, standing at attention as they waited, so Alfonso took the liberty to speak first.

"No. We don't need anything from you. Please be patient and wait for Donovan to arrive. He will be with you shortly."

The strange response from one of the women was enough to steal any words in response from Alfonso.

They acted as if Alfonso himself had been the one to enter someone else's office, and even told him to wait before attending his appointment.

Did he have an appointment scheduled for today? And with someone who would keep these two as accessories, at that?

Alfonso had never exactly been tight on his own security. Of course, he had basic security for the building, but he didn't hire any bodyguards or prevent people from coming up to his office.

He wanted his employees to be able to console him for any issues, so anyone was allowed to come up as needed so long as he wasn't in a meeting.

"Er... Donovan.... forgive my lack of remembrance, but I don't recall having any meetings scheduled with such a person. Which company is this person with? And what is this in regards to?"

Alfonso ensured to keep an apologetic tone, however his words clearly seemed to irk both of the women.

"Hah? Do you even have a brain in that bald head of yours? Donovan. The Donovan Stirling. The Young Master of the Stirling Family."

Perhaps Alfonso should have been shaken at having been insulted in his own office, but such a thing was trivial. The more important thing was this person they spoke of.

"I'm sorry? Are they some sort of business owners? I've never heard of them. What do they deal in?"

"Ah. I see. He's one of those."

"Yep. One of those."

Looking at one another, the girls seemed to nod as they came to some sort of conclusion about Alfonso.

"Excuse me, but I really am having a hard time following what you're saying."

"Ugh... so annoying. Alright, listen. Since you clearly have no idea about anything. You know about the mafia, right?"

As soon as the woman said this word, Alfonso straightened up.

"The mafia?"

Placing his hand to his chin in thought, the man immediately racked his mind, trying to find out why such people would be interested in him.

"Why... why would the mafia have any interest in me? I've never had any dealings with them before. Are you sure that you're at the correct place?"

"Enough. Those are questions for Donovan. Please be patient and wait for him to arrive."

With this statement, both of the girls crossed their arms, closing up to Alfonso as a line was drawn between them.

The man was left to sit and wonder just why a group of the underworld was showing itself in front of him - however he knew one thing for certain.

This wouldn't end well.


The door opened without a knock, and into the room strode a man.

He carried himself with confidence, slicking back his hair as he approached the desk of Alfonso, quickly taking a seat as he rested one leg on top of the other.

Without so much as asking or waiting for permission, the man made himself comfortable - at which Alfonso couldn't so much as object to such behavior.

Who was this man?

Why was he here?

Just what did he want?

"I'm sure you're very confused right now. You've run a good business here, Mr. Touchette. Almost too good, compared to other businesses."

Leaning forward, the man known as Donovan took hold of an award on Alfonso's desk.

Gazing upon the award, Donovan grinned as he spoke.

"You pay your employees well, you take care of your customers, and despite cutting into your own profits, you're willing to sacrifice if it means doing quality work. There aren't many business owners like you left in this world... as a matter of fact, there aren't any."

Placing the award back on the desk where it belonged, the man's eyes slithered upwards as they met with Alfonso.

"Do you know why that is?"

"Because the other company owners don't know the definition of integrity."

With a gruff tone, Alfonso had ceased playing around.

"Why have you come here, gang lord? Surely not to air your thoughts about how inefficient my business is."

At this, Donovan laughed.

"Haha... straight to the point. I suppose you'd have to be that way, given your position. Listen carefully. The reason why businesses like yours don't survive is because the other ones have an advantage over you. And sometimes advantages come at a price. A price which they were willing to pay to us."

"So you want me to pay that price to you as well?"

Waving the man off, Alfonso wasn't having any of this.

If this man had come to strike him an offer, he would have no part in any criminal organization.

"If that's all you've come for, then I'm going to ask you to leave."

"You don't exactly seem to understand your position here, Alfonso."

