Scheme Against a Hegemony! II

As a scheme against a Hegemony bloomed on one side, Noah was still making moves as his body that held half of his consciousness and not occupying the Subjugated Elder...this body was actually in another Plane at this moment!

Noah had left the Destined Realm of the Golden Destiny Conclave as he didn't go anywhere too grand, simply teleporting himself and Annalise to the Abyssal Plane as he utilized the Abyssal Plane Expedition feature.


He breathed in the fiery air as he looked at the red skies and barren red earth before him that stretched for countless miles and light years, his eyes noting the Abyssal Beasts not too far away with their ugly batlike forms with variations of their bodies running rampant.

The very air of this Plane was suffocating as one constantly felt like they were in danger, and they were very much so as deep within this Plane, there were terrifying Abyssal Hegemonies that protected this Plane from ever being destroyed!