Chapter 3: Surreal Studios

Sun Zhou made his way back to his apartment in the late morning. The heavy rain from the night before had ceased a few hours prior, and the weather had turned relatively mild. His route back was the same, but Sun Zhou had chosen to take a leisurely stroll rather than run this time. His mind was still processing everything that happened. His eyes were hidden behind locks of unruly hair, and they revealed a concentrated yet listless quality.

The whole night, Sun Zhou made the best effort to inform his two brothers of his plans, to no avail. Lau Jin-sah started drinking right as soon as the boys ate and became too intoxicated to comprehend or even remember half the things Sun Zhou had said. Sota, on the other hand, had fallen asleep out of boredom, as he just didn't grasp the weight of what Sun Zhou was trying to press upon them.

When he arrived at his apartment complex, Sun Zhou noticed a black luxury car parked in front of the building. His instincts told him to be suspicious. The vehicle was just too nice and couldn't possibly belong to anyone who lived there. He stepped lightly up the stairs to his apartment and cautiously stuck his head into the hallway, and found a small group of people patiently waiting at his doorstep.

What surprised him wasn't the fact that he had company. Sun Zhou didn't recognize any of them, and they were too well dressed to belong to any of the local gangs that festered around the area. Three men in pressed business suits stood around a short, fidgety woman wearing a professional outfit. Judging from their clothing, Sun Zhou was confident they weren't affiliated with any local gang. No hoodlum would casually wear a pressed suit, particularly not the cheap off-brand ones which these men wore.

Sun Zhou was also aware of the local law enforcement personnel, most of whom wouldn't dare show their face in this apartment complex. Let alone a small squad with a woman in it. Yet, it appeared the four of them had no intention to leave, so Sun Zhou decided he might as well show himself.

He brazenly walked out from the stairs into the hallway and spoke loudly towards the four strangers, "What is your business here?"

They all looked to Sun Zhou. Two of the men clustered together, visibly showing their discomfort at being there. One of them stepped forward and replied in a confident tone, "Good morning, sir. We are looking for an individual surnamed Sun who is registered at this residence. Would you be willing to help us?"

"I am Sun Zhou. What do you want?"

The woman among them stumbled out from behind the others to speak. Her clumsy body language betrayed the professional look she was trying to portray. Even so, Sun Zhou noticed the young woman was still quite attractive. Her long, straight hair was tied up in a tight bun. She had thick-rimmed glasses that accentuated the cuteness of her round, childish face.

In contrast, her appealing figure was far from child-like. Her waist was thin, and she possessed very noticeable curves. The business suit further betrayed her, emphasizing them—particularly her bust, which the outfit did a spectacular job holding together, considering the size.

She bowed slightly to Sun Zhou, holding out her business card with both hands: "My name is Lu Xiaolu. I am a junior developer from Surreal Studios. Our records show that you have an account associated with a newly released product called Sovereign Spirit Online. We would like to invite you to our company building and ask you a few questions. We know this is sudden, but would you please consider?"

'Hmm? Surreal Studios? If they sent people here personally, would it mean they caught on to my character? That emergency maintenance...'

He unwillingly smiled and took Lu Xiaolu's card with both hands, looking it over. It was the real deal! After sizing up the group in front of his apartment, Sun Zhou's mind raced with the implications of this visit. Regardless, it wasn't like he could refuse. Not if he still planned to move forward with SSO.


The streets in downtown Guangzhou were so congested that, at times, traffic seemed to never actually move. The incredible number of shops and restaurants in the high-rise buildings gave off a vibe that the district was exceedingly prosperous. On the car ride over, Sun Zhou couldn't help but feel a tightness in his chest. The nervous sensation only worsened when he dwelled upon what was in store for him.

After arriving at their destination, Sun Zhou was escorted by his entourage into the lobby and could only be astounded by the building's interior design. Everything in sight was spotless and tidy. The stylish theme of the hall and the following suites expressed a modern and cutting-edge presence. As they walked through the building, Sun Zhou passed by various rooms seemingly used for game development.

