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Chapter Number 180 - Businessman

"While it is true that your former leader has been killed, we have no intention of saving you."

Stepping forward, the businessman took the lead as he spoke to the terrified crowd.

"Look at yourselves. Look at your situation. Look around you."

Spreading his arms, the man spoke with disgust in his tone as he lectured the group.

"A collection of useless people who relied upon someone else to save them. And now that someone else has saved you, you expect that person to merely accept your thanks and be on their merry way?"

Clicking his tongue, the man closed his eyes with disappointment.

"Perhaps if you wished to be free, you should have obtained that freedom on your own."

With the snap of his fingers, each person immediately realized that there was a ring around their neck.

'Seven... this is what it means to redefine... an ability.'

"What is this?", one man whispered.

"Hey... what's going on?"

Each person grabbed the metal ring that had suddenly appeared, terrified and wondering what it was.

"Gerard had the ability to reign over those who submitted themselves to him. But as for me..."

With a smirk, the man looked down upon all the people with a distasteful smirk.

"I have no such limitations."

Looking up to Eclaire, the man spoke out to her from below.

"Eclaire Armstrong. You were the one to defeat Gerard, were you not? I thank you for that. You were of great assistance to us in our takeover of this place."

"So you're also going to enslave these people?"

Looking down with a dark expression, Eclaire spoke in a defeated tone.

"I have my reasons, as you have yours. Perhaps we can come to some sort of compromise. You are one of us, are you not?"

With a certain tone, the man made a suggestion that made Eclaire widen her eyes in horror.

"What part of me is one of you!?!?", she shouted.

"Ah... I suppose that's a discussion FOR later."

The man put a certain emphasis on a word, at which Eclaire immediately realized.

'For? Four? Could it be...'

[Heh... I see. Seven has obtained himself an interesting host.]

Immediately realizing the implication, Eclaire silenced herself.

'This isn't a discussion we should be having in front of all these people.'

"Ahem... back to what I was saying. The previous rulers of this place have been killed, and we will be taking control from this point onwards. Those rings around your necks are similar to the ability that your former owner held - they will punish you for disobeying my orders."

'That... that can't be...'

'We really did go from one slavery to another...'

'How can this be fair?'

"As for how things will be run... well, everyone here is likely useless or next to useless in terms of combat. So there is no point putting you all on the front lines."

While his words were harsh, most people let out a sigh of relief at this.

Even if this man said cruel things, at least he would not do unreasonable things for the sake of cruelty.

"We alone are enough to take care of the combat. However, let me say one thing."

Holding up a finger as he addressed the people, the man stood forward as he began to pace.

"Each and every person in this hotel is currently useless. This is your status. This is your existence. Useless. You have no worth to me, or to my comrades here. So let me ask you this - as a businessman."

And at that moment, the man smiled.

It was a horrid smile that dug straight into the depths of the people's souls, as if they were faced with a deal from the devil himself.

"What reason do I have for keeping you around?"

At this question, the people widened their eyes at the coldhearted cruelty of the man.

"Oh, it's quite simple. Each and every person here had to work in their previous lives in order to eat. You all had jobs, droned away on projects or took orders in order to pay whatever bills you had. I'm simply stating that each person has to pay a certain fee to live under my domain. And that fee can be paid by how useful you are."

Standing in front of a certain man, the businessman looked down upon him.

"You. What were you in your previous life?"

"I... I was an artist."

"Ah... an artist, eh?"

Turning around, the man folded his hands behind his back as he spoke to the artist.

"Can your art put food on the table?"


"Can your art assist other people in their work?"


"Does your art have any practical use?"

"Art... inspires people."

This was the response the artist made, to which the businessman nodded.

"It inspires people, now does it?"

Turning around, the man looked down on the artist with a demonic expression.

"Then, will your art be capable of inspiring me?"

"I... I don't...."

"You don't know, now do you? So you claim that your art inspires people, but you aren't even confident of that much? Perhaps someone in this room might be inspired. I'll give you a chance. If you would like to remain an artist, then produce something that inspires more than half of the people in this place to be more productive. I will measure their workload before and after your piece is displayed, and if there is a significant increase in productivity in at least a portion of the workers, I will let you live."

With this brutal contract, the artist was at a loss.

"Do... I have another option?", he asked carefully.

"Oh, certainly. You can always find some other way to be productive. It doesn't have to be through art. You see, there are two types of people in this world that I have no need of."

Looking now at all the people, the man spoke with a smile.

"The first... are people who are rebellious. Rebellious people will only create problems. I have no such need for those people in my world. These people believe they are entitled to things. They are arrogant, haughty, and don't understand what it means to suffer."

