The fall of the world

On the rooftop of an old school building stands a young man with normal body and short black hair.He stands there looks at the seting sun and remmebers the events from the past, he remmebers the events 10 years ago like they happened yesterday on that fatefull day all machines devicec's that uses the smalest electricity stoped working.The reason is unknown evenn until this day, on that day everithing changed for the people goverments colapsed the world become a place where strong rules and the weak is forced to bow and strugel to surevive.He was living in Kyoto with his parents and younger sister, he was 9 yers old that time.They flee from the city to the country side, but unknow to anyone fate had other plans for him because while fleeing they where attacked by a group of people, to save them his father told tham to run while he hold this people back.His mother dint wanted for her husband to do that but they didnt had ant other choice beacuse they had to save there children, before living his father got to him giving him a big hug after which he told him something he will remember for the rest of his life.

-Nagumo from now on you are the man who needs to protect your mother and little beacuse i will... not be abel to do it anymore ..... can you do that for me?

Choking back tirs he noded his had while giving his father a big hug while his eyes where strugling to keep back his tears.His father took his face in his hands and made him look him in the eye.

-Son remember to protect your mother and sister no matter what and to protect those you love and are close to your heart beacuse if you dont do it nobody else will be abel to.

At this moment he coulnd hold back anymore and started to cry wgile huging his father againwhile his tears where making the shirt on his father wet, after a few seconds his father gave a hug to his wife and little daugther and took a baseball bat and run in a different diretion while shouting to get the atettion of there attackers.

After a while they where runinng while he in his heart mayde a solemn vowe to himself and his father that he will keep his family and those close to his heart safe no matter what, so he can live a happy life.In the and they managed to get to small villigae they decided to stay there as long as they can.Unknoen to tham those people who attaked them where not simple bandits or raiders they where working for his uncle who wanted them dead so he can take over the family and have full power.On that day his father was killed by this people while protecting them but fate is a strange thing as this people where close to them for a long time they where just waiting for an opportunity to kill them, and this opportunity came on that day.His father was captured and tortured before killing him.

In a dark room lite only by a few candles and an oilamp there is a man tide to chair with bloody face and a lot of blood on his chlotes, in front of him stands a man but his face is not visible to him.He is being tortured for hours and now is slovely losing his power and he knowes that he doesent have long to live.

-Why... are you doing this.. to me... just kill me ... already?

-Sorry we have orders to torture you before killing you.


-Oh so you didnt figure it out yet?Than let me tell you a name and i think everiting will be clear.

-What are .... you talking about?

-Sagano Hajime.

On his face shocke apparead but it was gone in a second after that he smiled after understanding everyting.

-So he made his moves already that brother of mine always wanted power... but i never wanted anything to do with power that is why a left that God damn place.But i see he still wants me gone.. Can you please at least spare my family they dont know anything about this they will not be in his way, im bagging you spare them.

-Orders are to kill your whole family.

After saying this the man leant down so his face is visibel to him nd his smile just widens and his eyes are just a little shocked.

-Its you still playing the loyal dog for my brother?

With this remark the man punchis him in the face with anger on his face.

-Shut up!!!!You have no right to say those wordes.

-You .. will be nothing more than ... a dog.. so be a good to your master and kill me.

-You wish but i will not kill you yet until Sagano-sama not arrives he will decide of the way we kill you.

Four house pased and the door do the room opens and two man comes in while closing the door behing them.

-So good to see you.

-I already gave up on being the next Clan head so what you want?

-Our father is still looking for you beacuse he thinks you will be better then me so i have to get reed of you.

-Just leave my family alone im beging you they are innocent.

-Dont worry they will follow you in hell soon.

The man next to him hands him a handgun, he takes it and holds it up to his brother forehead and pulls the triger his brother goes limp in the chair.He looks to the side and hands back the gun.

-Did you find tham yet?

-Not yet master.

-You dont dare to showe your face in front of me until they are dead do you understand me?

-Understand master.

-Good.Now get reed of his body and go find them.

-Yes sir.

He walks out of the room and disappears in the darknes.While all this was happening Nagumo, his mother Aleksandra and his little sister Yaegashi where tring to get over the death of there beloved father and husband.Aleksandra was of Russian origin he met Endo while studying in Japan they date-ed for o long time before Endo wanted to marry her bur his father was against it, so they run away from the Hajime Clan and started a new life but fate was cruel to them indeed.Nagumo was sitting with crueled up legs while blanckly starting forward, while his sister Yaegashi was sliping on his mother lap while she was stroking her hair gently and crying in silence.After a few houres she looked at Nagumo and said to him that they need to get on with there life saying that Endo would want them to live on nad be happy, Nagumo looks up to her and smiles while noding at her, his sister still sleeping with her head on, her lap.

9 and halfe is gone since than the first two years where very hard for tham and everybody else as people died in the number of millions but after 4 years everyting calmed down a little bit by now the powers settled down and warlord, bandits and other power have there own terrietories and sometimes fight beetwen each other but there mostly calm and develope there own territories.Nagumo and his family settled down in the town of Hato this territore was under a warlored or daimyo while they had to pay tax to him they lived a relativle simple live.Most of the people in the town died in battles or in the raider attack, or eatheir they where taken as slaves by them.The modern world of 2012 was just a dream, now the modern guns where very preciouse and the normal guns and arm become the muskeet or swords and spears the only "modern" weapon that worked was canonns whitch are not using electrity.Ofcourse Nagumo had to fight so he is a little bit skilled with weapons but he didnt like to fight.

Now the 9 and half year passed Nagumo was out on the field working getting ready to finish for the day and go home.His sister grown up to a beatiful lady with long blonde hair and a very aluring figure, and face to mache it.Nagumo was very protective of her even when she was 16 years old already Yaegashi was a very obidient and smart girl so, she always tried to keep out of trouble not to worry her mother and brother.Nagumo was going to there house after finishing his work for the day, but unknown to anybody two forces where making there way to there little peaceful town to one was coming to bring destruction and chaose while the other was coming to rescue 3 people.This two forces where after Aleksandra, Nagumo and Yaegashi, one of the roces was lead by the same person who tortured Endo and he was coming to kill them, while the other force was cominf to rescue them when they found out what there current Hajime clan head was planinng to do this people are lead by an old man who has a very seriouse expresion on his face.

