Suppress the Hegemonies of the Chaotic Universe! I

Within the Mental Isolation Field erected in the Sanctuary of the Sublunary Plane.

The dense essence of the Dao of Love faded as Noah floated from the ground refreshingly, the mountain of Universal Cores having long since faded as he looked within his Origin to find the wondrous sight of his first Splendiferous well as two more normal Universes!

His second Universe had the full 100 Billion Galaxies as his third one only held 20 Billion, but this alone was a terrifying rate of progress as he had truly stepped into the Realm of Universal Filament- into someone that could be called an Antiquity.

His Origin felt nearly endless surging strength while his mental strength was crazily elevated, three new abilities becoming born from his Inherent Skills as there were many things for him to explore.