With the wave of his hand, the man continued.

"On the other hand, there are people who are lazy and incapable of working to produce. Such people will deceive themselves into thinking that their work is doing good for society. They will continue performing useless tasks because they are able to survive off of these tasks. My goal is to make each and every person here think for themselves - and ask themselves one question."

With these words, the man's eyes thinned as he glared at the crowd.

"What can I do to be useful?"

With the wave of his hand, the man headed towards the stairs, followed by the other four.

"If you'll excuse me, I have some executive work to do. Everyone, please try and find a way to be useful. You will all be evaluated in a week, and anyone deemed useless will be eliminated."

As he ascended the stairs, the man left these terrifying words in the minds of the people, who now desperately wished to escape from this place.

"That is all."


"Quite the villain, aren't I? Well, I suppose one man had to die for the show. It's an unfortunate sacrifice, but it had to happen to make sure the people understood how serious we are."

"Is that so? I don't particularly see anything wrong with that. He was being pretty rude anyways, so what's wrong with getting rid of him?"

"HEY!!! Who the hell do you people think you are!?!?"

As Marcus and Sylvia walked alongside one another with the others, a voice rang out from the hallway behind them.

The voice of a woman.

"Ah, Eclaire. We have quite a bit of discussion to do. Is there a conference room around here? Oh, and the other executives... where did they go off to?"

Marcus looked around with confusion, ignoring the pleas of Eclaire who rushed over with a reddened face.

"They actually went ahead to prepare the conference room... but I forgot to ask where it was. This is my mistake.", Sylvia stated.

"Quite rare for you to make a mistake like that, isn't it?"

"Be quiet, will you?"

"HEY!!! This... this is no time for fun and games!! What the hell are you people doing here!?!? I thought you had come to save the people from Gerard!!!"

However, Eclaire didn't seem to take the situation lightly.

At Eclaire's statements, Marcus stopped in his tracks, turning around as he faced her.

"This is a conversation that needs to occur behind closed doors. Don't you agree?"

"Is there a reason you can't say it right here?"

"Yes. We don't know who might be listening in. I'm certain that - at the very least, Gerard was thorough in his preparations against eavesdropping. Am I wrong?"

While Eclaire found herself defeated in this point, she found it extremely strange that this man could go back and forth from one mode to another so quickly.

[Is it really that strange, when you were far more extreme when you were trying to kill Gerard?]

However even Four seemed to speak out against her.

'I... I guess you're right... but...'

[Just follow the guy and listen to what he has to say.]

"Alright... I understand."

With these words, the six headed together towards the conference room, where they found three women waiting for them.

Three women that Eclaire didn't particularly want to see, at that.

"You three... you're in league with these people as well?", Eclaire asked as she entered, each person taking their seats.

"It isn't exactly that we started on their side. We were defeated, and Gerard and Yakov died. We were planning to overthrow Gerard at some point, but we just had no way to do it at the time, so... things just sort of worked out in our favor."

As Valerie spoke as a representative for the three, Eclaire thinned her eyes in suspicion.

"But did you see how they just treated the people outside?"

"Ahem. I'd like to explain a few things, if you four will be so patient as to listen."

Closing the door, Marcus took the attention of all as he stood in front of everyone, taking the head of the table.

"I'm sure you're all very confused and frustrated with my recent actions. Of course, that's perfectly reasonable. A man was killed, and we acted as complete dictators in front of the people just now."

"That's right!", Eclaire shouted. "What do you take human life for!? How could you kill that man just because he spoke up-"

"Eclaire. You of all people should understand why, should you not?"

Looking at the woman intently, the man folded his hands as he took a seat.

"I suppose I should start from the beginning. You three, please listen carefully as well, as I won't be going over this a second time."

As Marcus addressed the three former executives, the women nodded their heads in understanding as he continued.

"Myself, Sylvia, Bradley, and now you, Eclaire - the four of us have been invaded by four of the seven human calamities - human experiments gone wrong which were designed to surpass any weaponry in existence. Numbers Seven, One, Three, and Four respectively. We've also met experiment Number Two, and he had taken a young girl to be the host of experiment Number Five. Do you all comprehend this so far?"

As Marcus laid this information on the group so quickly, the four who were out of the loop were astonished at the ridiculous nature of this information, though Valerie in particular seemed quick to understand.

"Eh!? Are... are you serious!?"

"That... that's... do you really expect me to believe that?"

Celia shouted out in shock, while Melissa looked to the group with suspicion, though her suspicion was quickly weeded out.