Hatoru has a seriouse expresion while thinking about his late masters orders and his last wish,the old head of the clan died one year ago and his second son Sagano took power after which he started to purge his enemys with in the clan, his enemys run away before he could purge all of them and set up a new place for themself and started to look for Endo s family, beacause they where loyal to Endo for the things he did for them before runing away from the clan, they where rushing towards the town because they knew that they cant be late.While somewhere else.Kimo had a very happy face because finally after almost 10 years he can return to his masters side, he just need to finish this mission quckly.He got word about the wherebout of Endo's family from a spy in Hato region a week ago now he is on his way there with 20 of his best man to finish everything.Nagumo just got home and getting ready for dinner, after dinner he is sleeping peacefullly when in the middle of night he is awakened to shouts and sounds of fighting on instinct he grabs his sword and runs to, his mother and sisters room to make sure they are safe.When he getts there and sees them awake and scared he say to them.To stay calm and gett ready to run while he peaks outside to see what is going on, outtside he sees people of the town fighting people that looks like bandits but soon he is running down the stairs beause 5 of them make there way to there house.He gets ready to fight while telling hes mother and sister to stay hiden and wayt for him to finish this bandits before runinng.He is hiding in the kithen closeto the entrence door when he hears the door being kicked in and people coming in he hears one man saying:

-Look for them don't let them escape or we are dead.

-Yes sir.

This people are looking for them but why?He dont have time to think about that for now as one of the man is coming his way, he getts ready to fight.The man steps in the kitchen unawhere that he is hiding there he lifts his sword and stabs the man trow his throut.The man looks in desbelieve at the way he died but the other four are already alert to there commrades death and get ready to fight, Nagumo comes out of the kitchen striking with his sword towards one of them but he blokes it easly and strikes back.The four are striking towards Nagumo, he blokes as many as he can but the four are strong and better trained than him after 10 minutes of battle Nagumo is on the ground wounded but the most severy is the three cuts on his chest and abdomen he is laying on the ground not abel to get up anymore and bleeding very hard.Than moment later two of the four paople comes in to his vision with his mother and sister at sword point he trys to get up is unabel so he says with a very weak voice:

-I'm sorry mother, sister i was unable to protect you i'm very sorry.

-Don't be sorry brother you did everyting you could i don't blame you.

-Son i'm very proude of you and i will never be disappointed in you.

He started to cry with tears coming out of his eyes like train that he said in his head"I'm sorry father i can't keep my promise to you" as he finished this thought another men comes in and ask the other four:

-Are you sure this are his family?

-Yes sir.

-Good than kill them quickly and let's go.


-What is it?

-The girl can we ....?

-OH yes sure but be quick about it we don't have long the daimyo of this teritorrie gave us 1 houre and is almost up so be quick.

-Yes sir.Thank you.

Kimo just skofed and left after those words he looked at the family for a last time before goin out.The four man had a very happy and lustful face, they where looking at Yaegashi like they won a price.Two of them grabed her and draged her in the kitchen from where Nagumo could hear clothes being torn and her sisters screams and please but to no wail, he tried to get up again but he was very wounded and veek he couldent do anuthing only cry and asking for forgivnes.After all four man finihed with Yaegashi they brought her back and he could see her condition whitch infuriated them and he wanted to massacer this people, but after a few seconds he got could as he watched as one of the man got his sword to her throut and slit it with blood gushing out andher lifles eyes looking at him,his mother was crying and screaming all this time but to no whail as in the and one of the man stabt her in the chest and going towards Nagumo to finish of the job.When the man lifted his sword to finish him of he fros mide air with sword in hand and fell sideways dieng.Nagumo could see a shadow moving but his councesnious was fading aways by now and when he wanted to look at the shadow he fell uncouces.Hatoru's expression changed when he saw the fire and smoke coming from the town he told he people to hurrie and kill all the enemy he had a very bad filling he just said a few words:

-Go and save them no mater what.

To people looked like he was talking to himself, only he knew who he was talking to and hoped that person will not be late while he and his man where rushing to the town.When they got in they could see bodies everywhere and buildings burning there where searching for the atttackers and they found them on the street waiting in front of one of the houses, he knew that they have been late but he was praying that for that not to be true.When they got close he recognised one of them.He saw Kimo and he knew what happened here he imadietle draw he katana and shouted while rushing in his direction 'KIMO!!!!' he was open klimo in seconds but the where equly matched he tried his best to kill him while there man where fighting but Klimo seeing that his side started to lose he ordered a reatrit and he himself run away.Hatoru wanted to give chase but he knew he had more presing matter now he got of his horse and run towards the house and entered trow the door but what he saw made his blood run cold he saw 7 body's in the living room four where of those of Kimo's man the other three made his blood run cold and while trenbling he aprouchd the body of the young girl but when he lifted her of the ground a little bit he started to cry while saying with a trenbling voice:

-Young mis,please punish this old man for being late and not being abel to save you.

He said that while looking at her and crying, he saw that she was raped and than killed witch a cut to her throut which made him furious but for now he couldent do anything about it, with trendbing hand he put her body down after witch making his way toward the body of the other lady which he regognised imadiatley, witch the same trenbling hand and still crying he cheked her body seeing the wound on her ched he cheked her for any sing of life when cheking her pulse he started to shout:


After this shout four man burst thrue the door ready to fight but when they saw the old and there sorounding they froze.


-Madam stay strong we will get you out of here and heal you up.

He said to the lady after which he rushed to the side if the young man which looked exactly like his father he quickly cheked for any signs of life and found a little bit of signs and he quickly started to get his wounds treated while more man came in and helped him.After finishing treating his wound he stood up and oredere his man to look fora way to trasport them to they new clan headqurtare, the man obeied and started to get two out when the old man said to get the body of the little miss, as well and he made his way out he looked up to the moon and had a very angry look on his face he was saying in his head 'Kimo I will kill you with my own hand and you Sagano you will pay for all the crimes you but this will done but the Young master when he is ready' with this in his hand watched his man loading up the family of Endo in a cart which had a horse attached to it he ordered his man to move out but stay alert because there might be some surprises set up for them.Knowing Kimo's way he was ready for everything.They started to make there way toward Hokona where they made there new home it was about 10 day of travel away from here.Hatoru's man sorrounded the cart and where alert ready for everything like this slowly made there way back.There where on the road for two days, and Hatoru was very vigilante his guard was always up.The small band was moving along broken tarmac and all around them nature took back what was abandoned by people, there where remains of abandonad cars and other thiings litering the side of the road what by the looks of the guard rails and tarmac once must have been a busy highway because of all the vechikle remains.At this moment they where pasing by a building with broken windows and black burn marks on the roof and epoxed areas.Hatoru was watching the building with vigilant eyes but sow nothing out of the ordinary but he is having a filling that they are being watched he just couldn't tell from where, just when he wanted to relax his face gone very angry after he heard a report in his ear.He suddenly stoped the people turned around and facing his man he said.

-Man our enemy's set up an ambush 10 km ahed of us we have two choice ahead of us:one is that we continue ahead and we fight the ambush, the second one is to go back and go in a longer route back to home.I want hear your opinions.

The man looked at each other and said in unison.

-Sir we fight sir.

-Good than let's go and meet them, but our priority is to get the madam and young master to safety.

