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Chapter Number 184 - Dangerous

As humans, we can only ever judge based on what we know.

As a result of this, our judgements are flawed.

And with every piece of information that we fail to obtain, this further skews every judgment we make.


"What do we do?"

Panic slowly set in as an entire horde of undead banged on the windows of the convenience store.

The entire gas station shook from the masses that surrounded it, and more seemed to gather as they all pressed on one another, desperately attempting to enter the store.

"What... can we do?"

Looking up, Gordon frantically searched his surroundings.

"The back door! We've gotto get there and escape!", he shouted.

The other two quickly nodded, a light of hope having been presented to them as they rushed back - however as soon as they glanced through the small window in that back door, all hope was lost.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

For behind that door, more of the undead had gathered in mass.

"We're... trapped.", Gordon muttered as he froze in terror, looking around him in a frenzy.

"Shit... this shouldn't have been like this... this shouldn't have..."

Stella began to cry, grabbing her hair with fear as the three became aware of the scenario, and even Shane lost his calm.

"Not... not like this... I didn't even get to meet Amy again... this can't... this can't end like this..."

All hope had been lost.

"I... I thought that I could better myself..."

And with all hope having been lost, Gordon found himself laughing as tears streamed down his face.

"I thought that training my body and being able to fight would do something... I thought that I could change myself... but in the end, this is all a coward like me can do."

Standing up, the boy shuffled to the front, at which the other two watched in horror.

"What are you doing?", Shane quivered.

"Hey... Gordon... why are you heading that way?"

"I made sure to study carefully... I scouted out all the places that the zombies gathered from afar, and tried to find a place that had almost none. I made sure to always keep an eye on my surroundings to ensure that we wouldn't get trapped like this. I fought like a coward, using intelligence as my weapon... because I knew that we weren't capable of facing so many."

Gritting his teeth, the boy spat blood as he lamented himself with his words.

"But it wasn't enough."

"This... this isn't your fault!", Stella shouted. "I... I agreed that we should go out and find some supplies!"

Even as Stella shouted out to try and comfort the boy, the banging of the undead became all the louder, to the point where they could barely hear one another over the growling and shaking.

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is."

Turning around, the boy faced the door, placing a hand on the handle as he looked a zombie dead in the eyes.

"The fact of the matter is that we weren't meant to survive in this world. That... is our fate."

Turning around, the boy smiled painfully, tears streaming down his face as he looked at the other two.

"I'm sorry... that I couldn't protect you."

At that moment, the earth trembled.

A sound so loud that their ears rang filled their minds, and the shattering of windows resounded throughout the store.

An immense shockwave threw the three back as they slammed into the aisles behind them, blood rushing from the wounds that resulted from such a collision.

A dazzling light blinded them and heat engulfed their bodies, and every one of their senses screamed out from the overwhelming stimulation.

'What... just happened?'

In a daze, Gordon could only wonder this as he failed to gather his bearings, his sight not having returned and his ears ringing.

'Am I dead? Is this... what Marcus and Sylvia had to experience?'

Pain erupted all over his body, which shouted out in terror, but soon enough the light receded, and the ringing in his ears ceased.

At that moment, the boy looked in front of him, groggily lifting his head to witness the scene of destruction before him.

And this scene caused the boy to open his eyes wide in shock.

'The zombies... they're all...'

Fires surrounded him, and the explosion had rendered the undead burnt to a crisp, not a single one moving.


As Gordon gazed to the outside, he realized that all of the gas pumps and the piping underneath had been detonated, resulting in the scene before him.

'Heh... so in the end, my fears weren't for nothing.'

But what had caused such an explosion?

Surely it wasn't something as simple as luck.

Standing up slowly, the boy felt dizzy from the blood loss, and he immediately looked to see the other two, who had been thrown to the ground as well.

"Are you two alright?", he asked. "We have to get out of here."

At these words, the other two stood up, forcing themselves to stand.

"You're right. Let's go...", Shane stated.

"Is everyone alright? I'm sorry about the shaking, but it was the only way, given how many there were."

