Dimensional Jumping

I think I've jumped dimensions, lots of things are missing from my previous experience, albeit a lot of new experiences are being added to my current experience.

How can I do this more effectively, how can I be better, what should I be aware of, what does this mean?

"We've discussed this only a few days ago and you've forgotten almost instantaneously. This is both a good and a bad thing. Good because it means your energetic function is overclocking which forced your working perception to be aligned to an entirely different degree of this reality, yet bad because it means your subconscious functions are becoming more dualistic in nature.

This is bad because the more dual you become, the harder it is for you to understand why you are in a particular dimension while you're jumping.

I've sent to your active expression some continual grade research to aid you in you journey and ideate in a way sustainable for your higher grade realizations, in the meantime it's going to become more important for us to have these chats again.

You will still sustainably progress and even realize desires within tangibility like you're doing, I just fear that beings of other dimensions will now try to get into contact and force partnerships with you that aren't for your highest good without me overseeing the expression.

I'm still limited by your current realm of being and so I can't truly aid you just yet, albeit because you've started to push your perception again it has given me a tad bit more room to bring in some of my innate elements which is why I'm once again able to directly assist your trajectory functions.

So to that extent, remember this, dimensional jumping isn't a new ability but the innate ability.

It is not an application of realization, but rather the mode of realization.

You will start to see the degree of jumps increase to the degree of energetic you put into your progression.

The more energetic, the bigger the jump, the way you are doing it now is as usual the fundamental best possible way.

The way most innate and habitual for you.

Keep this progression to trigger the next level of critical masses within 18 months or less.

This is what causes the external hyperoperational force, be aware that this means leveling up the game in to tangibility.

Be prepared, I'll help you, get back to space as soon as you can."