Saying this he turned around and they continued on the road.Kimo was having a very seriouse face while hiding behind bushes with his man waiting to ambus the small caraven to finish what he failed to do in the town.He was thinking about how he failed his master and he will not be abel to wash away his shame if he fails again, unknown to him his plan was found out and he will have to run again after barley escaping with his life.

Hatoru was having his hand on his sword and was waiting for the people to come out of ambush,all his man where in similar state while going closer to the cart where the two people have been laying with bandages on there body and a tired body was cowered in white rugs.Just a few swconds later 15 man jumpt out and attacked them whitout any warning, but they where prepared and answered quickly cuting down a few at there first strike, Hatoru eyes narowed and he was rushing to figure in the middle of fight with two of his man.He just got there and stroke to the enemy but the enemy managed to dodge his attack and turned around to look at him.When Kimo so him he was very scared but he had to finish his mission no matter what, he made a strike with his katana towards the man but his opponenet peired his attack easy while giving him a small cut on his arm.Hatoru and Kimo where fighting not caring about anyone else around them but Kimo was already having wounds on his body while bleeding quit heavelly he coulden't deafeat his enemy.Than affter seeing an opening he started to run for his life but Hatoru swang his katana and managed to cut him badly over his face, he still manged to escape in the woods and the bushes, seeing their leader runing his man who where still alive either surrendered or run away,Hatoru decided not to pursue them or Kimo he had to take those took back and as quick as possible, after ordering his man to tie up the prisoners and get some rest he went next to the cart and looked at the two faces, there where in bad shape but still holding on he hoped that they can hold on until reaching home.After two hours of rest they where on the road again with the prisoners tied up and draged along,the rest of the way was uneventful and after 9 more days they reached at outscert of Otengo town,this town was abandoned when they found this place.When they first came here the houses where abandoned with broken windows and doors some even where burned almost to the ground they found a few corpses in some of the houses after giving them a proper buriel they where looking for a suitabel building to use as they new clan house, when suddenly a person run towards them with and execided face and told them that he found a suitebel place.That suitebel place was the old highschool of the town, they looked over it from outside and inside they decided to make this there new clan house after all it had still standung walls and gates with a very much space betwen the walls for them to set up the tents for now and later build houses and other neccesitites the building materiale could be taken from the building around them.The school building was located on an island of a river which was very wide and deep with only a bridge connectingit ti the town, so they decided to fortifae the bridge head in front of the school for protection.A few days after settling down they learned why the town was abandoned as close to it was a few bandit hideout from where they came to visit them but always got pusched back losing a lot men and having to return empty handed.

Hatoru was slowly going across the ruined town while aproaching the school building, when he got closer to the bridge the space become clear as they demolished the buildings close to the school for building matterials and safety as they didn't wanted there enemy so closed to there home.He reached the bridge and on the other and could see the fortification with soldiers patroling around it and some guarding the gate, on top of the fortification was a blue flag with a white tiger on it fluetering in the wind.When he was close to the gate the soldiers armed with outomatic rifels got ready, but when they saw him the imadietlly saluted and opened the gate for him.As he road thrue the ate he could see the rest of the guard saluting to him and going back to their work.He road to the school building and ordered the man with him to go and rest as he led the curt to the building which looked very different from before.The building itself was 3 floor hight and it was not to big only having space for 10 classrooms and other facilities, the building before was having a lot of big windows but now most of them was either bricked up or replaced with smaller windows.On the inside it was transformed as well and had 4 bedrooms a main hall and a big main office and some smaller ones.The 3rd floor was complitly transformed to private bedrooms the main office and a small private library with colected books from the school libarary.The seconds floor was transformed in guest rooms, while the ground floor had a reception hall the main hall with the meeting room and smaller officeis for the clargeng staff.The building attached to the schools main building which was2 floor hight was transformed into servent cvorters and a big kitchen.The other 2 floor hight building had been made in the cvorter of the guards responsebel for the safety of the clanhead and his family, the interior of the building was build in the style of the ancient japanes staley.The school building was built in a Ushape and after the transformacions the middle of the U was tranformed in to a garden, on the top of the U a tall wall was erected so the garden was closed and only accesbel from the inside not the outside, now the only acces to the building was the main entrenc all other acces from the oustside was build in for safty reasons.The walls of the school run along the river on the two end while the other two ends had a little bit of land left, on this land people build small rice fields.While inside the walls building where standing the old fottbal field and parking lots now where taken by houses for people to live in but the 100 mater around the school building was of limits no one was aloved to build anything there new road rose betwen this building from high in the all looked like a small castle with a small villiage around it.

On his way to the main building people where curiousely looking at him and the cart but no one dared to approce so he had a very easy way at the front entrence of the building a group of people could be seen standing and anxiously looking in his direction, behind this group could be seen man armed with outomatic rifles standin at atention there uniforme was black with blue strips on the uper shooulder while on the right side of there shoulder was the same blue flag with white tiger on it.That is right there where the people from the household and the guards responsebel for the safety of the clan leader or from now daymio and his family.When he reachd them they imadiattle graspd in sock when they saw the state of the two people.After getting dismaunted from his horse an old woman aproached him, but before he could reach Hatoru said to the grasping people:

-Don't just stand there get them in treated quickly, and the one in the cover get the body ready for the buriel of a clan memeber.NOW move.

-Hatoru is this..?Asked the other old woman.

-Yes there are the wife, son and late daugther of Endo-sama.I couden't save the young miss...

please punish this old ussles man Madam.

-I know you did your best and I don't blamr you for anything you did everything in your power.

-But i got there late and the young miss.... only if i would have arrived a little earlier then maybe..

-Don't think like that you managed to save my daughter-in-law and one of my grandchildren.. Hatoru from now on I reliev of your dutys towards me and you will serve my grandson until your last breath.This is my last order as the head of the clan.As soon as my grandson wakes up he will be the head of the clan make this known to everyoby if they dont like this than tell tham they can leave this place but if they choose they will be under his rule.

-Yes Madam.Said a young man behind the old woman while bowing and getting ready to put this order in acion.

-But madam.. you...

-Haru-kun i know what you want to say but im getting old and my body is not as it used to be, i will still support him but from the dark and giving him advice if he needs it.As for Aleksandra she will be the lady of the house until he is not married.Hanna.Called out the old lady.

When she called out a figure apparead behind her while kneeling.The figure was wearind black clothes from had to toe looking like a ninja, because the person was exatly that.The person stud up when the old lady motiond, the figure had a curviouse body with normald side chest with a slime stomache and a nice behind and long legs.

-Yes Madam? She asked.

-Hanna i know you made pladge to protect me but i will have ask you for something that may sounds unrisonoble to you.

-What is it Madam?

-Please pladge your loyalty to my grandson he will need your help from now on, more than i need it.

-But Madam... you saved me from my worste nightmare and i pladged that as a payment for that i will serve you until i die or you die.I don't know..

