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Chapter Number 173 - Derangement

[Attempt Number 9]

'I'll kill him.'

'I'll kill him right now.'

'I'll kill him.'

'I'll kill him.'

'I'll kill him.'

To a man who has failed once, such a failure is disappointing.

The first failure comes as a surprise. It shocks the man, leaving him to wonder.

Where did I go wrong?

What did I do wrong?

Was this my fault?

Was this someone else's fault?

The first failure leaves a man wondering why it occurred - but it opens the possibility for regret.

With the second failure, blame is placed.

Whether one places the blame upon themselves or on another, they will find a target for the failure.

However even so, once the target has been assigned, work can be done to improve one's approach.

Changes can be made. Methods can be adjusted. And this leads to the growth of a person.

Yet in order to improve, one must first understand that regardless of whose fault the failure is, that one cannot change the faults of another.

For there is nothing more pointless than to try and improve another person without first improving one's self.

Perhaps the failure of a man will attempt to change those around him. Perhaps he will continue to press forward, laying blame on anyone but himself - in order to justify doing nothing to change himself.

Yet at some point, the failure will come to this realization.

A person can only control their own actions - and some cannot even do that much.

After numerous failures, the failure may begin to do everything they can to avoid further failure - working at changing themselves, working to improve their own reception of such things, and working to succeed.

And sometimes, this is enough.

Sometimes this allows for success, and no further growth is deemed as necessary.

Yet what would happen to a person whose failure occurred with no end, with no solution in sight?

What would happen to a person who changed themselves time and time again, and encountered failure no matter who they became?

Such a person would fall into madness.

And what of a person whose failure seemed endless - only for success to be dangled right in front of their eyes - to be snatched away at the last moment?

Such a person would go beyond the realm of madness - and enter the realm of derangement.

'I'll kill him.'

Thus, Eclaire entered a state of derangement.


She marched down the hall, not a single shred of sanity in her eyes.

She ran into that room, bursting open the door as she laid eyes upon two men.

"Eclaire? What's gotten into you?"

"Sir, please stay back."

While Gerard spoke out with confusion at the rude entrance, Yakov immediately stepped in front of the man, his demeanor shifting from one of a servant to one of a bodyguard faced with an enemy.

"Get out of my way, Yakov."

"And why would I do that?"

"So I can kill him."

Running forward, Eclaire ignored all else as she pulled a knife, rushing at the man who was the cause of her agony.

"Get out of my way!!!"

However even as she rushed at the overweight man, tears in her eyes, she was blocked as the knife was caught in between the fingers of the older gentleman.

"I cannot do that, Eclaire. After all..."

And in the next instant, the knife was turned around, shoved straight into her chest.

"If I were to do that, then this knife would be in someone else's chest right now."

Blood sprayed, and the woman shrieked as she fell to the ground in a pile of her own blood, her eyes becoming dull as she died once again.

Just how many times had it been?

Just how many more times would it be?

[Disappointing, Eclaire. To think that you'd allow your emotions to get the best of you at this point... this is why you keep on failing.]

This voice was the last thing she heard before everything went black once more.


[Attempt Number 10]


With a pained expression, the woman awoke once more from her slumber.

'I don't even know how many times... ah. One... two... three... four... oh!'

Suddenly, an idea sprung into the mind of Eclaire as she reached for her knife with a smile.

'How simple... why didn't I think of it?'

Pulling the knife out, the girl held out her palm, at which she carved four marks into the palm.


The blood dripped, and the girl immediately looked around for something to bandage her wounded hand with.

'Four plus the marks on the wall... for now I can keep track like this.'

Slowly, her sanity returned.

Yet as her sanity returned to her, so too did her emotions leave.

'Ah.... that was pointless.'

Letting out a deep sigh, the woman's eyes became cold as she sat down in one of the conference chairs.

'Is there even anything I can do?'

'If Bradley and Yakov fight, both of them will die.'

'There's no way I could even hope to interfere in such a fight. I would just kill myself doing so.'

'If Bradley and Yakov kill each other, Gerard will lose his mind at losing Yakov. And that will result in...'

Taking another deep breath, the woman glanced around the room.

'I guess that isn't guaranteed. What if I don't get him drunk?'

She didn't know how she would convince Gerard not to drink, but what if he were to remain sober?