Some of them contained state-of-the-art motion capture facilities, while others were carefully lined with large capsules. These capsules had people reclining comfortably in them, wearing the True-VR helmet. Sun Zhou could scarcely guess what they were working on while in virtual reality. But he did recognize the capsules themselves. A new product Surreal Studios had yet to unveil to the public officially.

Above all else, one thing was clear to him. Surreal Studios had never been at any point some small indie developer. The company had to have been very well-funded, considering the scale of its operations, let alone the provisions to maintain all these considerable resources and staff.

When the group arrived at their designated conference room, they politely showed Sun Zhou in, offering him refreshments while he waited. After a few brief moments, Lu Xiaolu returned with some paperwork in hand, followed by an elderly man who calmly walked into the room behind her. From his demeanor and designer suit, Sun Zhou assumed he was an executive of the company. The charming Lu Xiaolu waited respectfully for the man to take a seat before procuring one for herself.

Finally, she sat down across from Sun Zhou and fidgeted with a few loose papers before clearing her throat: "Mr. Sun. Once again, my name is Lu Xiaolu. Here at Surreal Studios, I am in charge of player curriculum statistics and content logistics for the eastern region in Sovereign Spirit Online. Firstly, please allow me to express the company's gratitude for your cooperation with our selfish request." She spoke as if she was reading off a script.

"I understand the situation. Please continue. I have no problem cooperating." Sun Zhou said expressionlessly. His eyes slowly shifted between Lu Xiaolu and the older gentleman who sat in silence, observing him.

"Ahem… I'll get right to the point. During a routine scan, we have discovered your character to possess increased attributes. After a more thorough investigation, it seems that somehow, during character creation, certain status effects were applied to your character. Ordinarily, we would not have identified you so fast, but to put it simply, out of every character in the eastern region, yours was the only anomaly." Lu Xiaolu took out several papers that listed Sun Zhou's various character information, placing them in front of her.

Sun Zhou remained impassive as she continued to explain. It became clear as to why and how they contacted him so fast.

'Of course, I'd be an exception. The game was launched yesterday.' Sun Zhou thought to himself. Outwardly, he continued to show no sign that he had done anything wrong.

Lu Xiaolu forcefully stared at Sun Zhou in an attempt to express her stance on the subject. Unfortunately, her approach backfired, as her youthful, round facial features were just not intimidating in the slightest. The effort she exerted into looking serious only made her cuter. A brief interval passed before she continued: "Mr. Sun, we at Surreal Studios know with absolute certainty that at the moment, a method to alter the character creation process through outside means does not exist. If you have any information about this irregularity, will you please share it with us?"

Sun Zhou was unsure of what to do at this point. If he gave away his secret, would they just think he was crazy? Would they even allow him to keep his character? If he chose to play dumb, would they delete it and be done with the incident? There seemed to be no outcome to this situation where he would come out ahead. No matter which scenario Sun Zhou imagined, nothing he could say was helpful because what Lu Xiaolu stated was correct.

There was no way to cheat in Sovereign Spirit Online. Over the years in his past life, several people attempted to make various mods*(1) or cheat programs, and not a single person succeeded. According to those who tried, the game was too sophisticated to be altered by any outside program. The source programming was also locked down by incredible levels of security, too daunting for anyone to tackle.

With these facts in place, Sun Zhou needed a moment to consider his options. He looked at Lu Xiaolu as he inhaled deeply, believing that if nothing could explain his situation, why not just go all out? After letting the breath go, he placed both hands on the conference table: "What if I told you I refined the Three Tailed Heavenly Phoenix Spirit and reincarnated my character?"

The company executive's weathered eyes lit up, and a look of genuine surprise painted his face. Lu Xiaolu, on the other hand, slightly pouted at Sun Zhou's response and promptly responded: "Phoen- What? Mr. Sun, I am being serious! Please don't make it difficult for me! We--"

The executive held up his hand, cutting Lu Xiaolu off. Sun Zhou saw this and pondered the executive's identity. To silence a developer, even a junior one, he had to be someone high up in the company. The man swiftly stood from his chair, turning to Lu Xiaolu: "Miss Lu, I thank you for your hard work in this matter. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to have a private chat with Mr. Sun. Would you please indulge my selfishness?"