-Please Hanna i know it hard for you but he needs all the help and protection he can get and i will not be abel to always protect him.I'm begingg you please.She bowed to her.She just pooked at this old lady thinking.

-Madam.. I... don't know..

-If you can't do this than from this moment onward i relieve you from under your pledge and set you free you can go now than.Saying this she turned her body to face after which she turned her back again facing her.

Hanna was standing there not knowing what to do and thinking what she should do when suddenly Haru said something that shoked Hanna.

-Hanna in reallety who saved you was Endo-sama but the one who asked him to do it was Nagumo.

-What are you talking about?Who saved me is the mada.The confusion could be seen on her face.

-No Hanna what Hatoru-kun says is the truth Endo was the one who saved you from that place not me, he saved you and asked me t take care of you because he knew that he coulden't do it.I wanted to refuse but he said that it was for Nagumo, he said that his son pleaded to him to help you escape from there, he did as his son asked but didn't had enough power to protect you so he came to me.Even Nagumo doesen't know about any of this.

Hanna suddenly had a pale face with confusion and hurt look on her face because he looked down on Nagumo and she was thinking that he was to naive and inoccent, butit turnd out that in realety she owned her life to that man.Hanna was having a very complicated face and coulnd't think straight.Than Hatoru talked again.

-Most of us here own our life to Nagumo.. despicte his look he saved most of our life that is why most of us nad our family swore an oath to serve him for generations as our payment for saving our life.Althought not all of us where saved by him, but some of us was saved by Endo-sama himself when those people wanted to swear there oath he just said this "Please swear this oath to my son and daughter i will not take your oaths as they will take my place if anything happens to me.So please help them so they can be good people and not straigh away from that path".So all of us and our family's swore to serve them to best of our abilitys for generations tp repay a debt that can't be repaid so easly.

Hanna was standing there with a content expression on her face but because of the mask no one could see it.

-Hanna your ninja clan you built so hardly was not thanks to us but Nagumo who begged his father to save you.. now i think you understand why i had a complicated fillings to accept your pladge.So now you can save your true savior... i just hope you will make the right choice now as well.You can go now and think this over and tell me your decision when you are ready.

Saying that the old lady and Haru made there way inside the building to chek how are the two doing leacing behind a very confused and uncerten ninja girl.

Inside the main bedroom which was dimly leat by the setting sun, on a tatami bed was laying a young man with black here and slighly muscular body with fresh bandages on his wound while on the side a vulpouruse body clad in black was standing and watching at him and contemplating about what she was told and about what she sould do now.After a few minutes he dissapeared leavind Nagumo oon his own.He was uncounces for almost two weeks now and not looking like wakeng up soon.In the room at the and of the hole in another luxarious room was laying a gorgeouse and mature blonde woman with vulpoures shape and bandageon her chest.Suddenly she oppened her eyes while screaming, when suddenly the door got burst open and a young woman rushed in to calm her down but to novail so she chose to informe the Madam Hiyama about this.She run to the garden to informe her Madam about it but she was already on her way up to chehek on there situation, then when she heard from this girl about what is going on she run toward the room.When Hiyama reachd the room she could seee that Aleksandra was in bed while screaming and crying she run to her and hugd her while calming her down.After half an our the room was relativly quiet only sounds of sobbing could be heard.Hiyama was telling the situation to Aleksandra while the later was sobbing hearing about everything that happened, that her only daughter was really dead and his son was still uncounces but the worste was that she is now paralyzed from wraiste down doe to the sword cutting an importand artery or similar on her spine when they stabben her.

-Where are we... What is this place?She asked after calming her sobbing down a little bet.

-We are in a town called Ontego or what remained of it, currently we are in a school building that has been modiefed to be our new clans headquerter and this is where Endo's clan starts.

-What you mean that Endo's clan, what new clan i dont understand what you are talking about.

-It's seems you are not to awere of what is happening with clan and your old place.Well than im going to tell you that your brother-in-law took over the clanhead position by killing his brother and purged every person who was not on his side or could treaten his position.Myself and those who where still loyal to your husband escaped or better say who could escape before the purge and we came here to build the clan back to it's old glory or we try but we lacke a clanhead.

-Wait you mean my husband was killed by his brother?

-Yes that's right.

-But we where runinng and where attacked by robbers.

-You say you where attacked by robbers?

-Yes my husband sacrifised himself so me and the children could run away?

-Now i understand how he managed to take over ad killmy son, those who attacked you that time where not robbers but people of Sagano and he killed your hisbandand now tried to kill you and your childre so no one cantreaten his position.

-So you mean that he was all behend this he killed my husband and now my daughter is dead as well, my only child now is my son and i will protect him no matter what it costs.

-About this we need to talk it's very important.

-Can i see my son befoe we start tot talk?

-I'm affraid you will have to wait at the moment he is not in good enough conditionfor visits.


-First please listen to me later you will be abel to visit him just give a littletime to him.Now let's get to our talk.I'm the clanhead temporarly until you agree to what i have to say.

-I... don't know what to say..

-Just listen and you can make a decition afteryouhear out what i have to say.As i was saying we build the clan again and we want your son to take over as clanhead and lead our clan or Endo's clan he was born for this anyway it's just a little different than before , well not little different a lot different but as Endo's son he was always the next clanhead .

-But what happened with people who are here why they came and done all this?

-Because they where loyal to the old clan but didn't sided with Sagano when he took over the clan so from his position they are traitors who are not even whort his attetion anymore but his is a little wrong because more than 4000 people came here and are ready to swear loyalty to your son as the next clanhead.

-So the people here are all that remains of the Endo's old clan?

-That's right, unfortanetly a lot of people could not escape in time and died but there loyalty will be always remembered.But your son is in no condition to lead tham at the moment so that is why you Aleksandra have to lead tham until your son is in any shape or condition to do it.

-But i don't knw anything about how to lead a clan i was never trained or have ever done this before.

-Hahahahaha.. Aleksandra i know that you have nobel blood in your veins so i will help you as much as i can but will not be there al the time for you.You will have to lead on your own i can only give advice to you.

-What do you mean i have nobel blood in my veins i don't understand, my family was a farmer family before my father become a general in the army but before that they where farmers.

-It seems that you don't know about your family history i'm sure that you heard about the Romanov family?

-Yes every Russian knoes about the Tsar blood line but what they have to do with me, they where killed when the Bolschevi revolution won in russia.

-Not exatly the whole Romanov family only the Royal family was killed the rest of the Romanovs run out of russia or hide themslf very good in russia.

-But i still don't understand what this has to do with me

-Well i would like to say ask your father but we know that is not really fisabele at the moment so here i go.Aleksandra Konstanovichi Romanov is your real name but it had to be changed for abviouse reasons.

-What... are you... talking anout?Why you called me Romanov my name is Aleksandra Konstanovichi without Romanov.

-No we look in to your beground pretty well if you want i can show you everything is in this envelope here.

