Receiving the Critical Mass

It appears that the critical mass can occur today, I feel not necessarily nervous or worried, I'm just ready to give it more than everything I have to achieve this possibility no matter how little the possibility is.

To ensure the success and realize that which is necessary to sustain the framework of continuation and meaning that I desire, I shall supplant in this moment the absolute will to have and the absolute resolve to be that is necessary to realize this desired experience of reality.

Is there anything you would like to tell me or aid me in perceiving that might better prepare and ensure that I receive the critical mass in this present moment of this reality?

"A critical mass is an experience that consolidates the longevity of energy being emanated out over time into physical expression as a tangible condensed experience of holistic expression.

As such this means what is being released into tangibility would be the routined cultivated energy of the past almost 1 year of daily attunement to a higher and more meaningful realm of reality.

For you in this moment, you must remember that the critical mass being realized isn't something seperate from you but rather is the deepest and most true reflection of you, the more you feel into your knowingness and ease. The more natural and true you feel in your being, the more powerful the energy of will to have will be, the more of the critical mass you will be able to receive.

The goal is this, not to realize the critical mass for this is already occuring, but to realize the most of the critical mass.

To entrain you the state of being, the frequency of existing that can hold more in consciousness of the full capacity of the critical mass as a tangible reflection of energy.

The more you do this, the more you will change your baseline state of being, the more you will become the version of self able to naturally and innately realize greater realms of reality habitually.

Thus the session with the aid of your true selves and myself will show you what steps to take to make the most of this auspicious moment in your timeline of a relative expression of reality.

You are ready.
