Entering a Cycle as a Defender! II

A Primordial Relic!

She so freely bet one away as it was why when she saw Noah's broken one, she wasn't the least bit worried or greedy. The origin of this woman was bound to be terrifying as Noah felt like her power was genuinely insurmountable.

Apart from the Primordial Relic, there were the High Tier Soul Crystals!

Such a tier was equivalent to thousands of Medium Tier Soul Crystals or millions of Low Tier Soul Crystals! It was to the point that one could never buy a High Tier Soul Crystal no matter how many Low Tier ones they offered, and this was simply because of the rarity and function of High Tier ones that were commonly used by those at the Eighth Firmament and above.

The eyes of many beings were opened wide as they observed a glimmering Circlet releasing waves of terrifying power- this being the Primordial Relic as it took their breaths away!