The Big Boss of the Sublunary Plane! II



The word was said simply and poignantly, containing a sense of relief and finality as it brought to a close a heavy ordeal in Noah's mind. 

Fluctuations of power reverberated out as Noah powerfully stretched his mind to overpower 30 beings simultaneously, the beaten minds of these beings barely lasting a second before they broke down and became a part of his forces!


One by one, they began dropping to the ground as they were released from Noah's mental grasp, their injured bodies trembling as they then kneeled towards him.

The prideful disciples of the Empyrean Conclaves. The powerful STAR Rank natives that made a name for themselves. All of them kneeled down with out question or worry of status as they fell under Noah's grasp!

Off to the side, Annalise looked at this unbelievable scene as she sighed, many thoughts wandering through her mind.

'Is this enough?'