Grand Aspirations!

He was no worse than the powerful Primordials that were born as Higher Existences since the day they were born!

This dominant thought echoed across Noah's heart as it caused his seas of destiny to rage madly, a profound sense of confidence rising within him when he had this epiphany.

He looked at the smug-looking Europa who finished her prideful words about her race as she expected him to be shocked and look towards her with reverence, but Noah simply gazed at her like he would gaze at any other being! It was a gaze one would give when staring at a normal human being or an existence multiple levels above them- no emotions were carried within it.

"Hmph!" Europa saw the light of confidence and arrogance in his eyes even after she spoke of the power of Primordials as she turned annoyed.

"We reach the Cosmic Realm in less than three years, and do you know what happens after that? How one reaches the Cosmic Filament Realm?"