Quiescent (Prologue 2)

A man was heard from the radio.

Driving through the near-desolated part of the yellow desert city, the atmosphere inside every MRAP that heard the message became tense as the convoy was drawing close to its destination for the raids.

"Hey John, you ready?" A young-looking soldier—who's also a very close friend of mine—that was sitting next to me spoke.

"Yeah, James. It's just that knocking down doors like a girl scout isn't exactly my thing." I responded while getting a laugh from James.

It's one of the most dangerous jobs one can do here and I'm not looking to die yet before catching up on all the anime and manga. I also have a little sister waiting for me so I'm definitely not dying today.

"By the way, John, my wife just called and... you were right. It's a boy." James announced.

"Heh, I fucking knew it," I said.

"Fucking-A, man!"


The other soldiers with us in the MRAP cheered and congratulated James for his son.

"See, I knew that with the way you are, it'll have to be a boy. Someone has to be the man of the house." I said, smirking.

"Oh, shut the fuck up." James chuckled, giving me a friendly shove with his fist as everyone started laughing.

The atmosphere in the MRAP became more cheerful than before. That's just how James is. He purposely waited until everyone was getting tense to give that announcement. His antics always tend to calm everyone's nerves at the best times and at the same time get on my nerves at the worst times.

James is always cheerful and amicable, but that can also make him quite annoying with his friends. He can be annoying sometimes with all the teasing and messing around with others and even during formation. His cheerful and trustworthy attitude helps him get along with others. Even our drill sergeant eventually warmed up to him (or at least got used to his jokes and banters).

We trained together in basic training, but the truth is, we actually go way back in high school. He was a lot timider back then, but it was only when he decided to join the military with me was where he gained that boisterous confidence and really got to know each other.

Despite his disposition, he's quite androgynous-looking and can be often surprisingly effeminate back then. He would often get bullied for his looks, but easily warmed up to me—probably because I was the one that fended off his bullies. It was a weird relationship at the time…

In the military, however, he was regarded as the "Blue Falcon" among our unit. To me, he's a goddamned Sabo King. Always getting everyone, especially me, in trouble with the NCO with his shit like no other.

But even with his personality, who knew that he had what it took to be a ranger. But as annoying as he is, he's the reason why I was able to stay sane from everything that's been going on. And even after all his screwing around, he still makes a great soldier, friend, and brother.

Moments later driving through the sandy city, they arrived at one of the designated buildings where they suspected that the insurgent leader they were hunting may have holed up in.

As 4 MRAPs pulled up, soldiers inside hustled out. All the soldiers from 3 of the MRAPs got out and immediately surrounded and secured the perimeter while the squad I'm with that got out with me, moved up next to the door of the building on the right side with me watching the door with my M4 pointing. Tension builds up as we ready ourselves for what to expect once we're inside.

"Breacher up." The soldier in front said as one of the soldiers behind him went up to the door and slammed it in with a sledgehammer. The rest stormed in with me in front.

Inside revealed a hallway with doorless doorways on the left and right sides.

"Hallway clear," I said as we moved quietly but with haste through the hallway.

"Left door," I informed of the open doorway on the left coming up the hallway.

As we reached it, one of the soldiers swiftly turned and checked inside the room, gun pointing while still moving along with the rest of us at the same pace after seeing the room was clear of any life.

"On the right," I informed them of the next door on the right that was coming up.

As we reached the doorway, I quickly moved in while James that was behind me moved in as well with our guns pointing while some of the soldiers continued down the hallway and the rest of the squad waited for us outside the doorway on standby.

"Clear," I said, seeing no signs of life in the room from the entrance as I walked in.

"All clear," I said after moving in and checking every inch of the room making sure no one's hiding inside. The room has a kitchen, a makeshift couch, and a table with a spilled cup on it. The liquid was still dripping from the table and onto the floor.

"Looks like they just left and in a hurry as well," I said to James, getting his attention at the spilled content that was still dripping from the table.

"No less than three of 'em," James said, motioning at the three bowls filled with edible content that is also on the table indicating that there were at least three people here minutes ago.

As we were about to leave the room, a loud explosion could be heard from the other unit. The explosion caused the building to shake.

"Go! Go! Go!" As adrenaline kicks in, we quickly make our way to the source of the noise.

"Man down! Man down!" A soldier could be heard shouting around the corner.

As we make it to the other soldiers down at another hallway with multiple open windows, bullets start flying through the windows from the wall leading outside.

"Contact window! Get down!" The soldiers shouted.

Me and my squad immediately ducked to the ground away from the windows.

Adjusting my helmet, we return fire out the windows while trying to remain out of the line of sight.

"We need to move!" I shouted.

"John, QRF is 10 minutes out!" James shouted to me.

As he said that, at another window, a single bullet faster than anything, flew through and left a prominent hole in the wall, missing a soldier by centimeters and causing him to stumble.