'Should I really be willing to sacrifice that red haired man though? In order to get rid of Yakov? Well... I guess it can be written off as a necessary sacrifice... but will his companions really be able to accept that? If they learn of my ability and find out that I didn't do what I could to save him...'

The fact of the matter was that Eclaire had promised Marcus and the others with her cooperation.

However this agreement had occured in a lost world, so Eclaire would need to prove to the invading group that she was an ally who had assisted them.

'Can I really do that if one of their members dies? No... I guess I can still do that, so long as I don't reveal my ability and take care of Gerard.'

Shaking it off, Eclaire determined that the red haired man was an acceptable sacrifice for her goal.

'If I don't allow Gerard to get drunk, then Yakov and Bradley will kill each other. That much, I know. If I can get to that situation without any issues, then I can figure things out from there.'

She didn't know exactly what her plan would be from that point on, but without a doubt things would be simpler from there.

Marcus and his group were people that she could negotiate with if necessary, and Yakov was the primary issue. With him out of the picture, she could retry all she wanted to make things go right.

'Then it's decided.'

Standing up, Eclaire's eyes remained free of emotion as she glared forward with a deadly stare.

'I'll wait once more... and this time, I really will do nothing.'


She only had one goal in mind this time around.

To make sure that Gerard didn't get drunk.

While the task appeared to be simple at first, Gerard was a man who gave into his whims. If he wanted to drink, he would drink.

And her experiences thus far told her that he wanted to drink.

Based on her experiences using Retry, she could change the future based on how she conducted herself, but this was not omnipotent.

At the end of the day, Eclaire was human.

She could reach certain places, and others she couldn't.

She could convince certain people to do things, and others she couldn't.

She was granted as many tries as she needed, but there were some things that couldn't be achieved no matter how many times she tried - a lesson which had been seared into her over and over again.

'Everything happens for a reason. There are certain initial conditions which cannot be changed, and those initial conditions determine the future. The only condition which can be changed is my own knowledge and actions.'

Indeed - this world was deterministic.

Everything happens for a reason. Every person would be in the same position, in the same state at the beginning of her reset. And if Eclaire did nothing different, then nothing would be different.

She was the sole catalyst who could change the future.

'Oh... I think I have an idea.'

Nodding to herself, the woman made her way to that office.

She didn't have to kill him. She didn't have to do anything crazy.

She only had one goal - one which was achievable for a mere human.

Thus, her resolve was restored - and the woman made her way into that room.


"Eclaire, there you are. I was just getting thirsty. Why don't you pour me a drink?"

These were the first words that came out of Gerard's mouth as Eclaire entered the room.

'Some things never change.'

"A drink? Er..."

Fidgeting as she heard the order, Eclaire gazed nervously to the cabinet, then back to Gerard.

"Sir... I would do exactly that... however... I..."

"Hm? What's wrong, Eclaire? Are you disobeying me? Why are you acting so strangely? If you have something to say to me, then spit it out."

Fortunately, Gerard had taken the bait.

Rather than immediately ordering Eclaire to pour her a drink, her off demeanor had raised a flag in Gerard's mind, which the woman took advantage of.

"You see... I overheard something earlier. It was just a rumor, so I have no idea if it's true, and I'm sure that with Yakov here that such a thing is nothing more than a rumor... but..."

"Spit it out already."

Gerard seemed to be impatient - exactly as Eclaire had anticipated.

"I heard that someone was trying to poison you."

"Hah... so that was it. I see."

Nodding his head, the man seemed to understand immediately.

"You're right. It should be impossible. With you and Yakov here protecting me, anyone who is capable of moving freely shouldn't be able to do something like that."

"But in the one in a million chance that something did escape our eyes..."

"I understand. You're only speaking out of concern for my well being. Thank you for that, Eclaire. In that case... have some men come to test the wine before we drink it."

"Sir, even if we do that, what if it's a slow acting poison? How would we possibly know-"

"I see that you're particularly concerned, Eclaire. Do you perhaps know something that we don't?"

Speaking up now was Yakov, who thinned his eyes in suspicion as he put Eclaire on the spot.

"As I said, it was just a rumor... but the leader's life is more important to me than anything! If by any chance he were to die, I wouldn't be able to live with myself!"

"Hmm... I see. Well, if you're just being cautious, then I don't see any issue. Sir, what should we do?"

