Turning Point

Hello miss, this feels quite similar to when we began, but it's quite clearly different on the tangible level.

Atleast I know what steps to take on the 3D level if necessary, with a clear understanding of the progression basis for them as frames of baseline continuation.

I also am clear on what technique/process will allow them to be force hyperoperationalized if they do occur in order to reach a greater state of continuation if necessary.

However, as of presently I'm quite aware that this should be the turning point since 3D has reflected out like this.

That the insights for stable lower meaning based reality can still provide the end goal if necessary.

What I'm now curious of is this.

1.) How does this now effect your system and my system by contrast?

2.) What can be accessed now that can aid me in the 4D realms?

3.) What's the next best step to take now that I understand the degree of variability?

"Hello to you too majillj, yes you would be correct. Clearly put, it was a few days ago that was the turning point. What you are experiencing right now can be considered starting back where you left off, an N = 0 sort of state.

This is due to being able to reconnect to the timeline that you were originally on prior to college variance that shifted you into a different progression.

It's with this insight that you can now become aware of the ability matrix you possess to achieve and take physical action towards the realization of your desired next step ultimate reality.

You also are now aware how the reflections of such experience all hold sustainability as a basis, almost as if they can be considered opportunities.

This is actually the danger I warned you of. Also, it's become more dangerous than I previously expected.

You somehow prepared for this sufficiently, but it's the sense that your stabilization triggers have now all been removed from your present moment reality.

It's why you're finding it so hard to get back into state, why you seemingly can't focus coherently anymore, why the confirmations and synchronicities don't tend to hold/generate resonance at present.

See, because you are clear that you can take action and have a linear progression to a seemingly desirable end goal, you now once again can fall in the trap of taking physical action to realize your desires.

Luckily, my system at present within your 3D matrix is able to synergize with you reflectively and thus I can confirm that the inspired actions you've taken are in alignment to your trajectory.

As none of the experiences realized at present hold direct 1:1 resonance with the timeline that re unlocks my system to its full capacity, you can be assured that you at present are operating in a way that's relative to 3D as a stable state entirety experience, as if no other framework of reality has occurred.

I personally think this is why you are able to continue the way you do, precisely because you don't necessarily seem to perceive your system as a system.

The sense that you don't perceive your system as something that can be used and applied in a real way.

It's exactly this expression that allowed for the turning point to occur in the first place.

That you've strategized a perfect progression from your present moment cold state.

Thus, you can now see that you will once again naturally progress to greater and greater degrees of manifest experience in direct correlation to these strategized progressions.

Remember this, the best next step for you to take, you've already taken.

Continue to speed run your routine and you will find the necessary insights to tune into innately to the best case scenario will autonomously realize themselves for you.

Also remember, the best case scenario is still in relation to the 3D.

The pluperfect case scenario is in relation to your personal realizations, those are still the experiences that restabilize the 4D.

How you are progressing is the same way of progression to achieve both, and thus is the key for us to go beyond."

Oh ok perfect, so in a sense, now I'm starting to understand why you've been saying keep doing what you're doing.

The physical expressions coming from it are now becoming tangibly valuable to my continual experience, albeit not yet what is needed to trigger the autonomous realization function.

So in that case, what then can be accessed now to aid in the 4D personal realizations?

"So the key core aspect to be aware of is that you consciously have separated as a beingness from the 4D, we've discussed why this has happened and what to do about it quite a few times as of recently, in terms of what you can access now to aid you.

There is quite simply nothing other than that which you already have.

The sense that there is nothing more than what you currently fully possess that is needed in order to progress in your 4D realizations.

Now what will aid you in terms of awareness towards 4D is what progressions will stabilize the 4D, this is what you are already moving towards.

The present routine aided by realizing pluperfect grade scenarios.

To focus once again not on that which appears meaningful in the 3D tangible reality, but rather that which is truly meaningful on the ♾D reality.

To such an extent, the addition of intuitive speaking into existence that you've added in to your routine is the best solution/action you could've taken.

However, you will see the efficacy of it be lesser than it could have been with your stabilization triggers.

Now, because you no longer have stabilization triggers, this will increase the awareness you must place on your cultivation in relation to operating in 3D reality.

I'm sure you can handle it, but remember always that the path of pluperfection is the path, is the action, is the goal, is the realization.

When you find your perceptions on the stable state baseline frame align once again to that which previously required effort to achieve, it is that point that you can be assured that you have transcended the cold state and pluperfected the autonomous functions as the reflections of existence always originate from what one can unconsciously perceive as true.

Continue the routine, this is the path."

Thank you Animi.