While he spoke in a casual tone, glancing around the room as he failed to even make eye contact, the man nonchalantly called Alfonso by his name.

"I may be young, but I've seen many businesses rise and fall. And do you know what all the ones that fell have in common?"

Suddenly, the man's eyes darted towards Alfonso as he smugly grinned.

"They all refused my offers."

"I have no intention of accepting any offer you have to make, but what is this offer of yours?"

Standing firm, Alfonso didn't shrug back even while faced with the man's threats.

Even so, he couldn't well reject an offer before even hearing it.

He would listen, then promptly reject it - as was good business practice.

"Haha... well that certainly is an interesting quirk of yours. Or perhaps you still haven't decided whether you'll accept? Well, listen closely."

Reaching into his pocket, the man took out a piece of paper and a pen, placing it in front of Alfonso.

"I want you to transfer all rights of this company to me."

At this statement, Alfonso found himself at a loss.

"I'm sorry?"

"You heard what I said. Sign there."

Pointing to the contract as if it had already been decided, Donovan spoke to the man in a manner which he could never possibly understand.

"Why on earth... what are you even offering in exchange?"


With this single word, the man pointed once more to the contract, this time with force.

And at that instant, staring into the man's eyes, Alfonso understood.

This man was being completely serious.

Gritting his teeth, the man picked up the contract.

"Now why would I sign something like that?"

And with these words, the man tore the paper in two.

"Get out of my office."

Standing up now, Alfonso was through with these people.

"You have the gall to enter my company, to come to my office, to offer me nothing as some sort of threat and force me to hand over my business without a second thought? GET OUT!!!"

As Alfonso shouted, the man stood up, dusting himself off as his eyes thinned.

"I see. Then... you're refusing my offer?"

"Of course I'm refusing your damn offer! Now get the hell out of my office before I call the police!"

With a strange calmness, the man placed his hands in his pockets as he turned around to head off.

"I see. I understand."

Heading towards the door, the two women opened it for him as the mafioso walked through, followed by the two as they left.

"But understand this, Alfonso."

However, just before the door was shut, the man spoke his final words.

"There is nothing worth more in this world... than nothing."

Standing in the corridor as he spoke, the man uttered his last statement.

"When I made you an offer for nothing.... I was making a promise that NOTHING would happen to you."

And just as the door was shut, Alfonso heard his final words through the door.

"Unfortunately, you're going to be getting something. And it's going to be more than you bargained for."


That afternoon, Alfonso had been sitting in his office once more, considering the results of the strange meeting.

'Did I make the right decision?'

He was uncertain.

'I know for fact that I shouldn't get involved with such people... but they seem to have already set me as a target. Therefore even if I reject them, it looks like I'm already well involved.'

But even so, Alfonso knew that he couldn't subject his employees to any danger.

The fact of the matter was that this was a legitimate business, and that he would have no part in any criminal affairs.

'If there was one thing I would be concerned about, it would be if that man tries to do anything to my employees...'

If he attacked Alfonso directly, that was one thing - but he didn't seem to be the type to do something like that.

Rather, he seemed to be the type of person who would find the exact thing that would irritate his opponent the most.

In the case of Alfonso, harming personal profits wouldn't make much of a difference to him. Harming his employees, on the other hand...

"Excuse me, may I come in Sir?"

Turning his head up to the door, Alfonso took the opportunity to temporarily forget about the events earlier.

"Please do."

Entering the office was one of the HR ladies, and she walked up as she stood before his desk, a clipboard in hand.

"Sir. I've come because I'd like to report some... disturbing incidents."

As soon as the woman made this statement, the relaxed expression of Alfonso became serious once more.

'Does it have to do with that man?'

"Sir... earlier we discovered that there was a possibility of sexual harassment occurring within our office. After investigating the possibility, three women came forward and confirmed the suspicions that we had towards three men in particular."