"Tch... and I wanted a drink so badly... hmm... Yakov, how long would a slow acting poison take to start affecting its host?"

"It would depend on the poison, but there would be signs between 15 minutes and an hour. By my recommendation, if someone consumes the drink and isn't showing any signs within an hour, there should be no issue."

"Then let's do that. Eclaire, fetch someone immediately. Preferably someone who isn't enthusiastic about my rule."

"Sir, should I get someone from the basement?"

As Gerard made his orders, Eclaire posed this question, which caused the man to sit back in his seat as he thought.

"Hmm... the basement, eh?"

He pondered the suggestion, a sour expression forming across his face.

"Those people aren't under my control, so it's difficult to let them out since I can't order them around. But if you can manage to convince them to consume some of the wine, then I see no issue. Don't let them out of their cages."

"Understood. Is there a particular brand that you'd like to have tested?"

As she made her way to the drink cabinet, Eclaire motioned across the selection like a hostess presenting a product.

"Hmm... let's go with that one."

And as Gerard pointed to one, she nodded as she took the bottle with a smile.

"Very well! I'll have someone drink this and be back with the results."

Thus, Eclaire set off on a new mission.

'I was successful. Now all I have to do is buy enough time for the fight to finish.'


After a quick detour, Eclaire made her way down to the basement once again.

This was her first time entering this place after her recent save, so she wasn't exactly enthusiastic about it, however at the end of the day this had to be done.

As per usual, she was met with the jeers and insults of the imprisoned, but she paid them no mind as she walked down the aisle with a smile, coming to the middle in order to speak to all with the maximum efficiency.

"Excuse me. Please be quiet."

With these words, the woman sent a shockwave through the basement hall as all those imprisoned were surprised at her dominating demeanor.

"I'm looking for a volunteer to test for poison. I am aware that this is a risk for whoever would like to perform the job, but I am also aware that none of you get much to eat or drink, and alcohol is something that you will never be allowed. Anyone who is willing to taste test this will be allowed a shot."

With these words, the woman made her preposition to the people of the basement - a declaration which was laced with a brutal honesty.

'You could die, but if you're willing to take that risk for a drink, then do so.'

This was effectively the statement that she made.

"Who would fall for something like that? You're probably just trying to kill all of us."

One particular man let out a 'pfft', blowing off Eclaire's offer without a second thought.

This man - a particular poacher with a cowboy hat - was not someone who would be so easily fooled.

"I'll take it! Me! Me! Have me do it!"

"No, me!! I'll do it! Please, have me do it!!!"

"Wait just a minute! Over here! Pick me!!!"

However, some people were not so suspicious.

After having been locked up for days, these people were dying just to drink water.

Alcohol? Such a thing was nothing more than a dream to them.

A dream worth dying for.

Even if it was as a poison tester, the desire to escape this world through the fantasies that alcohol brought on was a strong one, and one by one more people began to shout out.

"Don't listen to them! Use me!"

"No, me! Please, I'm begging you!"

"Over here!!!"


However just as the people became rowdy, Eclaire held up a single hand as she took control of the prison.

"I only need one tester. And I only have a single bottle, so I can't give you all a shot. After all, this is for the Leader."

Closing her eyes, the woman walked down the hall as the gazes of all the prisoners fell upon her.

"So many people, and only one to choose... what to do in such a situation?"

And then, with a devious grin, the woman opened her eyes.

"How about you all fight for it?"




The people were stunned at her declaration, at which the woman held up a hand once more.

"Ah, I don't mean a physical fight. I can't let anyone out of their cells, after all. I mean you all can battle in whatever way you decide. Verbally, of course. It has to be something you can do from different cells. Decide among yourselves. I'll wait until the victor has been determined."

With these words, the woman reclined on the wall behind her, watching and waiting for the people to begin the decision making process.

Chaos ensued.

People began shouting. It was such a craze that not a single person's voice could be made out in the banter.

And every single person but a few took part in this mess.

However there was one man in particular who didn't say a word, having no intention to attempt to obtain such a drink.

"What's your goal here? To rile everyone up and redirect their hatred from you? What game are you playing here, girl?"

It was Gus, who whispered to Eclaire as she reclined just meters from his cell.

"I'm just curious. I'm trying to ease my boredom a bit, if you will. Don't you want to know?"