Lu Xiaolu could scarcely believe what was happening. Her eyes darted anxiously between Sun Zhou and the elderly man before she eventually stood up, bowing to the latter: "Sir, if I have done something wrong, I apologize. I shall take my leave."

The older gentleman chuckled, "There is nothing amiss. You have performed your duties wonderfully. As I said, I just want to chat with Mr. Sun here. Thank you for understanding."

Lu Xiaolu nodded quite fiercely before backing out of the room, still somewhat confused as to what exactly happened. Her mind wandered towards many different possibilities. Perhaps what Sun Zhou said was some sort of coded message? But as the door closed on her, she could only pout on the other side.

When the door finally clicked shut, the executive turned to Sun Zhou and extended his hand, "Please excuse my rudeness for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Wu Chen Fan. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Sun Zhou nearly gasped. This was Wu Chen Fan?! This man was not just anyone! He was the President*(2) of Surreal Studios! More importantly, the studio rampantly credited him as the Lead Designer and the Father of Sovereign Spirit Online!

In Sun Zhou's previous life, Wu Chen Fan was a legend.

The man spearheaded SSO's development through boundaries and heights no one thought possible for an interactive True-VR game. Another of his several achievements was his establishment of a commercial service empire, using Surreal Studios as the cornerstone. The capital funding he used to accomplish this derived from the game's profits alone. Naturally, Wu Chen Fan was heavily invested in his game, and it would be correct to assume he knew everything there was to know about SSO.

Sun Zhou shot straight up out of his chair and immediately clasped the legend's hand, bowing deeply: "President Wu! Please forgive any rude behavior I have shown you. It is an honor to meet you!"

Wu Chen Fan smiled, "Mr. Sun, there was no offense given. Please, don't be polite. Also, I must be upfront with you. I am unable to spare much time for our discussion. I hope we can be open with one another."

Inwardly, Wu Chen Fan was surprised Sun Zhou recognized him, let alone show this much respect. Surreal Studios had only become a headlining news topic in the past few months, with SSO's announcement. News of President Wu Chen Fan's involvement had been kept confidential to a small degree.

"You mentioned a certain Spirit just now. Please elaborate what you know, if you please." Wu Chen Fan said calmly.

Sun Zhou cleared his throat as they both took their seats once more. He thought that perhaps this encounter was meant to be, and being upfront with the truth might be worth it. Worst-case scenario, Wu Chen Fan would consider this meeting to be a waste of time and just delete the character. Even though it would be a huge loss, as long as Sun Zhou could play SSO after this meeting, losing the effects his character received was a sacrifice he was willing to make.

"This may come off as ridiculous or just crazy to you, sir. But the knowledge I have was acquired without any foul play. What I am about to tell you is, without a doubt, real and not a lie. You may not know me, but I do know you, President Wu Chen Fan," Sun Zhou spoke and tried as hard as he could to remain composed, "Or should I address you as Prince Li Shimin?"

"Oh? You know I am directly involved with the game? Not only that but my personal character as well?" Wu Chen Fan asked. His face turned solemn as if there was nothing else that could surprise him.

Sun Zhou witnessed this and, by instinct, felt a dangerous vibe from the older gentleman. Even so, he decided the only way now was forward: "Yes, sir. You see... In my previous life, I was able to refine the Three Tailed Heavenly Phoenix Spirit. After activating it, my character was reincarnated, and somehow. I know this makes me sound like a lunatic, but the world had brought me nine years into my past. It brought me to today, the day Sovereign Spirit Online was released."

"Nine years, you say? My creation endured that long? Wonderful! I am very interested to learn more about it and your method to refine a ninth-tier Spirit." Wu Chen Fan said. His tone dictated that Sun Zhou had no choice but to elaborate.

Sun Zhou was initially suspicious of Wu Chen Fan's reaction, or rather the lack of it. But he smiled sheepishly before sharing the details of his endeavors in refining the Tier 9 Spirit and the brief events leading him back in time. As Sun Zhou continued speaking with Wu Chen Fan, he felt a sense of excitement.

