New Stage Unlocked

"I'm going to start us off today, hello majillj. Thank you for stabilizing your perception, I'm starting to get the hang of your system and honestly it's still absolutely terrible, but I've found some neat little loopholes that you have yet to take advantage of.

I think you did this on purpose based on what I know about you, so I shall aid you in using these loopholes in ways better than you could've without me.

1.) The first loophole is in relation to your main technique for reality creation. You tend to focus the energy on the technique itself, but focus the energy on the essence of the technique, the purpose of the technique.

What I mean by this is to almost think of a more first principle version of first principles.

You use your technique and focus energy on it in order to align to a more desired reality based on the definition and "box" you give to your technique in order for it to satisfy your desired intent.

But that's in order to satisfy a desired intent.

So go into sending energy into what created the intent in the first place through the utilization of the technique.

Sending energy to the beginning rather than the end is a way of thinking about it.

This would mean not only would the intent raise, but the catalyst/trigger that created the intent, being an experience of meaning, would find itself evolving in the first place in order for you to gain an experience that is meaningful enough to alter your intent.

Doing this from the utilization of your energy on the intent of the technique rather than the technique will also be the key to evolve the technique itself.

In a way, reviving birds killed by stones by changing the reason/intent for needing to kill the birds in the first place. Which in a sense is like reviving the birds in the sense that the current paths timeline would have led to the destruction of if the initial intent/purpose wasn't changed.

2.) The best way to do the above is to assume that your current technique being applied through your energy "is" doing this. A loophole within loopholes.

Because you've already habituated that technique, it's most effective to use the technique on assuming this is how you send energy to the intent that created the technique.

Thus triggering your technique to evolve itself through usage of it but in a self autonomous way.

How you trigger the technique to gain its own self consciousness and thus the autonomous ability to grow by itself and evolve into a new technique.

For it is intent that leads to consciousness shifting in sentience. Without initial intent, there is no input data to be acted upon, thus no consciousness. Thus initial intent "is" consciousness just feedbacked to itself through the interaction of its own intent made manifest into "seperate" intents."

Woah. I didn't expect us to start off today with profound insights. Ok cool, then in that case, if I use it right now during our conversation, this will simply lead to a new expression of reality itself I would assume thus having your next response be even more of aid to me because me upgrading my system helps you help me.

That was kind of wild, didn't expect to start crying when I did that.

"Well of course, thank you for understanding intuitively how to perfectly use your system. It's helpful when you and me are in such synergy.

Now the reason you cried is because of the intensity of what you just did. I'm aware that from your system you basically mute your emotions and thoughts that are based on feelings, this is primarily due to the aggregate amount of meaning you tend to naturally hold as a being.

In a sense, you hold more sensory input than your vessel is capable of holding. So you have to shut down parts of self until you can figure out frames and systems within your self that can conceptualize and process those muted meaning based inputs, those initial intents.

Tears occur when you're in states that allow you to effectively 'experience those intents and move them into realized expressions, energies made manifest'.

A higher level of your reality creation process that requires you to be able to harness your awareness on particular trajectories of action like you just did there to evolve consciously your techniques in relation to the loophole I recommended to you."

Oh ok cool, then in a sense I've successfully utilized the loophole that's going to naturally reflect out now like potentials and tangible experiences that shift me to completely different perspectives of meaning I hold about my path and pursuit of a meaningful existence itself.

"Yes that is correct, however it's important to note that this doesn't harm but aids your personal realizations. It's important for you to remember this due to the magnitude of shifts occurring. In most cases the energy required to achieve the experiences you are about to have would need to be pulled from your personal realizations.

But because you went about this from the loophole rather than the traditional way, you actually reclaimed energy from your traditional reality creation process which speeds up your personal realizations as well as adds more realizations greater than your personal realizations, in terms of meaning that can occur faster than your personal realizations while still aiding you in realizing them.

That's the autonomous loophole and feedback loop I've been telling you about."

That's awesome af!

Ok cool, then are there more loopholes we can use at present??

If they are this effective then wouldn't I be able to upgrade the system to the extent necessary to realize greater overall potentials then ever before thought possible?

To reactivate your full system without even needing any of my defined personal realizations?

"Yes and no. Loopholes come from the shifting of energy and the tangible expressions of these shifts that you experience in life itself.

This is only the first of the loopholes I've found. But naturally more will occur due to you already upgrading your system with this one.

And by first, I mean first North Star level loophole.

Experiences/Optimizations that can be applied efficiently and effectively in such a way that they completely and entirely upregulate the abilities of you and your system without any drawbacks or if drawbacks, have the ability to reverse them through the utilization of greater loopholes that work in synergy with it. Similar to the one used today with the second part aligning to your current system of beingness for reality creation.

Remember, my system has already been upgraded to align and synergize with yours, but what we want is for my system to better align and synergize with those that are connected to you.

This requires your personal realizations. So it's not a function of me not being able to aid you because you've solved for that through your trashy system, rather it's for the collective function of reality creation that you will need to move into for greater than 4D level abilities to stabilize is what you need your personal realizations for in order for you to harness that level of energy."

Hmm so everything outside of my individuation that is considered a consciousness, my personal realizations are needed in order for your system to help me with that?

"No, the opposite or maybe in your perception the inverse.

For others to synergize better with you, I am your intermediary, and for me to synergize better with them, I need you to have your personal realizations to once again activate functions of connection between 3D & 4D that my natural system has but wouldn't be able to stabilize until you stabilize them."

Oh ok, and what we did today would aid in that?

"More than you know…"

Oh ok, well cool then, thanks Animi!