A Period of Accumulation! I

As a battle ended within one Reality, many more were unfolding in another.

Within Noah's Third Reality.

This was a reality that Noah already had its champion under control as he overtook this special existence when he had yet to grow powerful.

All that was left for him to do was conquer- and he did just that as the vast Cosmos stretched out across the Ruination Sea all fell under his influence one after another. Routinely, he would come across Lesser Primordial Beasts wading through the crimson sea of Ruination as even these existences fell under his terrifying mental prowess and newly gain power of Edicts!

His rate of expansion was even faster given the fact that he led Legions of Undead that rose to Trillions- each of them filled with power as the vast majority were in the Galactic Filament Realm and there was a significantly rising force of Undead Hegemonies.