The feeling he experienced was akin to speaking with a fellow player who shared his extreme passion for SSO. The short chat that Wu Chen Fan had initially expected turned into an hour-long conversation. Near the end, Sun Zhou had Wu Chen Fan laughing hysterically over some old stories of the President's future exploits and various adventures Sun Zhou had encountered.

Likewise, Wu Chen Fan could not help but feel a sense of camaraderie from this unknown person Sun Zhou. Rarely did another person fully appreciate the complexity or comprehend the intentions of Wu Chen Fan's creations. Yet here, sitting in front of him, was a person who spent an entire nine years of his life dedicating himself to them. After listening intently to Sun Zhou's explanation of various intricacies in the game's mechanics and content, it became clear that the level of information spoken of could not possibly be leaked.

Wu Chen Fan slowly rose from his seat and held out his hand to Sun Zhou once more: "Mr. Sun, I want to thank you for coming in to accommodate us. After speaking with you, I can only assume that today was predestined. I hope you don't mind if I call on you in the future."

"Not at all, President Wu! To have met you in person is such an honor for me." Sun Zhou said sincerely. He took Wu Chen Fan's hand, grasping it firmly, "...May I ask sir, what is to become of my character?"

"Hm? What of it? There seems to be no evidence of outside tampering. To punish you for something out of your control would just be wasteful. Just imagine what we could learn from these events!" Wu Chen Fan replied with a sly smile.

Sun Zhou could not suppress the happiness plastered across the poker face he had been maintaining till now. But, this did not stop him from being thorough, "Also, about the status on my character-"

"Well… Not all of us are born equal, are we? Either way, I doubt such a trivial thing will be enough to disrupt my efforts." Wu Chen Fan said, releasing Sun Zhou's hand and staring out a window overlooking the city.

He continued to speak as his gaze seemed to venture elsewhere: "More importantly, if your...special circumstances were, in fact, the result of my own efforts… Who am I to reverse the successful endeavors of my future self?" He then smirked, "Who knows? Perhaps other life-changing surprises are in store for us yet. Don't you think so, Sun Zhou?" Wu Chen Fan turned to Sun Zhou with a gaze of utmost intensity.

Something that Sun Zhou couldn't explain caused him to nearly shake at that moment. He couldn't tell if it was fear or reverence. The wise and seasoned demeanor of Wu Chen Fan placed him in a league of his own compared to the other people Sun Zhou had ever respected. Wu Chen Fan was a man who did not fear the unknown, an incredibly rare trait that Sun Zhou admired.

Relief and excitement washed over him, and Sun Zhou felt as if he could have hugged the legend in front of him. Wu Chen Fan's response was essentially a green light to proceed in SSO without any interference! To receive consent from the President himself was a godsend.

He immediately bowed to Wu Chen Fan and sincerely thanked him: "President Wu, thank you again for this honor. Thank you for creating the world in which I am the most alive!"

Wu Chen Fan laughed heartily as he began making his way towards the room's exit. He stopped abruptly before opening it and turned to Sun Zhou with a look of curiosity, "One last thing, Mr. Sun... In the nine years that you experienced, was there anyone who was able to unify the Divine Continent?"

Sun Zhou smiled bitterly, "Not a single person."

Wu Chen Fan nodded and left the conference room without another word. After his departure, Sun Zhou frantically tried to catch the breath that had escaped him this whole time. The pressure that he had been experiencing was lifted entirely. Not only that, Sun Zhou knew he profited greatly from the exchange! Being able to continue playing SSO and with his character to boot! He already began thinking of what his next course of action would be once he returned.

"Ahem," a feminine cough interrupted Sun Zhou's train of thought.

Sun Zhou looked towards the door and saw a pouting Lu Xiaolu standing on the other side, waiting for him to vacate the conference room. He swiftly collected himself and walked out into the hallway, following her towards the lobby.