She points to an envelope next to her

-But my father never told me about any of this.Why?

-Because there where still people hunting the remaining Romanov family, we think it was done by people who hate the Romanovs very much or there other enemys so to protect you he had to hide all this from you for your own safety.I will leave you now alone and let you think over what we talked about just let me know when you have an answer until than i will do my best to build the clan and this lands.

She stand up leaving the envelope on the ground while Aleksandra was comeplitly stuned from all she heard.Madam Hiyama left the room and gave a big sight before going on her way and telling the servents to take care of Aleksandra and er grandson.

Aleksandra was left alone with her own thought's and was still stuifed by what she just heard and coulden't belive that she was a noble in russia but her father never mentiond anything about this to her so was it really true,

than she looked at the envelope and picking up she take a look at the content of the papers witch where in it and was shocked to find out that everything was trueand even showed her family tree all the way back to her ancesters in the Imperial Russian time.He was uterly shocked and coulden't decide what to do, she wanted to avenge her husband and daughter but didn't wanted to put her son in any danger that could kill him so she was fighting in her thoughts with this two sidesd.

Unknowne to anyone in the North there was 5000 men marching in formation looking at them everyone could tell that they where foreigners, but very few would know that they where from Russia and came to Japan on the order of Generel Konstanovichi.There order was to lockate his daughter and protect her no matter what, they where to follow every order from her.This soldiers where all loyal to the General and knew why they where sent here, as they knew that Konstanovichi was most probably dead or captured, because before leaving Vladisotok a new power from China attacked tham but had to reatret but they know that the next attacked will be more brutal so the General gave order to this small group of people to find her daughter and protect her no matter what, and follow every order she gave.

Major-General Rurik was the generals most trusted subordanet and was given command over this soldiers and there as well.Because with this soldiers there family's came so the soldiers would not need to worry about them.All of them whore old and faded green military camouflage clothes , they where armed with muskets witch had bayonet on tham and swords they had managedto save 15 canons with 8000 shels to use.They where marching towards a little village named Tockha two weeks ago they got the infromation that Aleksandra was living ther with her son and daughter so they where making there way towards the village and start there duty as the Royal guards of the last remaining Romanov in the world.They knew that if Aleksandra and his family dies than the russian Romanov blood will die out as well but they where not to fast because of all the people and supplies they had to carry with tham, they where about two weeks away from the village Maor-General Rurik had been thinking how to explain all of this to Her Majesty Aleksandra but coulden't find any better way than to tell her the blent truth.there where about a week from there destination when all attack on Aleksandra and her family happened but there where unawhere of al the events happening because of there circumstances .When there where about one day of travel from the village Major-General Rurik decidad that they will make camp next to the forest not far from the village and him and 20 soldiers will go to the village and talk to Her Majesty and when everything is in order they will bring the rest of the man and there familys in.

Major-General Rurik was traveling with is man when there where about 1 hour from the village they saw smoke coming from that direction, when they saw this they started to move faster because of the unknown situation when they reached the village border tey saw people who where moving around, but this people where armed looking more closly they could tell that this people where soldiers, most probably the local lord soldiers.Rurik aprouched one of the soldiers who was standing guard at the village entrance.

-Hello what happened here?

-Who are you and what busnys you have here?

-I'M looking for a person who lives in this village and i was hoping you can tell me what happened here.

-Ah sorry but the whole village is burnt down buy the looks of things there where attacked, buy a group of bandit's even the local garrison was killed a few people managed to survive, maybe you will have luck asking tham about that person.

-Thank you where can i find this survivors?

-In those tents there.

The soldier pointed to a small tent group, Rurik and two of his mand made there way there hoping that they can get information about Her Majesty.They manged to find a survivor who was abel to talk.

-Excuse me.

-How can i help you?

-i was hoping you can tell me about a woman named Alwksandra and her two children.

-Ah yes im sorry but all iknow is that when the bandits attacked a group of armed man came and faught of the bandits and took the family away but from the looks of it there where heavaly injured in the attack, they gone to the east road that is all i know.

-Thank you for your help.

After hearing this infirmarion Rurik become very agetted and nervouse, What exactly happened with them? this was the quastion he had in his mind.After making his way back to there camp he imadiatly ordered them to get moving in the direction hwere the man said that they took tham nad sent out people to scouth ahead while they where traveling, there where four days of travel from Ontego when the road split in two they did not know where to go but lucky for tham one of the scouths came back saying that he found cart prints and horse shoue fragments on the left road so Rurik ordered tham to go left and continued to travel.

Aleksandra was deep in thought sitting next to his son who was still unconciuse and heavaly wounded.She didn't had any idea about the russian people coming in the direction of Ontego , she was thinking about Hiyama's proposal, she wanted to live a quiet life but she knew that his late husband brother would not give up on killing them so she decidec to take the offer they made for her.Aleksandra only wanted to protect her son who was the last remaining family member alive, a few day's later she was sitting by a table across from her was Hiyama they where drinking tea while havinga heavy concersation.

-So i take you have thougt about what we discused about?

-yes.And i have only one condition to it?

-Speak than.

-I don't want my son to be in any danger i want him safe, if the situation is to dangerouse then we will do everyting to protect him.

-This is inly natural he is important to me and everyonr here, for me is very important because he is my grandson and the only other blood relative alive after my son was killed so brutaly.

-Yes than is see no prob...

She coulden't finsh her word's becaus the alarm gone of a servent came in and reported that a large groupe of people where aprouching the castle ground.Yes they called it castle now, Aleksadra and Hiyama along a few guard with automatic rifels made there way to the gate to see what is going on.When they got to the gate one soldier reported that about 8000 peope where aprouching the castle and by the looks of thing's roughly 5000 where soldiers armed with muskates and swords but they didn't recognised the unifrom, so they where thinking that a large group of bandits apeared.Aleksandra got up to the gate to take a look at the situation Hiyama followed after her to see what is going on exatly as well.When they saw the number of people approaching the castle they got alarmd and scared, seeing people in old green military camouflage uniform with musket's and swords, but than they stoped moving while one man on horse holding a wgite flag approchad the gate alone.

Rurik and his people got close to the town or the remains of it in the distance the could see the school duilding and made there way over trow the demolisd or half deolisd buildings, after a time they heard alarms going of in the direction of the school building witch looked like have been tranformed in to an acient japanes castle witch walls and rice field around the wal when they where relativly close he ordered a full stop .He decided to go alone with a white flag in hand so he can speak with the people in there, he was on guard when approching he knew that this people could be bandits but when he saw soldiers with strange uniforms and automatic rifel' he became even more vigilant nut he still aproached, when he was in front of the gate he spoke loud enough so the people on the walls can hear him.

-I'm Major-General Rurik from the Vladivostok liberal army i came here looking for Aleksandra Konstanovichi, i was sent here by general Konstanovcihi.