As the woman said this, the expression of Alfonso turned from sternness to surprise to disappointment.


Holding himself back as he was careful with his words, the man clenched his fist at hearing such things.

"So you're telling me that three women have made accusations, and all that is left is to confirm them. Correct?"

"That is correct, Sir. Incidentally, the three women would like to remain anonymous."

Taking a deep breath, the man tried to calm himself.

"How disappointing."

"Sir, it hasn't been confirmed whether the accusations are true. They could still be innocent-"

"Would that matter either way?"

Glancing up to the woman, the man's eyes drooped, darkness creeping into them.

"It doesn't matter whether they are guilty or innocent. The fact that the accusations have been made means that three people within my company have performed unacceptable behavior, whether it is the three accusers or the three accused."

Holding his hand to his forehead as if he had a migraine, the man began to think to himself.

"Of course, we will need to find the truth. It merely... saddens me."

"Sir? Are you... alright?"

The woman reached out, however the man let out a sigh as she tried to show concern.

"It saddens me that my company isn't free from these types of incidents. I thought that perhaps I had built something great, that I had raised up a group of people based on trust and morality... but perhaps that wasn't the case."

Looking up to the woman, the man shot her eyes filled with doubt.

"Do you believe that there is anything more to this place than what could be found in the other corporations?"

"Sir, with all the respect, I believe that this place is far more free of such incidents. While such things are completely unacceptable, I believe that this place has a much higher standard than most other places."

"Do you really believe that, or are you just saying that?"

"Sir. I believe it with my entire being. You seem a bit depressed. Perhaps you should go on a vacation."

Looking out the window, the man's eyes fell upon the skyline in front of him.

"A vacation... perhaps..."

Standing up, the man immediately sprung to his feet.

'That's it. A vacation. If he plans on doing something to me, I need to take it away from the office.'

With this, the company was informed for the first time in years that the President would be going on a vacation.


A week passed.

Alfonso had gone on vacation, but before doing so he had ordered that the three men who were accused be transferred to work from home temporarily while they were under investigation.

"If the accusations are true, then those men need to be fired. If the accusations are false, then the women who accused those men need to be fired. That's all there is to it."

Alfonso wouldn't have such indidents recurring in his company.

He needed to ensure that such a precedent wasn't followed, which was why getting down to the truth was critical.

If someone made an accusation and got away with it, it would only encourage them to make more accusations. If, on the other hand, someone who was legitimately harassing others got away with it, it would encourage them to further harass.

'We have to get the right answer. Without a shadow of a doubt.'

In the end, little to no evidence was found, but it wasn't exactly something that could be so easily proven or disproven. For this reason, the three men prepared to transition to work from home for an extended time while the investigation occurred.

However on the day that Alfonso returned, that changed.

"Sir. We've found compelling evidence. Without doubt, these men are guilty. They've been caught on camera."

"They're fired."


Not even asking to see the evidence, Alfonso immediately made this decision.

Was it rash for him to make such a decision?

Absolutely not.

The HR representative wouldn't have come to him declaring that she had compelling evidence if it didn't actually exist. There was no further thought to be had.

"Now then... I suppose I need to catch up on my work. Please have everyone send their reports over the last week to me."

"Of course, Sir."

During his week on vacation, nothing had happened.

Alfonso had broadcasted everything down to the very location of his stay, so it wouldn't have been difficult to find him. He had given that mafioso every opportunity to ambush him or do whatever he pleased, but in the end nothing happened.

'I suppose I was being paranoid after all.'

"Sir, we had a few interviews and hired a new batch of employees. Would you like to meet them?"

On hearing this news, the man beamed with an excited smile, almost making the balding man look youthful.

"Certainly. Please send them up."


Having confirmed this, the HR lady headed off, and Alfonso poured his coffee as he prepared for the day.

"Well... maybe things aren't so bad. You have to pull out the weeds every once in a while if you want the lawn to flourish."