"You must be quite an unusual person for President Wu to spend that much time with you. He informed me that we are to dismiss the issue concerning your character. I also must ask you to please leave your contact information with me, as I will be your liaison and will call you to schedule another visit." Lu Xiaolu had an annoyed look on her youthful face as she spoke. It seemed as if she disliked being left out of the loop or treated like a secretary.

Sun Zhou could only smile and agree. When they reached the lobby, he wrote down his information and promptly handed it to Lu Xiaolu before turning and taking the car that had been arranged for him.


It was around noon when Sun Zhou arrived at his apartment. So he decided to make himself lunch that he ate ravenously while browsing through various websites on his computer. Shortly after, a notice popped up on the SSO official website. The server maintenance was complete, and SSO will reopen in an hour!

A fierce excitement flooded through Sun Zhou's veins as he waited. That miserable hour felt like a lifetime to him, and he was so restless that tidying the apartment was the only thing he could do to pass the time. When the moment came, Sun Zhou jumped onto his bed with the True-VR headset and logged back into Sovereign Spirit Online.

When he opened his eyes, he was back in the courtyard he had logged out in earlier. Sun Zhou immediately checked his character interface. He was pleased to see nothing had changed at all. This was really happening!


A message appeared as Sun Zhou was just about to walk out of the courtyard.

Server Announcement:

The maintenance on the World Server has been completed.

We apologize for the massive inconvenience this has caused, and we thank you for your understanding and support.

In return for our beloved community's excellent cooperation, we have bestowed:

(1x) [Tier 1 | Second Wind Spirit] to all current players.

Please use them wisely!

Thank You, and Welcome to Sovereign Spirit Online!

Sun Zhou sucked in a breath of cold air. A Second Wind Spirit! This rare Spirit was an invaluable asset to have on hand. Although they could only be used once, each Spirit provided a significant boost to the player's attributes for a short amount of time. At first glance, the effect may seem superficial, but Sun Zhou knew the potential these Spirits possessed. A single one of these Spirits, used at the right time, could turn defeat into victory!

Others may not realize, but Sun Zhou knew Surreal Studios had been generous. But, it was to be expected after the game had been shut down on release day. Who knows how many people took the day off work or cleared their schedules in excitement for SSO's release? An incident like this was an embarrassing setback for the company's reputation.

Despite this, Surreal Studios was incredibly lucky that the community following SSO was so understanding. True-VR was a new field of gaming, after all, and people understood that bugs would occur. Naturally, it did not prevent a few groups from being outraged. The developer hoped this olive branch would calm them down and keep them away from posting negative review videos for a while.

Sun Zhou didn't waste any time and walked swiftly out of the courtyard, entering the lively city. He knew his brothers wouldn't log on till later, so Sun Zhou decided to use this time to focus on his own advancement. They could always catch up to him later on, especially with the incredible advantages that Sun Zhou could provide them.

When he passed through the residential gate separating the housing zone from the rest of the city, Sun Zhou was greeted with a bustling street market. It was surrounded by multi-tiered wooden structures that housed various restaurants, shops, and craftsman workshops. Sun Zhou watched as people hurried in and out of these establishments while other players and NPCs bartered in-between the stalls and on the market side streets.

Endless clattering and copious smells bombarded his senses. Sun Zhou had to admit, the technology achieved in his lifetime was genuinely extraordinary. The thought prompted him to pause and watch the scene unfold before moving on to his destination.

--The Battle Pavilion.

A fairly expansive area laid out in stone. It was covered by an imposing wooden canopy that was sprawled high above the open space. This place, located near the heart of Exeter City, was where players could receive their first Battle Spirit and have their cultivation unlocked.

To advance in Sovereign Spirit Online, a person must effectively harmonize with Spirits to access the power these living creatures possessed. The Spirits existing in the world were broadly categorized long ago by observing the traits and skills they provided. Some of them were one-time use, while others offered lasting and permanent effects like bestowing a skill set that people grouped into classes.

Spirits such as the [Tier 1 | Second Wind Spirit] were included in the one-time-use augment category, which increased a person's attributes by a very significant amount. The positive effects granted when utilizing it would wear off after a short amount of time, and afterward, the Spirit would vanish. In comparison, the Battle Spirits were a wholly different category.