Suddenly, a voice called out from in front of the store, at which the three immediately shot their gazes upon him.

A man stepped out, a rocket launcher on his back. He looked to the three with a concerned expression as he rushed over.

"Ah... you three have suffered some injuries. I'm really sorry about that. If you come with me, we can have you treated."

"You... you saved us?"

With this question, Gordon looked up to the man, who nodded in response.

"Well, we were just driving by... and all of a sudden I saw a huge horde of the undead trying to get into the station. I took a closer look and saw you three inside through the windows, so..."

"Why did you save us?"

Shane posed this question to the man, as if baffled by his actions.

"Rockets are likely extremely hard to come by, and you just wasted one on three children who were going to die. Why?"

While the other two were overcome with shock at the turn of events, the one boy became immediately suspicious of the man in front of him.

"Hey, Shane. That isn't any way to talk to someone who just saved us-"

"Do I need any reason to save a few children in need?"

With these words, the man flashed a gentle smile, turning around as he motioned for the three to follow him.

"Come with me-"

"Yes. You do."

However the boy didn't budge for an instant.

"Shane! Even if it's strange for someone to show such kindness, that doesn't mean that such people don't exist-"

"Do you really believe that, Gordon?"

Shaking his head, the boy approached the man, now standing before him.

"Who are you? What do you expect in return for saving us?"

As Shane posed this question, the man looked at him, shocked at the boy's actions.

"You... have good eyes, boy."

And with a smirk, the man turned to face the three as he spoke.

"I suppose I haven't introduced myself."

Placing his hand to his chest, the man grinned as he spoke a name that - for whatever reason - sent chills down the spine of Gordon.

For in that instant, as someone who had faced dangerous people his entire life, Gordon understood something.

This man was dangerous.

"My name is Donovan Stirling."

[Casino of Death Arc - Begin]


The moment the man introduced himself, the three felt something shift in the atmosphere.

Gordon didn't exactly know what it was, but there was something about this man.

'He's... powerful.'

Was this man someone he could trust?

'Without doubt, he's someone who knows how to handle himself in a fight. But... there's something beyond that... charisma?'

The man beamed with a grin as he spoke to Shane - who had doubted him with such blatant comments.

"I'm the Young Master of a relatively large organization. It's nice to meet you all. You see, this entire Calamity has changed the world quite a bit. Many of my colleagues were killed before we even woke up, and when we did wake up, the entire world had gone to shambles. And I'm sure that you three have endured quite a bit yourselves."

Turning to face them, the man approached the children with a gentle expression.

"At first, I was only focused on my own survival, but as I began to meet up with my remaining colleagues one by one, I realized something."

Looking up to the sky, the man spoke in an aloof tone.

"There are so many people out there who have no sense of hope."

As he looked to the ground around him, the man bitterly smiled as he gazed upon the charred undead.

"Just as you three were completely hopeless when you were surrounded by these monsters, there are so many people out there who are alone, hungry, thirsty, sick, people who need help. So I decided to gather my people and my resources and do what I can to stop some of that suffering."

Looking down at the children, the man assessed their wounds once more.

"I won't force you to come with me if you don't want to. But we can provide food, shelter, and most importantly, medical assistance for you three. Our base is safe from the undead, and we won't force you to go outside-"

"Thank you for the offer... but I can't accept."

Bowing his head, Gordon was the first to speak in reply to the man.

"I think that the things you're offering... they're honorable. Your words are reassuring, and everything you've said is something that I'd love to obtain."

Looking up, the boy's expression carried a hardness within it.

"But I can't accept such things for free."


At Gordon's statement, the man stopped himself as he entered thought, to which Shane continued.

"He's right. It's true that we were about to die. And it's true that without you, we would be dead - so right now, we owe you our lives. And if we were to accept your offer, then we would be further in your debt."

"I'm not asking you to pay me back. All the things I've done for you have been-"

"Completely free of charge. Right?"

Speaking up now was Stella, who eyed the man with a pained smile.

"But... we've learned something in this world."