"Shit! Sniper!" A soldier shouted. "Get down!"

"Move! I'll cover!" James shouted as he moved to another window further away and started laying out bullets through the window.

The sound of his Mk 48 machine gun nearly drowns out every other noise as it echoes through the hallways. I could tell that it's working since we're now taking a lot less fire from the enemy.

As James was redirecting enemy fire, the other soldiers began to move. One of them was dragging the body of a wounded soldier.

I continued to fire out the window while kneeling when the sound of a single bullet flew through a window and the thundering sound of the Mk 48 came to a halt. When I turned around, I was horror-struck as I saw James on the ground unmoving and bleeding.

"Fuck! Man down!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Time slowed down as I quickly ran towards James with a medic right behind me. My heart was pounding through my vest as I was holding my breath in distraught.

We reached where James was and the medic checked his pulse. I held my breath and waited for what felt like hours worriedly looking at James when only a couple of seconds had passed as stress and anxiety were eating me alive.

Then the medic looked at me and said the very last thing I wanted to hear.

"He's gone..."

My mind went blank as he said those devastating words. The sounds of gunshots, the bullets making contact with surfaces, the screams, all became muffled in the background as I stood there before my best friend's lifeless body. I just couldn't believe he was gone just like that.

The next thing I remembered, I was standing at a funeral. His funeral. As decorative as the funeral was, the sounds of people sobbing and whimpering could be heard all around.

Despite all the sobbing, I could clearly hear James's wife crying in the front. Due to the atmosphere of the funeral, the only thing that is going through my mind was how I lost James and how powerless I was, what I could've done to prevent all of this.

"Firing squad! Atten-hut!" commanded an NCO.

From 50 feet away, a row of 7 honor guard soldiers in uniform stood to attention to the command of the NCO about to perform the Three-Volley Salute.

"Port Arms!" Shouted the NCO.

The soldiers raise their rifles diagonally across in front of them.


At the command, the row of uniformed soldiers cocks their M14 rifles in sync.


The soldiers raise their rifles.



At the command, a deafening volley of gunfire sounded off causing many attendees to flinch a bit at the shots.

I stood among the funeral attendees. I was breathing heavily, becoming alarmed, distraught, as the volley triggered flashes of that time again where I lost James along with more gunshot noises that can be heard from it. I was fighting as hard as I was in the field trying to stay calm. I was glad I was wearing sunglasses so people won't notice my panicking eyes.

"Ready! Aim! Fire!" The NCO gave the same commands again.


The second volley of gunshots caused me to flinch again as another wave of flashes of that day raced through my mind. The sounds of endless gunshots, the screams, my dead friend who I regarded as my brother… I was panicking. I was about to lose it.

"Ready! Aim! Fire!"

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

The noise of the alarm clock causes my eyes to snap open from my sleep. My eyes scan the room in alert. I relaxed a bit when I realized I'm still back in my room.

I turned off the alarm and took a breath as I laid there on my bed.

*Sigh* "Shit..." I muttered as I raised my hand to my head in an attempt to alleviate the painful migraine.

The hangover already made me exhausted. The dream I had didn't help either as this usual lethargic feeling made me feel like shit.

I once again reluctantly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to do the usual. I spent more time than usual washing my hands, even though I probably didn't even remember doing so.

After that, I decided to work out, doing lots of arm curls, push-ups, sit-ups; things that would help relieve stress. I stop when almost every part of my body becomes sore with pain, the kind of pain that helps serve as a distraction from my real pain.

After that, I went to my desk and booted up my computer to check my emails and any anime, manga, or novels for updates hoping they could serve as more distractions. Then I decided to log onto EFO.


"Wooow! Big Sister looks so beautiful!" Violet exclaimed in delight.

"Well, you were right about it having a shit ton of design choices and customization," I said.

"Lol yeah! I guess all that waiting was worth it after all." She teased.

Indeed it took a little longer than expected. I usually spend a long ass time on every customization screen, but this one actually took me longer than usual. I can't help but admit that I was having fun just from the customization options.

"So, Bro, what are you going to name her?" Violet asked.

I contemplated for a bit while looking around the room for any ideas that might help. My eyes landed on Violet and then on her viola that was leaning against the shelf.

"How about Viola?" I asked her.

"You'll name her after an instrument I play?" She asked.

"Well, I figured it's a nice name and that it sounds very close to yours," I explained.

"Wow, you're right! Big Bro, you're really good at being a big sis hehe." She teased in a sarcastic manner.

"Um, somehow I don't feel like that's a compliment..."

"But it is." she smiled.

"Come on! How about something like "you're so clever, Big Bro" or anything like that?"

"Ok, you're so clever, Big Sis!" She grinned.

