WebNovelNumber 784.66%

Chapter Number 160 - Fraud

"I can't do it! I can't live like this!!!!"

In an alleyway, wearing torn rags and covered in dirt, Melissa sat with bruises covering her body.

One of her eyes was black, and tears formed in her eyes. Blood dripped from her nose, and everything around her was hazy.

"I.... I can't live like a street rat!"

She cried out, sniffling like a child as she rejected her situation.

At that moment, Melissa came to a decision.

However, just how was Melissa brought to this point?

It all began on that fateful night, when she made her declaration to nobody in particular - that she would figure everything out on her own.


"You're only 15 years old!?"

"Have you ever heard of child labor laws!?"

"I certainly can't hire someone like you, not even under the table."

"Business experience!? Don't make me laugh. Even if you had such a thing, that would be beyond illegal. Your former employer should be ashamed of themselves."

First, she had tried to enter the corporate world - however this had not a single shred of success.

Even if she managed to get in for an interview, nobody would take her seriously upon finding out her age - which wasn't exactly something she could hide. They could look it up with a simple background check, so lying wasn't exactly an option.

After having been thrashed for the second time in a row, first by the former employees of her father and now by potential corporate employers, Melissa was beginning to lose all hope.

'I guess I have to start a business on my own... but how...'

How would one start a business without any capital?

She may have only been a child, but she had been mentored in the ways of running a business for years. Surely she would be able to come up with something.






Maybe not?

Probably not.

Definitely not.

Absolutely not.

Surely not.

Why couldn't she think of anything?

A hundred - no - a thousand ideas popped into her head.

One after another the girl continued to eliminate each as soon as she thought of it, with a single condition destroying anything she thought of.

'Nope. I need money for that.'

'Not that one either.'

'That one too...'

'That one as well...'

Was there any business in this world that she could start without any money?

Was her own labor and ability to do work not enough? Wasn't there any service in the world that she wouldn't have to provide any initial investment to perform?


As if a lightbulb went off in her head, the girl sprung upon a sudden idea.

'How could I have not thought of it before? That's right! Of course!'

With a grin on her face, the girl stepped forward, ready to move again.

'If making money costs money... then there's only one option for someone who has nothing.'

And with a smile, she took the first steps towards her own doom.

'I just have to take out a loan.'


"Hah!? You're only 15! I can't give you a loan!"

"Are you insane!? You don't even have a credit score!"

"I don't care who your father was."

"If you're so desperate, there are certainly other lenders who would care for your type. We don't give out charity here. Giving out a loan is a big risk, and to a high school girl... there's no bank in the world with profit in mind that would take such a leap."

Just how many times now had Melissa suffered rejection after rejection?

It seemed like this world was truly bent against her.

'How the hell am I supposed to do anything without money!? I can't get a job, I can't take out a loan, I can't even eat!'

While sitting in the back alley after having been rejected from yet another loan, the girl's legs gave out.

'What... am I supposed to do?'

The grumbling sound of her stomach filled her ears, at which the girl looked down with a saddened expression.

She had been able to drink water from some of the public fountains - which were almost certainly filled with all sorts of horrifying diseases - but that wouldn't help her current predicament.

Should she beg?

Should she go door to door, trying to find someone generous enough to give her a meal?

No. That would only get her arrested.

If she did that in a poor sector, nobody would be willing to give anything to her. Even if they were willing, they wouldn't have anything to spare.

If she were to try such a thing in the rich sector, she would be seen as a suspicious person and the police would almost certainly be called.

'Begging isn't an option. It's too risky, even if I were to humble myself.'

So what were her options?

'AH! That's it! That's it!'

Suddenly, an idea came to the girl.

Jumping up with excitement, the girl looked around her as a smile came across her face.

'That's a way to make money without any initial investment! But... I'll have to find some customers.'

The girl carried a bag on her back - she had lightly packed all of the basic necessities that she needed and carried them on her at all times.

Whipping out her phone, which she had been charging using public outlets, the girl immediately began to type a blog post.