"There have been many insane things happening in this world. Is this so hard to believe?", Marcus asked. "I could show you, but I think it would be better if Seven remains within me."

"Please don't let Seven out, if you can avoid it.", George added.

"There you have it.", Marcus stated. "Now, moving forward. The experiment inside me is responsible for creating the virus that spread around the world and caused the calamity."

"Wait, wait, wait. WHAT!?!?"

Now even Valerie couldn't help but be shocked.

"Yes, I know. It's quite disturbing. It took a while for me to come to terms with it myself. But lets keep this as brief as possible. This experiment inside of me wishes for revenge on his master, but more so than that, he wishes to reform the rotten world that brought him into existence as a slave to humanity and a tool to be used for destruction and death. He wishes for humanity to understand the flaws of their ways, and most importantly - their mistake in allowing his existence."

Marcus shot off the facts like he was going down a list of bullet points, and the four found themselves struggling to keep up, but listened closely regardless.

"So, as the one he has taken control of, I have no choice but to comply with his philosophy and whims. Therefore I have decided to enact his will in a way that I can control and limit the damage we do while still achieving his desires. Otherwise, he will break loose and do as he pleases."

"So that man..."

"Ah, that was actually Isabella's decision."

"I didn't like the fact that he was interrupting the Master and the Mistress."

The girl now spoke up, as cold as ever in her tone and expression.

"I did tell her to make her own decisions and think for herself, so if that is the decision she has made, I will stand by it."

"So you're just going to let that girl murder people indiscriminately?"

"She was born into murder. Furthermore, murder is now a part of this new world we are living in. I've seen murder every day that I've lived in this new world. As much as I would like to remove it from the life of a child, that isn't practical, nor is it reasonable. In this world, those who cannot murder will die. Now let me ask you this."

As the man spoke, he lowered his tone as he became serious.

"Are you willing to take responsibility if she dies because someone tries to kill her and I told her not to defend herself?"


Eclaire found herself averting her eyes from the man.

What could she even say to such a thing?

It was absurd, to be certain. But this entire world, this entire situation was absurd.

"Alright. But can we limit the murders?"

"I'm not a killing machine. No... that would be the thing inside me. I have no intention to create a mass calamity, unlike a certain experiment. As a matter of fact, I would like to promote a world where the maximum number of people survive and live peacefully, though that is quite difficult given the situation."

"So you've compromised."

Speaking up now was Valerie, who grinned as she nodded in understanding.

"Indeed. As I stated, the most I can do is to limit his destructive impulses by scattering in destructive entertainment here and there for him. And my best effort for achieving that is to portray myself as a wicked Dictator."

"So that's what the show was all about? Then... what is your goal with all this?", Eclaire asked.

"I was getting to that. To put it simply... we've now taken control of two branches of a major mafia organization, and their assets. I've established myself now as the new leader of such an organization. This is because in order to survive in this new world... power is necessary."

Looking at each of the people here, Marcus spoke with determination in his eyes.

"As you all are aware of, ability users have awakened throughout this world. This is not a phenomenon unique to this area, but surely they will exist all throughout the world. Eclaire. You're well aware how difficult it is to face an ability user, even with an ability yourself. No?"

"That's right.", Eclaire agreed. "My ability... it's extremely useful, but it isn't powerful."

"As such, you had significant trouble defeating Yakov, and relied instead on Bradley to do so while you took care of Gerard - whose ability you knew."

With pinpoint accuracy, Marcus assessed the situation with Eclaire, to which she nodded intently.

"That... that's right."

"What is my point here?"

Leaning forward, Marcus posed this question.

"This shows the importance of information, doesn't it?"

"That's right.", Sylvia added. "You were able to defeat Gerard because you had information on his ability. But as for Yakov, his ability was something you had little to no information on, which made it extremely difficult. Even so, Bradley had a very useful ability that allowed him to defeat Yakov perfectly - but that is only because of Number Three, whose regenerative powers prevent Bradley from truly dying - similar to myself and Marcus here."

"You... you all can regenerate? Even after experiencing fatal wounds?"

Eclaire uttered this with shock, at which Valerie merely laughed to herself.

"It was annoying as hell... and perhaps the reason why I lost to him. He just wouldn't die no matter how many bullets I put into him."

"That's correct. We cannot die, in the truest sense of the word. Is Four different?"

[Ah, Four was a unit specialized in espionage and stealth. Her training and experimentation was a bit different from ours, though she should still hold some form of regenerative power], Seven commented within Marcus' mind.


Eclaire seemed to be in deep thought as Marcus posed such a question.

