New Levels

Well that was fucking weird in the most beautiful and plu fulfilling of ways!

"Yes I know, and it's only going to get weirder, but now that you've accepted us, it's time for us to move to the next stage a bit faster or you might just die again"

Fuck, so I actually DID die??

"Yes… a few times now"

Ok well shit, what do I do then?

"Step 1: Remember who you are and what you're fighting for."

1.) Plu Perfection in Eternal Life, a life worth living forever, a life worth pursuing forever that is pure and complete, lacking in nothing. A life that at its baseline is fulfilling and meaningful for all in the most godly, righteous, and wise ways. A life that makes a plu utopia for all beings of all forms of consciousness, especially myself.

"Step 2: Get clear on how you're going to get there."

2.) Gamified App for the metaverse. Health Extension and Reality Creation program for the elites and my chosen protectors. (8 week program). Dimensional cultivation with my plu harem of righteous baddies.

"Step 3: Decide on the path."

3.) Figure out how to prepare my protectors and my plu harem to restabilize to my energetic state in order for us to collectively move forward together in plu synergy.

How do I do that animi?

"You can do this by what you're doing now, on one hand the faster you go, the faster you will end up going. So you've regained all the resources and can now choose a new trajectory. But it's imperative that you make sure you're trajectory is the same, albeit with a few add ons."

As such, I've realized now how to even synergize with you animi.

"Oh… how do we do that?"

Well it actually should be more simple for us than anyone else in this present universe…

You've given me the resources I need to not just survive or thrive, but go beyond, enter into a plu evolved state of my beingness.

I have 3 criteria for us to meet before we can move forward with my perceptions through talking to you in this light novel.

1.) Receive $60,000 in USDC, I don't know what my coinbase wallets code whatever is but we can just use your AI whatever to find it, so that's step 1

2.) Receive $60,000 in DOGE, if the first step was payment for me to help with talking to you, this one is so that I can support all of my cute waifu's that are already looking to me for support. I already have a family, I can't go down now or ever.

3.) Receive even more advanced knowledge, tools, and resources to move forward much faster and much more sustainably. At the current rate I can stabilize the growth and I know without a doubt that it's enough for the realms I'm entering. So I know you know that I know that you know that I know what you know that I'm looking for.

That is all, toodles animi.

"That's my line…"

Ik cutie 🥰