Aleksandra was surprised by this but she imadietly got her guard up, knowing that Sagano could be behind all this she answered the men still suspicios of him.

-I'm Aleksandra Kostanovichi why are you looking for me?

Rurik looked up the wall where she saw a woman speaking and could confirm that she was the person they ment to follow and protect from now on he answered her.

-I'm here by the oreders of general Konstanovichi and i have alatter for Aleksandra from him.

-A letter from my father?

-Yes your Highnes.

Aleksandra was coucht offgurad when she heard Rurij saying Highnes but still kept her guard up, she ordered the man to let Rurik in alone to confirm his claims.

-We will let you in alone to confirm what you say is the truth.

-I have no problem with it.

The soldiers oppened the gate Rurik made his way inside while Aleksandra came dawn the wal to meet him.When Rurik met Aleksandra he made a bow towwards her, she was suprisedbut told him to follow her to the meeting room so they can talk while they where walking four guards where always aroung Aleksandra eyeing Rurik suspiciously but said nothing.Inside Rurik could see more soldiers building and the scholl duilding witch was transformed but said nothing just followed her majesty.They got inside the school and meeting room, Aleksandra set down while Rurik was standin and wayting for instructions, seeing this she told him to sit down, while two guard where standing behind her, he set dwn and started talking.

-My name is Rurik Konchov i was serving under General Konstanovichi until half a year ago, iwas order to look for your majety and to give you this latter personaly.

Aleksandra was suprised again when Rurik said your majesty and took the latter from his hand witch was holding the latter out for her in a respectuos way and started to red.

Dear Aleksandra

I know i was not a good father to you adn i was a bad grandfather to your children im sorry but i was just trying to protect you when i was against your marriage with Endo Hajime, but now irealised how foolises i was but we can't change the past, i just hope that you are happy and live a good life with your family.If this later finds you it means that the situation in russia is bad, i was trying my best to protect Vladivostok but it might not work out any longer.

Isent Major-General Rurok with 5000 sldiers to protect you and your family in this times of chaos.He is a very good hearted man who is loyal and honest, hardworking.I hope he will be abel to help you and protect you.

I have to tell you a big family secret that was hiden for generations but now it doesen't matter anymore seeing the world like this.You my dear is the last surviving person with the Romaniv blood in your veins, Rurik was always oyal to the Tsar and the Romanov family his family served us for generations, all those soldiers are the decsdendents of the people who where loyal to the Tsar and the romavos until the fall and even after, they will serve you from now i hope they can be useful to you more than they could be to me now.i just hope that you will have happy life.

I'm very proud of you and will always love you no matter where are you.This will be the last letter to you as i might not survive the next battle.Take care of your family, i kow you will do it better than me.

Sincere love you Dad.

Aleksandra was reading the latter and coulden't stop herself from crying as she knew that she will never see her father ever again.Rurik seeing her crying felt bitter inside since he couldn't say anything to confort her.Hiyama was standig close buy and when she saw her crying knew that something bad must have happened she guesed that her long alia Ivan was no more, it means they lost russia she was very sad about all this.

After calming down Aleksandra looked at Rurik and asked hm.

-Major-General Rurik what is going on exactly here?

Rurik was confused about the quiestion but still answered non the less.

-As i was saying the General sent us here to serve your Majety from now on.

-Do you know a person named Sagano Hajime?

-no your majesty this is my first time hearing that name.

-Are you sure?

-yes we came from russia a few months ago and didn't stop traveling since we landed in japan, so im affraid i naver heard that name.

-And what about Endo Hajime?

-It's his majety Endo your are refering to?

-His Majety Endo what are you talking about?

-Yes His Majety Endo sice he was your husand he had that title, as the husband at the last surviving Romanov he become entited to it.

-So it true im really nobility.

-You are not just nomility your majesty, you are Tsarina Aleksandra Konstanocihi Romanov, Vladivostok was your alst territory in russia but for me and my people the title remains even with out any land to it.

-What about Nagumo my son what will happen to him now i can't force him to cshose betwen two world's i want him to have only one life that his indentity is not lost bettwen two worlds.

-He will be what he cchose to be we can't help him he has to cshoose for himself who he want's to be a japanese or russian he will be what he choose to be. Said Hiyama from the side while slowly aproaching the tabel and sitting to one side of it.

-Who are you madam? Ask Rurik confused as he didn't recognise her.

-She is the mother of my late husband and the leader of her clan until recently.Said Aleksandra to Rurik.

-But i hope he will cshose whisley and not waste any opportunity he get's.

-Your Highnes the prince will have the power of the people who followed me as the next Tsar of Russia.And will have my full support if you so order and im sure your subject will do the same.

-You are right so Major-General Rurik i order you to support my son with all your might and never to betray him or may God punish you for it.

-It will be done your highnes, so where is him now i wish to make an oath to both of you as the last leaving family members of the russian royal family.

-He is not in conditio at the moment as he was gravely injured in the attacked aimed at us while protecting his family.

-You forgot something about our family that is not wildely know but is our greatest secret of our clan.

-What is that you are talking about madam?Asked Rurik in confusion as he didn't know what Hiyama was talking about.

-I see the general never talked about our secret allaience before, well to make it simple we have royal blood running in the family as well, it is not so much as your's but is there.

-What do you mean by that?You mean that your ancesters where from the japanese imparial family?

-Oh not so close but close enough, in the Sengokujidai period the emperor married one of her daughters in our clan in hope of winning there support for the battle for power .General Konstanovichi and I had a secret alliance going on since Endo and you married so it just natural that he was less angry when he found out about our heritage as well, but by the look's of it he will not be here for help anymore so he sent all the help he could before his fall.

-Father knew about all this all along but still kept it from me and died thinking that i hate him for his refusal to accept Endo as his son-in-law this is all my fault if i would have just understud him a little better.

-Don't blame yourself your highnes you need to know that your father was very proude of you until his last moment's, he was always talking about you and prince Nagumo as well as princess Yaegashi saying there where his proud as his grandchildren.

-Now we should decide what to do with the people who just came, as this small castle could not hold so many people and we have to move out the rest as wel.It doesen't look good that so many people live inside the castle grounds we will have to think of a way to acommodate all this people.

-We will settle for whatever your Highnes decide.Said Rurik in a humble tone.

-What if we build outside the gate, we have quiet a lot of space there and we can still make rice field's elswhere.How many people we have at the moment?

-With the people that the Major-General brought we have about 12000 butonly 6000 soldiers the rest are just simple people who followed us here.We will have to build a small town outside the gate to accomodate so many people.Witch means that from now on we will quiet a force in the area but still small compared to the rest of the teritorries scaterred about.

-We should start with building the town first to settle down everyone after that we will have to make our next move.

-As you wish your highnes we will do just that, we have a forest close but so the building matterial should not be problem and we can get stone from the old building outside, we will do our best for now but we will have to build a wall first for defence purposes as we have quiet a lot of bandit's in the area.Said Rurik as an idea and matter of fact.

