A Period of Accumulation! III

In the crimson seas of Ruination.

Noah watched with an excited gaze as two Undead Grand Primordial Beasts fused, their product being something to look forward to as after the incandescent show of light- a new form of an existence came to be born as all the Beast Lords and Beast Kings gazed towards its direction with some reverence and fear!!


It released a glorious bellow to announce its arrival, Noah feasting his eyes on a creature extremely vast in size that he looked like a speck of dust next to it.

Being light years in size, this existence was too massive to even gaze at unless Noah expanded his own body to be vaster than even a galaxy- something that would take too much mana to keep active at all times!

But for Beasts like this, such a size was natural as Noah sent a command for it to reduce to the size of a World while he gazed at it.