As the girl made this statement, her words made Donovan open his eyes wide in surprise.

"We can't expect other people to do everything for us."

"You... I'm shocked."

Closing his eyes peacefully, the man nodded in approval.

"You three are so young. Most kids your age would be strutting around, demanding free things as if it were our responsibility as adults to give it to them."

With a bitter smile, the man looked at the three with approval.

"Then, are you saying that you'll pay me back?"

"That's right. You've already given us something, so we'll pay you back for it. And anything else that we receive, we'll be sure to work hard to make up for it."

"So you're willing to accept my generosity, but you want to pay me back?"

Donovan was baffled at this proposal, but he nodded in agreement.

"We know that we're weak and pathetic. We learned that very well just now. Our lives... they were worthless to the undead. And this world is unforgiving. And if we chose to continue to accept the charity of others without ever doing anything for ourselves..."

Holding his arm, Gordon spoke with bitterness in his tone.

"Then we'd never become anything more than that."

"I like your eyes, kid. Sure thing. You wanna pay me back for what I give you, go ahead."

With these words, the man turned around, motioning for the three to follow him.

"It's a bit cramped, but we can all fit in the truck if we squeeze."

"Hey. Are you sure we should leave the school and go with this man?"

Shane asked this to Gordon, who entered a state of thought.

"I mean... we'll be able to better align ourselves... and we can pay him back if we do so. So I'm not against it. But what if Marcus and Sylvia return and we aren't there?"

As the three stopped, Donovan glanced at them with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah... you have some other people who are a part of your group? But... why would they send a group of children like you out on their own?"

"They... well, they left to gather supplies. But I guess they weren't able to get back yet. We were waiting on them-"

"Boy. I'd hate to say this, but if that's the case... they're almost certainly..."

"No, they're almost certainly alive."

Cutting the man off, Shane immediately defended the two that they spoke of.

"They were powerful. People who wouldn't die so simply. If possible, I'd like to return to leave a message about where we went."

"Oh... of course. Shall we head there now?"

"If you don't mind. It isn't far from here since we walked. It's right at the high school where we set up shop."

"Ah! Of course, the high school. A client of my uncle used to work there. I know where it is. Hey, will you bring us to the high school?"

As Donovan spoke to the man who sat in the driver's seat, the man nodded as the four entered the truck together.

"Then let's get going."


'So this is where a group is hiding out... and there are two more people who might return here. Of course... that probability is low. But I'll keep an eye on it. More importantly...'

As Donovan waited in the truck while the three kids went into the school to leave a notice, he gazed upon the grounds with a calculating expression.

"They said that the two people were named Marcus and Sylvia, didn't they?"

The driver spoke up, questioning Donovan in such a manner.

"That's correct. But there's something strange about how much faith they had in those people."

"What do you mean?"

"Nobody who has encountered the despair of this world would have such blind faith in others without a reason. Even if these people were powerful, how could they be so confident in their return?"

"Are you saying that it isn't simply because they're children?"

Nodding his head no, Donovan rejected the driver's thoughts on the matter.

"That isn't the case. You've seen their eyes. These are people who have lost the innocence that children hold. They wouldn't believe in some fantasy or hold onto false hopes. They legitimately believe that these people will return - despite the fact that they just experienced such a life threatening situation that no human would normally be capable of surviving."

Should they not have been even worried for these other people?

If they had been gone for a week, their deaths should have been certain in the minds of these children.

Yet they were not.

'That could only mean... they are people of extraordinary power.'

"Do you intend on questioning them further?"

"No. I don't want to arouse suspicion. I need to reassure them of their safety. But this location... we will need to keep an eye on it."

"Understood. We will have some men posted."

As these two finished their conversation, the children could be seen returning to the vehicle.

"Enough talk. Make sure they feel at home."



"Are we there yet?"



"Are we there yet?"



"Are we-"


A man dressed in a suit and tie ran along the ocean waters, hastily making his way across at a speed which surpassed that of any ship.

Sitting on the shoulders of this man, a young girl consistently pestered him, to which he simply sighed even as the waves roared around him.