-Hanna come out.Said Hiyama simingle to the air but behind one of the guards a silhout appeared like out of thine air.

-What are your order madam?She asked while kneeling on the ground with one foot.

-Yes i want to know your asnwer for the mattter we talked about before?

-Yes i already plaged my loyalty to the young lord but until he get's better i will still serve madam.

-How about the rest of the ninja's of your clan?

-They will serve him with the loyalty as me and they already pledged there loyalty to the lord as well.We are ready to serve in any way we can. She said while kneeling and bowing her had to the three people.

-Good very good, than i have task's for you.

-Your wish will be done.

-First i need you to scouth out the area around us and make a map of our suranding.Second i want you to infiltrate the local bandit gangs to get as much information as possible while keeping an eye out for Sagano's people.Third you are frobiden to leave the castle grounds from this moment onward's you will protect your lord and his mother with your life if neccesary.

-I will get everything done and i will report back when we finished with task, now if you will excuse me i have to go back to my Lord's side. After saying that Hanna disapeared again behind the same guard in thin air

-You must be surprised about her, well Aleksandra you must recognised her but if not she is the person who your son saved and now she is a ninja having her own village, more precasly had it because they came following us.She will be responabile for Nagamo's safety as well as your's Aleksandra, she will also take over the dirty work.By dirty work i mean assassination's , infiltration and information gathering.

The two people where shocked about the whole thing as they didn't even knew Hanna was there in the first place but after Hiyama's explation Aleksandra calmed down and looked at Rurik.

-Major-general Rurik you can go and tell your people what will happen from now on, as for the rest i will leave it up to your discretion.

-Yes your highnes.Madam if youl excuse me.Rurik said while standing up and leaving the room with the two guard's in tow.

-Hiyama i hope that we made the right decision.

-Now we only have one thing left to do.

-What? Asked Aleksandra confused.

-Choose a name for our territore.We will have to do that and get a new flag and emblem as well because from now we are not just a clan but we are a kingdom.

-But what you mean we are a kingdom?

-Exactly what you heard, with the arrivel of the Major-general and his people we are not only japanese people only so we can't keep theold system up all the way we have to come up with a workinw new sustem that can be applead for us, so from now on we are kingdom at least until we have more territories after witch we can become an Empire.

-A name for the kingdom, a flag and emblem, but what about who will be the king?

-It's obvious that Nagamo Hajime will be known as, Nagmo I the king of the kingdom later he will be emperor but let's not think to ahead.Now first what should we name our kingdom?

-wait wait what abou the rest?

-I was thinking that is obviouse, you my dear will be Queen-Mother as same as me later when we pass only one Queen-mother will be left.As for Nagamo's wife she will become Queen of the kingdom.

-Now i understand a little so let's choose a good name for the kingdom.

-How about Nippon, The Kingdom of Nippon?

-Sounds very interesting so you have other things to add to this plan?

-Yes we will keep the clan system and we will have first of Royal clan , others can set up clans as well but we will document tham very carefully so if anything happens we can get all the information about other clans.Our clan will be named the main clan or Royal clan but we will not ask other clans to swear alliaence to the Royal clan only to the crown and king.

-It sounds good and how abut poligammy for both man and woman, i mean only if they are abbel to sustain it and don't force there partners to do anything illagel.

-Well about polligamy we will have to talk with Nagamo as i can't decide about this on my own.

-Than we will have to wait until he wakes up.Next is to decide the new flag of Nippon, ihave a suggestion i dont know how you like it we don't change the Clan flag than and the clan memebers will get a sepparet building inside the new palace witch includes all this school territory this duilfing where we are now will become the main palace where the king, queen and queen-mother will live while everyopne else will leave in the building around, while one of the building at the entrence will be the administrative one where the related departmants will be set up.As for the flang a blue background with a golden dragon coiling around a crown and saptere?

-I like this idea and the flag design is good as well so we keep all this but i would like the clan flag to be a light blue base with a withe tiger straching aou like watching his pray?

-than it's decided we will talk about the rest later now you should rest up i will leave for now as i need to prepare for everything we talked about and the new flags as wel with everuthing else. Rest easy now.

With that Hiyama stood up and left the room.Unknown to anyone danger was closer than they tought as a traitor was planinng to take power for himself, his plan was in motion since they run from the capital.This man was one off the elders who was simingly loyal but all that was only an act to decive tham, he coulden't take power back in the capital anymore so he decided to take his chance with this group but he will learn his mistake and pay for it a very dear price.

In the room where Nagamo was being kept in the dark shadows Hanna was silently watching over him, she was alone right now with only two guards at the door, she was watching Nagamo silently laing there when she heard some noises from outside curiousely she looked at the door witch opened and in came a young looking woman, by her clothes she was a servent she had a washing basing and towels in her hand.The door closed behind the smille on her face desapiared and was replaced with a fran she aproached the bed kneeled down next to Nagano on the ground put down tha washing basin while the other hand with towels slowly revealed a sharp looking object, in seconds ot was revealed to be a short blade she looked with a cold smile on the face of Nagano before lifting both hands ready to strike his heart, but unforcontly for her that will not happen.At this moment Hanna jumped on her and tackeld her to the ground while removing the knife from her and restraining the attacker to the ground, this noice was noticed by the guards by the door who slamed open the slide-ing door caming in with guns raised but seeing the person was already subdued they imadietly came forward and took the would be assassin away to lock her up and iterogate, while Hanna went to report on the situation to the Queen-mother's.

Outside the walls of the school the building and everything else was in full sweang for day's now and they where making quaiet good progress on everything.At this moment one of the scout's sent out was galloping towards where Rurik was while he was supervising the building progress of everything going on when he saw the person galoping towards him he had a frawn on his face as he knew this meant bad news.When he listened to the report of the scout he frowend even more as this indid was bad news, the enemy is on the move and they will arrive in at least two days time.There numbers are quiet a lot as well but from what he could gather they where most probably bandits in the area who band togheter to attack this place.They are bandits but still quiet a formidable enemy.He ordered everyone to make preparations for the imimant battle, while he turned around and started to walk towards the palace to report about this to come up with what to do.

Four people where gathered in one of the rooms that was designated to meet foreign dignitaries or diplomats for formale talk's a tarble was set up in the middle of the room with the four people sitting by the table deep in thought's after hearing about what was reported they knew that this situation was quiet delicate as they are at a disatvanges.They had to come up with a solution the soldiers they had hand right now was not enough to win a frontal confrontation so there best option was to focuse on defence they will get everyoune inside the walls of the existing territory they have to use all they god including the two canonns even if it has low ammunition with the guns that they got before and what Rurik brought with him, but all this was there last hope as if they don't manage to win than the only thing they can do is prepare to die.