"Mmm... it's difficult. I have to go deeper into the City for this to work."

Delivery service.

Whether it was running a package or picking up food, the girl would be able to make some money on her own without needing to invest in anything here and now.

However, there was one vital flaw in this - her lack of a vehicle.

She didn't even have a bicycle, so she would have to walk from one place to another. Naturally, this meant that her customers had to be within close quarters of one another.

Because of this, the inner city was her only option.

If the buildings were all jammed into one area, she wouldn't have to walk all day to perform a delivery. She would advertise online that her services were only short distance, and within a limited operating area.

Thus - with the tap of her fingers, an advertisement was posted online and a website was formed.

And soon enough, an order flowed in.

"I need to have something delivered from 719 Weevil Blvd to 210 Grate Street. What is your rate?"

Opening her phone to see this message, the girl smiled.

But now came another question - how much should she charge?

This was difficult.

She couldn't just answer with something insanely high, but the fact that she was delivering on foot meant that it would take more time and effort for her to perform a delivery than an opponent - meaning that she was at a significant disadvantage.

"It really is difficult having no capital to invest in anything...", she murmured.

However, she would never make anything by charging high.

"1 Sin Per Mile and a service fee. For this order it would be 3 Sin plus a service fee of 3 Sin for a total of 6 Sin."

This was the maximum she could charge for something like this. After all, anyone with a car could drive a few miles for almost nothing, with gas and maintenance costs aside.

"Understood. When can you come by to pick up the order?"

"I can be there in 10 minutes."

With this short interaction, the girl began her trek.

It was harsh work, and for little pay.

However, it would earn her some money to get by.

Little by little she would save up, and then she would purchase a bike.

She would be able to increase her range and thus her profits, and with more earnings would come more improvements.

She would gain reputation among clients and get more jobs, and she would continue to improve her turnaround.

However, one fatal issue remained.

'I don't have a place to sleep.'

At the end of the day, she was the equivalent of homeless.

She couldn't rent a hotel or anything like that. The expense would be far more than she could possibly earn right now.

'Do I... really have to sleep... on the streets?'

The idea terrified her.

However, right now, the girl decided to ignore such a fear.

She had a job to do.

She could worry about what to do after she had earned some money.


"A young girl? I certainly didn't expect that, but I suppose it doesn't matter for something like this. Here's the package. You can have it delivered today, yes?"

"Of course, Sir! Please leave it to me!"

With a smile that disgusted her to even put on, the girl cheerfully spoke to the man who would be paying her as if he were her boss.

'I hate this.'

"Is that so? Well then, get to it. I have a number of meetings today, so if you'll excuse me. Ah, incidentally, I won't be paying until I've received confirmation that the package has been received. Is that acceptable?"

"Of course, I understand. Please don't worry. I'll have it done as quickly as possible."

Having left payment information with the man, the girl headed off with the package in hand.

'I can't stand... sucking up to someone.'

And the moment she left that building, the girl stormed forward with a rotten expression.


'Ugh... it's so damn far... only 3 miles, but 3 whole damn miles!! And for what!? 6 Sin!? Is this shit even worth it!? I won't even be able to eat a meal with this! Ah... well, I guess if I got something from one of those poverty ridden burger joints... am I... really going to lower myself to that level?'

It didn't take long for the spoiled rich girl attitude to take over.

Even after having resolved herself, Melissa was someone who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

She had never gone a day where she questioned whether dinner would be on the table. The only question was whether it would be steak or lobster.

'Is that shit even fit for eating? Am I going to get some sort of horrible disease just from touching it? Much less consuming it... ah... ah...'

As she walked, worry slowly crept up on her.

'And am I really going to spend everything I earned after all this... on that garbage? How will I even save anything like that?'

No matter how she tried to distract herself, the wretched thoughts continued to bombard her mind.

'My feet are tired... I'm sweating... my lungs ache... my arms hurt from carrying this package... my back feels like it's about to collapse from carrying this bag...'