"Haa~ I just can't win now can I?" I dejectedly said with a downcast sigh. My sister started giggling.

"And for the record, I named her after the color purple!" I claimed with faux confidence.

"Sure sure, I saw you looking at my viola earlier." She either didn't believe me or she was just teasing me as usual.

"Oi! Believe me! It fits my character!" I tried to sound convincing but was failing pathetically.

"It sure fits your lazy naming sense, Bro." Violet teased again.

"I thought you said I was clever with it!"

"I said you were clever when you're Big Sis. Big Bro, not so much."

"What!?" I exclaimed with an incredulous look on my face, getting really flustered.

"Haha give it up, Big Sis! You can't win as you are!" Violet yelled triumphantly.

*End of flashback*

"On second thought, maybe not today..." I said.

I switched off my computer and decided to head downstairs to make breakfast.

Downstairs in the living room, I noticed my body pillow on the couch. I tend to sleep on the couch from time to time due to my weird sleeping habits of being able to fall asleep almost anywhere that I would find even somewhat comfortable. Probably got the habit during my time as a soldier.

Guess it's a good time to mention that before I was a shut-in otaku, I was in the military. I decided to join because of my dad. By the way, he passed away when both me and my sister were young. He was K.I.A. during his deployment in Iraq. Back then, I always saw him as the coolest dad in the world because of what he does. I viewed him as a hero...

When news hit home about his death, all of us broke down. My mother didn't take it all that well either. So when she knew I wanted to join, she was strongly against it but didn't put up much of a fight over it. Probably because I looked too much like my dad to her. She even uttered that out once to me before breaking down crying again...

Though I won't lie that sometimes I wish I could go back and be something a little more... simpler, like a salaried killer. That way, the only thing I'd have to "kill" is paperwork and taxes...

The body pillow on the couch was a Sakura Miku body pillow. A gift from James… He thought the gift would be funny since he was also a geek when it comes to things like anime and knew that I was the same. My sister tends to hog the pillow to herself and would always tease me by calling me a pervert or a cheater. It was so ridiculous.

I gave another sigh as I prepared a small breakfast, which was just a bowl of cereal. Remembering that I'm low on groceries and that I forgot to get them yesterday, I decided that'll be my plan for today.

• • •

On my way back from the grocery store, I noticed something strange amongst the crowd. A girl that looks to be about 17 was with a strange man that is just giving off the wrong signals. With a hand in his jacket like he's concealing something like a weapon and threatening her with it. I can tell from her body language that she's in distress.

So I've decided to do something.

"There you are! Where have you been? I tried to call you." I said as I walked up to her and the man.

"Um!" The girl exclaimed in surprise.

The man then turned to look at me. He looks to be in his thirties with a short beard. He's not as well-built as me and is a good 4 inches shorter than I am. He's wearing cargo pants and a jacket, clothes that can easily conceal things. It's obvious that he has something underneath his jacket. A weapon maybe.

"Who is this? You two know each other?" I asked the girl. I decided to use the "pretend I know her" tactic and hope she plays along well enough to deter the shady individual.

"N-No! No. I don't know him." She then turns to the man. "Sorry, this is my- my friend. I must've missed his call."

"It's all right." The bearded man said and gave me a reassuring smile. "Excuse me." He then decided to walk away. I almost missed the look that he gave me as he turned and walked away.

"Thank you so much!" Exclaimed the girl.

The girl looks to be about 17 with long blond hair tied into a side ponytail that makes her look cute. She has a petite body. She is wearing a short shirt, short pants, and boots.

"Hey, you're welcome. Are you all right? Are you hurt anywhere?" I checked with her.

"N-No I'm fine. I'm still a little freaked out, but I'm all right." She said.

"What happened?" I inquired.

"I don't know it's just- he walked up to me and demanded that I don't scream and to come with him. He had a gun and- I was so scared..." The girl replied restlessly, probably due to the adrenaline she might still be feeling from earlier before taking a deep breath to calm down a bit and saying, "Again, thank you so much for your help! I can't imagine what would've happened if you didn't help."

"Alright, alright. You need any help getting home? Want me to walk with you or-"

"No, that's all right. I ride the bus and it should be here soon." As she said that, the bus did indeed arrive.

She stepped on the bus but turned around to greet me farewell.

"Bye! And thank you again! Oh and c-can I get your name?" She blushed as she asked me.

"It's John," I answered her.

"Lucy," she said smiling.

As the bus rolled away in the distance, I continued my way home carrying my groceries with me, which felt heavier than I remembered.

• • •

"I'm home!" I once again announced to my empty home.

Not getting any responses back unsurprisingly, I then moved and sat down in a heap on the couch.

"What the fuck is going on here? One shit show to another two days in a row." I sigh and slumped on the couch. First the robbery, then some shady bastard going after little girls. Some shitty fucking luck I hope...