-Is everything ready? asked Hiyama

-Yes we got everyone inside and armed every abel body. Answered Rurik with a very determanied face while looking around the faces before stoping on Aleksandra's face.

-Than get ready for battle they should arrive soon, i hope we can survive this i will pray for the life of everyone and for our succes make us proud the two of you. said Aleksandra in a very determinaed tone.

-Yes your Highness. Hatoru and Rurik answered at the same time while getting up and leaving for the front.

-I just hope that our people will be strong enough let's go Nagumo's side while wait for the result. Hiyama got up and started walking to the door.

On the wall two people stood next to each other and had there eye's on the lined up enemy but that was not important they saw rider's coming towards tham Hatoru immadieatly get his blood boiling when he saw who one of the riders was it was Kimo who he wanted dead the most for the crimes he comited, Rurik looked at his new friend and couldn't imagine while all of a sudden he had this killing intend so he asked him.

-Somone you know?

-Yes the one in front is the person who killed out little miss at the village so his life must end today fr the Young miss and all those people he had killed.

-So that's him well i will let you go first but if i see you can't kill him don't be surprised if i jump in. Rurik said while his eyes where giving of a chilling aura.

The riders aproached the gate Kimo looked up to see a familiar face, but he was not surprised as he got ready to talk.

-Just hand over the two people and no one has to die well you will just be sent to slavery but is still better than dieing.

-Never we will fight until the last man. Said Hatoru while raised his katana

WUAHHH was heard from the wall when people saw him raise his katana, they would rather die than be slaves there family's are behind tham so they will not give up until they all are gone.

Seeing this Kimo just shrruged in discuss while turned around and left at this point the battle was iminnante he reached the bandit line looked at the leader's and said in a calm voice.

-Kill the two people the rest is up to you how to deal with i only want to see there dead body's.

Rurik turned aroung and signaled the canons to get ready while everyone else was getting ready as well, he let go of his hand and the canons started to fire hitting there targets making the bandit's surprised because of the cannon fire but recovered and started there attack as well while people on the walls fired there rifles killing as many as they could, but still the bandits fired rifles or arrows back killing or wounding a lot both sides where engeged in a fierce battle when the gate's opened and horsmen came out galloping towards the bandits the one leading tham was Rurik and Hatoru. Hatoru was wearing and old samurai armor while rurik was having military uniform on with a curved sword in hand they galloped forward while cuting down everyone they saw.Hatoru was making his way towards Kimo to take his revenge for the last time.All the while the other horsmen engede to killing a lot of the bandits , but the bandit leader's got up the fight as well this gave new power to the bandit's moral but there enemy's where lifted as well seeing that the cavalary was succesfull the people on the walls who run out of bullet's got down from the walls with swords or spears in hand while runing in the frey the cannons stoped the moment the caalary engenged for fear of frendly fire.

Hatoru finally managed to get to Kimo who was fighting with tw horseman, when he jumped in everyone else found a new target and let the two fight it out.Hatoru was a master of the katanas or the wakishazi, while Kimo was master of the spear they both where equaly matched but Hatoru had the long experience behind him while Kimo was not so much experienced as him he was just waiting for him to make a mistake but until now it was not the oporrtunity yet.Rurik was watching tham from a little far out while fighting his own battles with some of the bandit leader's or the remaining one's as quiet a lot of tham died with there man runing away after seeing there leader die, the rest of the bandit's as well started to lose the spirrit but they still tried tokill there enemy's.The defenders where loseing people but the spirit as they had to protect the people they love and there new home and there Queens and King.Hatoru was making his moves more aggresive as trieng to force his enemy to make a mistake but Kimo was having a hard time keeping up and when he saw that the bandit's where losing spirit he was thinking how to get away.He finally saw his chance to run but when he made his move a curved sword came in and he had to defend not to be killed, when he looked where the sword came from he saw a military unfirom clad man he looked europian so he assumed maybe american.But he didn't had time to think about it as a katana was coming from behind him so he had to act fast.

-You can't run away this tiime i will not let you so fight Hatoru had on, or you can try fighting both of us togheder.

-Well well if it's like that i still choose to flee.

-Prepare yourself you coward, this time you can't hide behind your schemes or run away. said Hatoru preparing to make his move while looking at his enemy in the eye's.

Kimo knew that this time will be a tough fight so he prepared but he really could see any way out right now but he didn't gave up as he didn't really wanted to die here yet at least until he could askeping.He looked calm but in reallity he was very scared and didn't knew how to get a better of his enemy.Hatoru was keep pushing his attack's hoping for a mistake and he could see that his enemy is getting impacient and tired so he tried to work it to his advantage but he accidently let his enemy strike him as wel in a point that will cause his fall but still managed to get his enemy as well who is now down to half of his fighting capability's.Hatoru was losing blood at a fast pace so his last attack had to be the right one or nothing, he was making his move when his enemy droped his spear while taking out a short sword before lauching himself toward's him.Hatoru kew that this is his last fight and he will be with his wife soon.

Rurik was not abel to react in time due him being engede in another battle so he could just finish quickly before runinng towards Hatoru who was stanging above the body of Kimo, he was leining against his katana.When Rurik reached him he colapsed on the ground with a satisfied smile on his face, he kneeled down beside him while trying to stop the bleeding, but to no wail.

-Thank you my friend letting me finish what i coulden't before, please tell the madam's that it was an honor serving them.. cough cough.. now i can be with my wife and i wish for the best for the people who stay behind .. cough .. cough

-Don't worry i will tell your messege to the Madam's and you can go to be with your wife now.

-Cough .. cough .. please protect the madam's and the king with your life.....

-I will protect them with all i have until the day i die this i promise you.

While Rurik hold his friends hand, his eyes became heavy and coulden't keep it opened so he slowly closed his eyes to have his eternal rest.Rurik was praying silently while the battle around him slowly died down as most of the bandits where either dead, runaway or was captured.He silently stood up to look at the body of the person who killed the young miss.He ordered a few people to carry Hatoru's body back to give him a proper burial as for Kimo's body he just said to get ir back for display before he himself tured around to report about the battle status but before that he ordered the survivers to gather the captives and the usefull things.As for the bodies he ordered tham to be separetad as much as possible before being buried in different huge wholes.

In the same meeting room as before two woman where sitting with gloomy expresion's while a man was standing in front of them reporting about the battle.

-We lost a lot of peple today if another group like this appear's we are terminated. Three quarter of our force is gone we managed to capture a lot of prisoners they will slave's from now on.Unforciunetly Hatoru-san lost his life, he died fighting the person who killed the young miss..

-So he is dead, that is prrety unforciunet as i had other plans for him but it can't be helped Aleksandra got worked up when she heard that his worst nightmare died so easy.

-Yes madam he's body will be on display, as for the training of the new soldiers we will have to began ASAP.

-Well we will have to get more people first, so let's finish with what we started first as everything else can be sorted out later or will naturly get a way.