
"Hey hey hey" a soldier was hitting his friend with his elbow while looking at Ace in shock.

"What?" His friend replied, also looking shocked at the scene.

"Damn, did ace pinch the limit of a general's daughter?"

" Yes Yes "

"And did you see how she smiled when he did this? She loved Amar!!! for the hell did you see!!!"

"I saw... I saw."

"Look!!! She's holding his hand now!!! Are they dating I don't know??? For the hell of a cold general's daughter who no man dared to look her in the eye She holds ace's hand..... They even talk and They laugh like husbands!" .

"I'm looking...I'm looking."

"Damn, why are you replying to me like a robot?" Then a soldier looked at his friend, whose eyes became dim and his face turned pale and seemed to faint at any moment.

"Fuck!!! He's in a state of shock again!!! You guys come help me get him to a doctor's office quickly!!!"

Then the soldiers carried a soldier quickly and asked one of them.

"What's wrong with him?"

Damn, maybe his blood pressure or sugar dropped?

"Just like that? What happened to him?"

Likely due to ace

" What you mean ? "

Then a soldier who was in the barracks and was not aware of the events that had happened looked at Ace.

'Collision' Then a soldier fell after witnessing a shocked scene.

Soldiers stopped looking at someone who had fainted and thought 'curse'.



at a clinic.

The doors opened hard and a group of soldiers entered carrying other soldiers who were unconscious or in dementia and shouting, "Others injured, no doctor."


I've been running here and there seeing all the soldiers fainting.

I caught one of the soldiers carrying patients and asked him "what's with them??? they all fainted from severe shock??? it looks like they saw their family die in front of them".

"It's worse." Then a soldier explained to me what had happened.

'Curse' I muttered, then I looked at them and felt pity for them, it's like loving an anime character your whole life and then finally finding out that it's a man.... Poor people, they didn't expect this to happen.

I sighed and said, "At least it's nothing dangerous.... Come on you all get some alcohol and let them smell it, also get them on their backs and bend their knees and press on their chests.... you know the procedures come on move you know Actions!!!." I was yelling at soldiers and then I started looking for anyone with a serious condition and muttered 'Damn after I'm done I'll make a request to increase the number of nurses and doctors'.

In terms of ace.

I arrived at a hall and entered it where the guards as soon as they saw us opened the door directly. And I thought, "Oh, they are polite."

Then I went to a basketball court and sat on the stands and looked at the guards standing in the stadium and a commander and some high-ranking soldiers sitting at the referee's table. Soldiers surround a stadium. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at a scene and thought 'It's been a while since this has become an interesting place'.

Then I looked at Marine sitting next to me and looked at the scene curiously, and I told her, "Don't worry, it's just a formality, they won't do anything to them."

"I know," she said confidently, as if she knew what would happen.

From James's point of view.

I was looking at the guards and then I spoke.

"Ahem, ahem, you know why you are here." I looked at the silent guards, looking toward the stands. I turned around and looked at the general's daughter sitting there, and I couldn't help but shiver a little.

I coughed and continued, "First of all, why did you raise your weapons at one of our soldiers?"

Then one of them answered, "Why did your soldier raise his weapon towards Our Lady?"

I shut up and thought 'Damn we are soldiers always on the alert and then someone reaches out to you without shouting your name in the open What are you waiting for?' '

I didn't say that, and after that I was about to say that they would be taken to a base next to a military court, as these were not my specialties. Then I heard one of the soldiers say, "Sir."

"What?" I whispered to him as I saw him leaning toward me.

"Sir, a soldier has seen a general's daughter holding her phone and she's about to call someone."

"Who?" Then I looked at the soldier who was sweating and couldn't help but feel anxious.

"He said it was written, Father."

I felt that someone had turned off the light and the word of my father was repeated in my head, and I glimpsed in this the darkness of a newspaper and a huge headline written on it.

[A military brigadier general has mysteriously disappeared from a military airport]

And then other addresses began to pass around me where it was written on them.

[Appointment of a colonel **** as the new commander of the military airport and Waxon]

[What are the reasons for the disappearance of a military brigadier? ]

[Is Dean alive or dead? ]

Then a huge title written in red words appeared in front of me and I read

[Dean James' death has been confirmed.]

'Hof' 'Hof' I was breathing heavily and a soldier was looking at me anxiously. I looked at the guards and screamed.

"It was a misunderstanding yeah yeah, there's nothing you did wrong!!! And there are no losses so you're pardoned!!! You can go out and take your weapons and leave the airport with Miss Marine where she'll do plane repairs and fill up on fuel." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Then I got up and went to the door with a strange look directed at me, but I didn't care and looked at Marin, who lowered her phone and smiled at me.

As soon as I got out of the door I quickly closed it and leaned on it.

I was holding my lightning-fast heart and saying "You survived... you survived... hoof... hoof."

A soldier passed by me, and when he saw my condition, he approached me and asked, "Sir, are you okay?"

"Damn, do you think I'm okay?"

"I'm sorry, sir... Do you want me to take you to a doctor? Your condition..."

"Don't worry." I waved to him to get away, and then my body began to shake with fear.

As soon as I went out and found an Oshkosh L-ATV

parked on one side.

I got into a car and didn't care as I went to my office.

Then I went inside and threw myself on the bed and spoke on the radio and said, "Is a plane packed?"

"Oh, about that, sorry, sir, but we haven't started yet."

I sighed and said, "It's okay, just refuel a plane now."

"Yes, sir....and sir, are you okay? Your voice... is very calm?"

"Haha, I'm fine soldier, I'm fine."

Then I closed my eyes, as the fatigue of myself I got on the day exhausted me severely.




"I told you Boss is a good guy, look he's pardoned them." Ace was speaking as he looked at the guards who took up their guns again and went up a staircase and circled Mariners.

"You're right," she replied with a smile.

"Now your guards are with you that I don't have to stay here... Then I'll go check your plane." Then I got up and started to leave, but I heard Marine screaming, "Wait."

Then I looked at Marin who was next to me and panted a little and then adjusted herself and said, "I want to see you work," she said with a wide smile as she looked at me.

I didn't know what to say as for me as an engineer it is a great pride to show off my work to others as most of them are not interested in this kind of work but on the other hand....I looked at Marine's tender form who seemed untouched by anything and my conscience I am sorry to take this gentle girl with me.

She saw my look and screamed, "Hey, don't look at me like that! I'm strong for your knowledge," she said while raising her chest proudly..... In fact, I didn't know what she was proud of. Just look at me.... Anyway, let me one of these things.

'Okay,' I replied, 'but you should only see from one side,' and then I began to walk again towards the plane, accompanied by two marines and guards, without noticing the piercing gaze of an old man looking at me.