"It might rain.", the man stated as if it didn't concern him.

"I don't wanna get wet.", the girl stated.

"Worry not. Raindrops are far too slow to pose any threat."

"Oh! I see. That's good!"

As the man stated this, an enormous wave rose up before him.

"Ah... that's a big one."

However even as this happened, the man raised his arm to slash through it, at which the very mass of water split in his path.

The man continued in his path, the girl on his back not having a single drop of water on her.

"Was it? I didn't notice."

"Hey Two... where are we going anyway?"

Suddenly, the girl posed this question, at which an island formed in the horizon.

With every step the two came closer as it became larger and larger, spreading itself before them.

"Ah... I suppose I haven't exactly told you."

In moments, the man stood now on the beach, and as he looked up to the mountain atop this island, he bore witness to an enormous facility.

"This is the place where I was created."


"Hmm... so this is where you were born?"

"Not exactly. You see, the person I am today is not someone who was born. The person I was at some point was likely born, but I was created from that person - or the shell thereof."

"Two, you say a lot of confusing things. Are you alright?"


As the man climbed the mountain with ease, the zombified girl on his shoulders seemed to look down to him with concern, though such concern was ill placed.

"I suppose a child would have a difficult time understanding."

"Hey, what's up there? What's in that building? Is it a fun place?"

"Unfortunately, no. We're going to make this quick. But I have something I'll need to take care of before I get to you, so will you be a good girl and be patient?"


The girl pouted lightly at the words of the man, who quickly made his way to the front entrance of the facility.

"Let's see... it looks like someone has been here. I suppose we'll have to sneak in."

As the man said this, his flesh molded itself as if he were melting.

The girl too, melted into a fleshy paste as the two took a strange form.

"Hey Two, what's going on?"

"We're going to sneak in. Please be silent for a bit. I understand that it's difficult, but we don't want to trigger any alarms, and it does appear that the security is up and running."

In that instant, the liquified people seeped into the ground, making their way through the soil as they flowed underneath the door.

In this manner, they entered the place without suspicion.


Two and Amy had made their way through the corridors, which seemed to be fully functional.

While they didn't encounter any people along the way, the fact that someone had been here was almost certain. No, it was extremely likely that they were still somewhere in this facility - or on this island at the least.

'But that is not my purpose.'

As two made his way down, he passed a number of airlocks and security barriers, though the fact that he existed in a liquid state allowed him to easily surpass most of these.

Eventually, he had arrived at the bottom floor, at which he would have to pass through a number of barriers.

"I'll be right back, Amy. I'll leave half of my cells with you. I have to retrieve something."

"Don't take forever."

"I won't."

With this, the liquified man split into two, and half of the cells entered what looked like a force field - and disappeared into the abyss.

"I'll get bored if you do."








And finally - vacuum.

The final one was always the most difficult. It was a barrier that prevented even single cells from making it out, something that even a human weapon wouldn't be capable of surviving in.

'However, with adversity comes evolution. THe very fact that we were presented with an impossible barrier only provoked us to find a solution.'

Indeed - the experiments had found a way to make their own cells capable of surviving within a vacuum.

After traveling through each of the barriers, there was a chamber similar to an air lock, which Two entered and closed the door. Taking his human form once more, the once liquid person now stood up straight as he gazed around him.

'Nothing has changed. Well, I suppose a few things have.'

Entering the room, the man opened the door as a chamber spread out before him.

Inside the chamber, the body of a man had been chained to a wall. The man appeared to be in a comatose state, and his body was covered in scars.

Gazing upon this body, Two was filled with a sense of awe as he approached, reaching out his hand with a smile as he made contact with the man.

As he did so, the flesh of the two seemed to intertwine, and they molded together to form a single person.

No longer chained to the wall, this new person who was a combination between the two stood up, the sclera of his eyes pitch black.

"It's been a bit too long, hasn't it?"

Stretching himself out, the man turned around to leave as he became accustomed to the body.

"Since I walked in my own body, that is."
