The Unique Trials of a Cosmic Dimensional Rift! I

In front of a wondrously shining multicolored Dimensional Rift that was a size larger than most stars, groups of beings were rushing into it as they left behind shocking power and might!

500 NEBULA Rank Blessed from a myriad of Conclaves all went in, the workings of Cosmic Rifts being something that these Conclaves wanted to understand and explore first before anything else.

Noah's group of 5 was being led by a Young Saint of the Clear Sky Peaks Conclave called Richard, this being's eyes flashing with a beautiful green light as he led their group that was nearly stationed in the back into the rift.

"Let's go!"

The others followed as Noah moved with the group silently, the bright allure of the Cosmic Rift before him nearing his body as his figure finally came in contact with it and smoothly passed through!