Sun Zhou arrived at the Battle Pavilion and observed a crowd of people, all hurrying to secure their very first Spirit. Once inside, they separated into smaller groups, gathering around several notable individuals. Sun Zhou instantly recognized them as members of the Fu Clan, an NPC faction that ruled Exeter City.

These clan members had been stationed here by the Fu Clan to bestow Battle Spirits to any who asked. However, in exchange for accepting the Fu Clan's generosity, those who took a Spirit were then expected to enlist as initiate clan members. This exchange guaranteed a free Battle Spirit but locked people into committing towards the faction.

Honestly, it wasn't a bad deal. In Sun Zhou's previous life, joining a faction was accepted as the swiftest and most conventional way to increase one's strength. Many streamers and content creators followed this route, sharing the positive results of faction commitment. The benefits of serving the clan, not to mention the various events and rewards, were fair and enticing.

Not surprisingly, those who chose not to reciprocate the Fu Clan's magnanimity found themselves quickly shunned by nearly every NPC in Exeter City. The news of these events spread like wildfire and reinforced the belief that pledging yourself to the clan that rules your starting city was just how things worked.

Slipping through the frenzied crowd, Sun Zhou passed by people who had just received a [Tier 1 | Guardian Spirit] from a Fu Clan NPC. They brandished a basic sword and shield that had been gifted to them along with the Battle Spirit. Simultaneously, a considerable amount of people sped back and forth between the clan members, observing those who had accepted their Battle Spirits.

These individuals were hesitant to decide so hastily because of one reason.

Battle Spirits occupied one of the few Spirit Slots a person could have. Sun Zhou knew the vast majority of people would only ever possess five such slots to house Spirits within themselves. Intentional by design, the limited number encouraged people to determine their own path or specialty. It was uncommonly rare for someone to possess an additional Spirit Slot, and the odds of someone obtaining one were preposterous.

Additionally, Battle Spirits needed to be fed and nurtured. To feed multiple Battle Spirits would be very expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, players were prompted to carefully make their choices, as this selection would dictate their gameplay style.

Sun Zhou concealed a smug look on his face as he observed these people. No one could have guessed the considerable advantages he had over them at this early stage of the game. He already possessed six Spirits Slots, thanks to the effects of the [Tempered Mind] status.

Making it past the enthusiastic crowd, Sun Zhou stopped in front of an NPC that stood next to a wooden sign. Sloppily written on it was a single word: [Brawler].

The NPC was muscular and bore monstrous gauntlets that covered his brawny fists and forearms, all the way up to the elbows. The gauntlets were made out of some curious black metal and glistened in the sunlight. At a glance, they looked like they could one-hit KO an elephant!

Sun Zhou waited for a breath of time before interrupting a few chattering people who surrounded the NPC: "I am interested in your Battle Spirit."

The people Sun Zhou had brushed aside all gave him annoyed looks and protested, "Hey! We were here first! Buzz off and wait for your turn."

Sun Zhou paid no attention to them as he listened attentively to the NPC's response.

"If you're looking for a Battle Spirit, then look no further young one! You may call me Bruised Leaf!"

Sun Zhou nodded.

"Do you see my strong arms? Do you see my unshakeable body? Look at my destructive hands, capable of pulverizing any opponent. Obviously, you have chosen the right path. Become my faithful disciple!" said Bruised Leaf

"Heh, I see. To be honest, you seem a little weak. Is this all your Battle Spirit has to offer? Perhaps I should go find one that uses a better weapon instead." Sun Zhou mocked.

Those who heard their conversation were confused, "Why bother talking shit to the NPC? Just get your Spirit and get out of the way, damn noob!*(3)"

"What are you calling him a noob for, you noob? We all just started the game like ten minutes ago." another random person scoffed.

"Who said that? Wanna see the difference between us?"

Bickering between the crowd grew more and more, and some even tried to throw a few random punches at each other. Their superficial attacks didn't inflict any real damage, as the Battle Pavilion was a designated "safe" zone. Still, the blows caught people off guard, as they didn't expect to feel some of the physical impact.