"At any rate, the point I have is this. There are two types of powers that have been released into the world. The first is the experiments, who have chosen hosts - of which there are only Seven, and four of which are present in this room. The second power is that of Reawakening - of which there could be hundreds or even thousands of different ability users with different abilities."

Standing up, the man turned his back as he peered out the window while he spoke.

"The human Calamities have physical abilities that go far beyond human capabilities, and even beyond military weapons. However the Reawakenings are different, and give earth shattering abilities that can bend the very laws of this world - of which I have experienced myself."

Holding his hand up, the man touched the window - which suddenly disappeared as it formed into a wall with no view.

"Even to these human calamities, these abilities could pose a threat. And perhaps killing us off would be for the best."

Turning around, the man faced the group with a solemn expression.

"But unfortunately for this world... I have no intention to sacrifice myself for it."

Pointing to Eclaire, Marcus spoke now in a bold tone.

"The same goes for you. If the world finds out of the thing inside you, they will demand your execution. You will be branded as the host of an evil existence that ruined the world as we know it. Bradley and Sylvia already understand this well. So let me ask you, Eclaire."

Lowering his tone, the man spoke with a wicked fierceness.

"Are you willing to be erased from this world for the greater good?"

"I... am not."

Taking her stand, Eclaire responded in the affirmative as she stood.

"I have no intention of lying down and dying just because people would want me to. But none of those people out there want me to die-"

"Only because they know nothing of your capabilities. But what if they learn?"

"Then... they would be accepting-"

"Would everyone in this world merely accept such monsters living in their midst?"

Slamming his fist on the table, Marcus spoke with sincerity.

"The answer is no. Think about those in the basement. They weren't willing to accept you, now were they? And that was only when you held a position as an executive. So what should we do with such people? Should we slaughter them because they don't agree with our philosophy?"

Marcus posed a difficult question, which Eclaire had no answer to.

"No. Such people have use, do they not? We should allow them to live, and allow them to live under fear. Yet not just any fear."

Raising his finger, the man sat back down as he continued his explanation.

"If a man lives under fear of another, he will plot and plan to uproot such a person. He will live with the intention of destroying that person, just as you had done for Gerard. And despite how impossible it was, you were eventually capable of achieving it. But what if the difference in power is so great that rebellion isn't even a dream?"

"If that were the case... then the people would never even think of rebelling.", Eclaire stated.

"And if that were true, then we could control even the most uncontrollable people with ease. Those metal collars I placed around the people - those are insurance of obedience... or at least, they would be. However, this ability has some significant limitations. Even so, I have no allowance to be a kind and loving ruler. Even if I wished to do so, the thing inside me would not allow it. However by enslaving these people and ensuring their obedience, I will be able to sleep at night without fear of retribution."

"But isn't this the same as Gerard? We're just controlling people again-"

"We only have to make them hate us. We don't have to actually treat them badly. Which is where you come in."

Pointing to Eclaire, Marcus grinned as he explained her role.

"The people already love you, and consider you as their savior. We will act as heinous dictators while we are present, but we will often be off and away dealing with the outside world. You'll be our substitute, if you will, during the time we're gone."

"I see."

Nodding in approval, Eclaire finally came around to understanding.

"And you wish to gather more ability users like this?"

"Of course. We need to constantly expand our little Empire if we are to take on the rest of the world. Which is why we will need to evaluate people and find those who we can trust. Such a thing is not so easy, but with the power I have..."

Holding out his hand, rings suddenly formed around not only Eclaire, but also around Valerie, Celia, and Melissa.

"It won't be so difficult after all."

"No, it will be difficult."

However, at that moment, Eclaire stood up, and Marcus noticed immediately that the ring he had just placed around her was no longer there, instead on the table next to her.

Then, looking around, he realized that this was true not just for Eclaire, but for the other three as well.

"Ah... I see. So you've further proven my point."

Sitting back with a grand smile, the man looked around, pleased at the results.

"Those with abilities can easily break the laws of the world, and face those who do not have abilities. Just now, what did you do?"

"If I explained my ability to you, that would give you an advantage over me, wouldn't it?"

"Hmm... it's quite difficult when you put things that way. I can't exactly obtain your trust so easily. Well, I am already aware of all the other abilities in this room. And if you have no intention to disclose yours, then I can use everyone else's to form an appropriate strategy."


As Marcus made this comment, Eclaire looked at him with a confused expression.

"Ah... did I not say so before?"

With a chuckle, the man held his head, as if scolding himself for being forgetful.

"We need to form a strategy... to take over the world."
