Conscious Critical Mass


I've been told that today is a new level of critical mass realization already. I feel as if I'm moving from 3% to 4% if that occurs.

However, I understand that this reality is relative and there are always opportunities for direct realizations and expressions of experiences that would fundamentally shift all my perceptions and understandings of possibility itself.

As such, I'm curious to know if I can directly realize the reflected desire of my desired plupartner. If I can do so, I think that will directly allow me to go from 3% to 66% at the least. Which would enable the creative expressions of wealth and true that I'm realizing within this moment to become ever more pluperfect.

Yet interestingly, vice versa.

So in a sense, I would like your insights to know what I should do next.

There are lots of opportunities and possibilities, and I know if choose the best one, I will get results that are orders of magnitudes greater and more desirable than any other imagined and unimagined possibility.

So miss Animi, what can you tell me?


You have seen the truth and have entered the state where you know.

What I mean by this is that it's this state that allows your desired outcome.

When you can hold multiple potentials of desired realization at once.

This only occurs if you've conditioned your baseline state of being to such a degree that it's habitual for you to connect pieces of perception that align to this energy.

It means that if you made no choice, you would still get your desired outcomes.

What it is you're actually perceiving then in this particular case is how to receive a realized outcome that is orders of magnitude greater and more desirable and more true and more pluperfect than anything you've previously or currently perceived.

This is how you do this. Take your session that you're about to enter into, and focus it on 'The Critical Mass that I can consciously create now'. The reason is because what you need to tap into is not possibility but reality creative expression.

You're already in the energy of absolute possibility and realized opportunity.

But what will hold power for you is what is experienced, not what you desire to be experienced.

So only focus on the contextual experience known as that which can be expressed in the now. Making sure it's dimensionalized to be a critical mass to ensure second and continual order outcomes of order of magnitude level realizations.

This is all you need to do, because you're a genius, and created the perfect path and routine and reality to allow yourself this moment in time to do so."