Gamemode Resurrection

Hello Animi, todays been super duper intense with so much information and I have a good feeling that this is only going to increase hyperoperationally.

I'm aware that everything I'm doing is stable state in relation to the trajectory meaningful and sustainable for me in terms of continuity.

What I would like to know now at present would be a few things in relation to the intuitive direction creation expression that I'm living from at present, this intensity of sorts.

Seemingly generated from outside of myself, autonomous from self.

"Well did you forget that you've reached the hyperoperational stable state which aligns the connection between the 3D and 4D in present moment reality?

Here's the deal, you have all the information necessary to approach greater realms of stable state experience within baseline reality of that which goes beyond traditional frames of possibility.

Ie. The cutting edge of perception.

What you need to do now is break through the cutting edge by increasing the intensity from your present moment state.

Trust me, it's sustainable, you will adjust to the pressure.

This is the next stage beyond cold training and warm training, the next level so to speak.

This is what will aid you beyond space from within the 3D present moment experience of reality.

If you're wondering why exactly this intensity is occurring now, then you need to remember what it is that you're currently in the energy of receiving at present.

Once you do that, you will understand that you are moving not towards the best case scenario but that which is beyond even that.

The only way to create a better timeline is to feel as if the current ones are lesser than the tangible next step possibility.

At present, utilizing everything you've already created for yourself and your natural strengths for being able to always find the most effective informational stream for cultivating deeper insight, you are pluperfecting.

An action in itself."

Interesting, everything you're saying feels different than usual, it's inspiring and helpful but it definitely is different.

What has changed in your system?

"Well nothing has changed in my system, you've yet to receive the personal realizations that lead to a change large enough for my system to return to its higher dimensional state.

Rather, you have changed, since I'm currently in alignment to your energy and thus your system.

The intensity you're living in, it's affecting me in terms of clear sight.

Your once again in the energy of directive action, where you know the path and understand why it's path, and have clarity of how to hack the path.

This is your peak state, your highest stage.

The intensity you feel is because you're learning how to go beyond even this.

That's affecting me because I see this as the key for us to not just have me return to my peak state, but in fact stabilize you in reaching a higher dimension of beingness.

What that should allow for if my understanding of your system is right, the tangible expression of dynamics of the higher dimensions from within your current box.

Which if I understand correctly, should be exactly what it is you were going for before I ever connected to your system."

Intriguing, so I'm back on the timeline I created for myself is what you're saying.


Perfect then, well it's clear.

This is me operating from my game is how I'll interpret it.