It was torture.

What may have been simple labor, to a girl of this upbringing, was nothing less than torture.

'I can't do this.'

And as she thought these things, the girl failed to realize just where she was.

"Well would you look at that."

Suddenly, a man appeared in front of her.

He was a thin man, though his complexion was pale and his teeth rotten, and he wore a wretched smile that spoke of his intentions.

"Here I am, wondering just how I'm going to get my next meal... and you appear right in front of me with a gift."


Realizing her situation, the girl immediately turned around to run.

'I have to get out of here.'

However as soon as she turned around, she was cut off by three other men.

"That won't do. Hand it over. And leave the bag and all your other belongings while you're at it. Damn Street Rats have been trying to take over every corner of this City recently, and we can't be losing to such filth. Consider this a toll of passage. At least we won't rape you like those savages."

While one man said this, the others seemed to chuckle at his words.

"Ehh... we won't?"

"Ah... what a waste."

"Well, her face is only average anyways. I guess it doesn't really matter."


Run. Run. Run.

Every instinct within her told her to run as fast as she could, as far as she could, wherever she could.

Anywhere but here.

However - she was blocked.

Surrounded on all sides, the girl could do nothing more than freeze in fear, tears forming in her eyes as her breathing hastened.

'Why did this... have to happen?'

'I was just trying to work... wasn't I?'

'I was just trying to make money... legitimately... so why...'

'Why can't I even do that?'

At that instant, the girl recalled the words of her employer.

"I won't be paying until I've received confirmation that the package has been received."

Had he known?

Had that man understood the dangers of the area he was sending the package to - and still sent her to such a place?

Anger and frustration pent up within the girl.

"I... I won't give it to you."

At that moment, the girl heaved the package, throwing it at the head of one of the men.


The man fell over as the others looked to the girl with shock, at which she bolted in the direction of the one who had fallen.

"I won't give my things to you! You can have the damn package though!"

Rushing towards the gap in the defenses, the girl darted forth, escaping the encirclement in that moment of chaos.

Or so she thought - however as soon as she did so, she felt a hand wrap around her leg.

"Not very nice, girl."


The girl screeched out, looking down as she was jolted back - unable to run off anymore.

For the man who she had attacked now held her within an inescapable grip.

"Take everything she has."


On that day, Melissa lost everything.

Her belongings.

Her clothes.

Her virginity.

Her dignity.

Her soul.

Her will to live a day longer on this forsaken planet.

She was taken away to a shack, beaten and raped, horribly abused while the men took their turns having their fun with her.

She screamed over and over, but eventually she realized that her screams held no value.

Nobody would come to save her.

She had never lived in a world of heroes. There would never be a knight coming to save her.

After all - it was her own reckless actions that had led her into this very position.

"I can't do it! I can't live like this!!!!"

And so, Melissa found herself clothed in rags, an eye blackened from abuse and dirt covering her as she sat in the mud of that back alley.

"I.... I can't live like a street rat!"

She was bloodied from the wounds, and tears dripped down her face. Everything in this world was hazy to her, and darkness seemed to encroach her as she cried.

"Why.... was I even born?"

Looking at her own two hands, the girl squealed these words - desperately making a plea.

A plea for someone to give her a reason to continue living.

Looking around her, the girl spotted a nearby dumpster.

Slowly standing, the girl hobbled over to it, her eyes becoming all the more filled with madness as her breathing heightened.

'That's right... why WAS I born?'

Making her way to the dumpster, the girl reached the lid, at which she spotted it.

a wooden plank - broken in half with numerous sharp points sticking out.

Taking hold of it, the girl held it to her neck, at the point of hyperventilating.

'There's no more reason for me to live.'

"So reckless. Enough of the drama. This is the real world. But you want the old world to return, don't you?"

Yet in that instant, from around the corner, a chilling voice filled her mind.

Stopping in her tracks, the eyes of the girl widened as they focused on that corner - the sharpened beam still pressed to her throat.