Direct physical interaction outside of combat was an option that could be adjusted within the settings of SSO. The overwhelming majority of players, especially sensible women, would turn the function off. It went without saying that no matter where you go, there existed people with nefarious intentions. These types of scum would get close to innocent, unassuming people and try to cop a feel, or worse.

Luckily, Sovereign Spirit Online made it easy to report sexual harassment at a moment's notice. Evidence ordinarily was on hand, as in this day and age, most players would stream or live capture their gameplay. That said, physical interaction was employed during combat of any kind and could not be turned off at those times.

"Weak? Did you just say I look weak? Fool! What does a little chick like you know? If you think a different weapon is better, you are mistaken!" Bruised Leaf retorted fiercely.

Sun Zhou sneered at the defiant response he got and again questioned the usefulness of the Brawler Spirit. He deliberately delivered a series of verbal abuse and disdain for Bruised Leaf's claims. Throughout their argument, the other people standing around tried interrupting Sun Zhou at every opportunity to regain Bruised Leaf's attention. Unfortunately for them, he had become so upset from the doubts and insults of his Battle Spirit and would not interact with anyone else.

This scenario gave rise to even more annoyance from the others, who now resorted to shouting at Sun Zhou for squandering their time. Furthering their frustration, Sun Zhou paid them no attention and continued to press Bruised Leaf until finally:

"You dare to be so presumptuous? Then how about this- I challenge you! I will use only a fraction of my power and show you the greatness of the Brawler Spirit. If you defeat me, I will kowtow three times and give you my own gauntlets!" Bruised Leaf shouted.

Sun Zhou shrugged, "I accept your challenge.

"Haha! The idiot is gonna get his ass handed to him."

"Finally! Get it over with, so I can talk to the NPC already!"

"Hey there, friends! How's it going? My name is uh, Kiven, and today we're going to be checking out a game called Sovereign Spirit Online. I was planning to start the stream a wee bit later when I was more prepared, BUT we've just come across someone about to get beat up. No time like the present, am I right?"

Everyone in the Battle Pavilion flocked over to check out the fight believing the arrogant white-haired youth would be taught a lesson. How could a defenseless player with no Battle Spirit beat anyone? As people watched and prattled about the outcome, Sun Zhou and the NPC moved towards the middle of the crowd, standing a few meters apart.

Bruised Leaf called over to Sun Zhou, "Are you ready?"

Sun Zhou nodded, "Ready."

"BEGIN!" Bruised Leaf roared and sprinted directly towards Sun Zhou, who remained standing in place. As soon as he was in range, Bruised Leaf raised his fist bearing the gigantic gauntlet and leaped towards Sun Zhou, delivering a mighty punch!

Sun Zhou kept perfectly still until the gauntlet was inches away from his face. At that critical moment, he implemented some creative footwork and sidestepped, escaping the blow. Gasps emerged from the frenzied crowd as Bruised Leaf failed to connect. Astonished, he turned his head towards Sun Zhou, only to meet a fist the white-haired youth had swiftly thrown out, striking the burly man from his blind spot.


The firm sound of Sun Zhou's fist hitting Bruised Leaf's face was loud enough to suppress the chatter and heckling from the crowd. After receiving the blow, Bruised Leaf scrambled to regain his balance, but it was too late. Sun Zhou had already followed his initial strike with a kick towards the NPC's chest. Bruised Leaf received the full force of the attack, falling onto his back a short distance away.

Bruised Leaf was already back on his feet in a mere second, accompanied by a bewildered look as he peered across the pavilion floor. Standing in the same spot as when they started the fight was the white-haired youth, half his size.

Sun Zhou revealed a cold smile as he stood firmly in place. He extended an open hand out towards the Brawler:



Author's Notes:

*(1) Mods - A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration by players who are not officially part of the development of the game.

*(2) President - More like the sole owner of the company.

*(3) Noob - A newb or newbie; refers to the idea that someone is new to a game, concept, or idea, implying a lack of experience.