"To know?"

The man raised an eyebrow at her words, however the woman laughed in response.

"How they'll decide. Or if they'll ever come to a conclusion in the first place."


Eventually - after a long period of chaos and shouting - they had decided upon rock paper scissors.

Using Eclaire as a referee, the prisoners faced off against one another in a 1v1 manner until everyone except one person was eliminated.

Because they were in cells, Eclaire would view the sign of one prisoner by walking up to that cell, then walk over to another cell to view the sign of the other.

One by one, each prisoner was eliminated until there was a single person remaining, and that man celebrated with hoots and hollers as he was surrounded by the grumbling of the others.

"Eclaire, if you ever need something like this again, please bring another drink down here!"


In this manner, Eclaire had managed to gain a foothold with the people in the basement - an unexpected development.

"I'll win next time, so please! If you ever need anything, come to me!"

"No, it'll be me!"

"Hahah! Sore losers! I'm gonna be celebrating today! Hehehe! A drink, a drink! I can't wait!"

The winner rubbed his hands together in delight, licking his lips in anticipation of the long awaited alcohol.

"Here you are. Drink up. Don't blame me if it's poisoned."

With this, Eclaire placed the drink inside the cell of the man, who graciously grabbed the glass as he gulped it down.

"Ah! That stings, but it's so good!"

The man shouted out with bliss in his voice, at which more grumbling from the others was invoked.

"Heh... hic..."

The man fell backwards. Perhaps the alcohol was especially undiluted, or perhaps he was merely a lightweight.

"That's... good stuff...", he mumbled.

"Now we wait."

With these words, Eclaire crossed her arms, watching the man intently.

"Hey, when's the next time something like this will happen?"

"Tomorrow? Or maybe later today? If he needs another bottle, then-"

"Be quiet. I'm trying to ascertain if it's poisoned or not."

While the bugs pestered her, Eclaire was focused on only one thing - the result.

A few minutes passed. Then a few more.

"Urgh... I... don't... blergh!!!"

At around the 8 minute mark, the man threw up blood.

"H-help... help..."

His body weakening, the man cried out with fear lacing his words, looking up to Eclaire with desperation.

"You bitch... did you poison this?", he wheezed.

"Why would I do that? I was testing it for poison in the first place."

Such was the response that Eclaire gave.


The man keeled over, his breathing heavy as the poison made its way through his veins - his body becoming cold as his eyes dilated.

"You'll... regret this."

Those were his last words before he laid over and died.

'I see.'

With this, Eclaire began to walk out, silence filling the basement.

'Hey... did he really die?'

'It really was poisoned?'

'Someone... actually had the balls to try and poison that man?'

'Shit... what should I do if she comes and offers another?'

Panic spread quickly, however the woman paid no mind to the prisoners, who were left in shock at the sudden development.

'They never expected it to actually be poisoned. They just wanted a free drink.'

With a smirk, Eclaire nodded to herself as she left.

'But now I know for certain... about how long I have before this thing takes effect.'

Yet it was at that moment, as she was about to exit the basement, that a particular man approached.


Looking up those stairs, this was a scenario that Eclaire had experienced before.

Exactly the same place. A similar situation.

And one in which she had died.

"Yakov... is something-"

"What are you planning?"

With suspicion in his expression, the man didn't even bother with pleasantries as he got straight to the point.

However this time, Eclaire responded with confidence.

"I'm not planning anything. I'm just trying to keep Gerard alive."

With this response, Eclaire looked up to the man as they faced off with one another.

Her words were true.

This time, Eclaire had no intention of killing Gerard.

She was indeed protecting him for now - and as of this point she had formed no plan at all to kill that man.

"I see. I suppose you're telling the truth. But why would you go and poison one of the basement members on purpose?"

"How did you know that?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is why you did it."

"It's as I said. I can't take any chances. You know already that invaders are on the way, and I can't have Gerard being drunk in case something happens."

With this response, Yakov's thinned eyes widened, at which he nodded quickly.

"You're telling the truth. Forgive my doubts."

With these words, the man turned around as he began to walk off.

"Please understand that if you try anything funny, I will kill you without hesitation."

With these words, the man headed back up the stairs, turning his back on Eclaire.

"Trust me Yakov."

Thus... Eclaire managed to survive.

"I know."