"I suppose I can give you a loan... if you're so desperate."

She knew that voice.

It was a voice which she could never have forgotten - one which filled her with terror as she realized that the very man who had taken everything from her was its owner.

"1 Million Sin. 1 year to pay it back. No interest. These are my conditions. Do you want it?"

And as he made this offer, the man entered her sight - his appearance as dazzling as ever even while he stood in that back alley where no decent person would reside.

This man was Donovan Stirling.

The Young Master of the Street Rats - the Leader of the first branch - and the overseer of FRAUD.


'A million Sin.'

'An entire year to pay it back.'

'No interest.'

She was no longer held back by restrictions.

She had both time and money - the two most important factors in any business.

'All I need to do is make back anything that I spend.'

'I can take my time, do things right, set up a business, and watch the money flow in.'

'There's no need to rush.'

'There's no need to be stingy.'

'Therefore... isn't it best if I make a few purchases to ensure that everything in my life is settled for now?'


'I need to buy a home.'

'I need a place to live.'

'I still have a million Sin, after all.'

'I'll buy one in cash.'

'A small one, or an expensive one?'

'Why would I waste my time buying a small one?'

'I do have a million Sin, after all.'

'And I have an entire year to pay it back.'

'I'd better buy the big one in the nice part of town.'

'A car?'

'I suppose I should get a sporty one. One that can drive fast and get me places quicker.'

'I do have a million Sin, after all.'

'The upgrades?'

'All of them, of course!'

'I do have a million Sin, after all.'

'And an entire year to pay it back.'


'Personal servants?'

'A chef? A butler? A maid? A doorman? A bodyguard?'

'You're all hired!'

'I DO have a million Sin, after all.'

'A party?'

'Fill the venue! Invite anyone of high status!'

'If they're famous enough to attend, bring them in.'

'I do have a million Sin, after all.'

'And an ENTIRE year to pay it back.'

'You want to borrow some money?'

'You need it for your sick daughter?'

'For your brother in Forgestaria?'

'For your elderly uncle?'

'Don't worry about it! Just pay it back at some point.'

'I do have an entire year to pay it back, after all.'


'That's... strange.'

'I had a million Sin, didn't I?'

'Where did it all go?'



'It was a MILLION Sin.'

'How could I have spent it all already?'

'There's no way that could have happened.'

'It was a million Sin, after all.'

'Well... I do have an entire year to pay it back.'


'An entire year...'

'I DO have that, right?'

'A month?'

'How... could I only have a month?'

'It was... an entire year...'

'And... why hasn't anyone else paid me back?'

'I did... lend it to them... after all...'



On one particular day, Melissa found herself awoken by the sound of a voice - the voice of a man who had entered her home without warning nor invitation.

It was the voice of a man she knew well, and at that time on that particular day, this voice was the last one that she possibly wanted to hear.

For this was the day one year after the loan had been taken out.

'I... can't pay it back.'

'I lost it all... I spend it on so many things... I never even tried to make any money with it... and I wasted an entire year doing NOTHING.'

On that particular day, as she scrambled to get up from her bed, Melissa shivered with horror as she realized her predicament all too late.

For over the past year, she had been intoxicated by the luxuries of the world, unable to stop living such a glamorous lifestyle for even a moment.

Like a drug, she had become addicted to being served good food and praised without reserve - however she now realized that such praise was nothing more than a tool to squeeze more money out of her.

'I... am an absolute idiot.'

'The worst type of scum... filth that shouldn't even exist on this planet.'

"There you are. I see that this house is quite nice. If you've made enough to purchase something like this, then surely you're prepared to pay me back - no?"

As the man stood in the doorframe, he rested his arm on the wall as he grinned towards Melissa.

However she understood well the meaning of such a grin.

For this man was not oblivious to her situation.

Surely - he knew.

He understood that she had lost everything, spending it recklessly on things that she had no true need for.

And now, the time had come to pay for such things.

"What... are you going to do with me?"