Current Status

Well, I suppose we're all caught up now. From me and my shitty depressing life watching anime and reading manga and novels all day to me falling from orbit and crashing into some unknown land on some unknown floating rock in the middle of unknownwhere. And in an unknown body at that too. But I digress.

"H-How? How did this happen!?" An adorable sounding voice came to my ears further convincing me that I am now a little girl as I exclaimed in disbelief.

I was once again checking my entire body for the umpteenth time. There's no denying it now. This is now my current body. After everything that's been happening, I have no choice but to accept reality. Knowing that freaking out during a time like this won't do any good whatsoever. As long as I keep my head cool, I'll pull through just like I did many times before in the past. So I decided to take a bit of time to calm down and use my head because knowing that lamenting my fate was useless. Instead, it's more beneficial to confirm my current situation and where I am first because it doesn't look like a fun place for a small child to be in.

'Ok, now that I had a bit of time to regain my self-composure, let's assess the situation at hand. Obviously, I was reincarnated (or Isekai'd, whatever you want to call it) which explains the unfamiliar body and unfamiliar place I found myself in. That means I really did die from that truck explosion. But if that's the case, then why in the hell did I reincarnate looking like this!?' I continue to ponder my current circumstances and possibilities.

'I'll worry about my gender later. What I really care for right now is why a child's body? Do you not know how bad it is to start off as a small child in a possible fantasy world full of monsters? And I'm currently in the middle of the wilderness possibly full of said monsters while naked and afraid. I'm quite literally a bite-sized snack right now. Why wasn't I at least reincarnated waking up with a roof over my head and maybe with a family to start off with like most fantasy Isekai novels I read?'

There I go losing my cool once again. My inner otaku and built-up frustration were making it difficult to accept everything and focus on the real problems.

"This... is fucked up!" I yelled as I punched a nearby tree out of frustration.

The tree was a pretty tall and thick forest tree so I expected my knuckles to be bruised or broken when I punched it, but something completely unexpected happened. The tree completely shattered with a loud *crack* when I punched it, causing the 60 feet tall tree to timber over onto the ground.

I stood there completely dumbfounded at what just happened as I stared at the fallen tree.

"Eh?" was the only thing I could utter.

I didn't feel a single thing when I hit the tree. It was almost like I hit nothing but air. I took a step back from the fallen tree for a better view. Shattered bark, splinters, and wood were scattered everywhere on the floor from where I punched it. The tree trunk was about 50 inches in diameter yet it was completely shattered where I punched it. The rest of the fallen tree lay on the ground where it fell from.

All the thoughts I had before went away from this shocking phenomenon. I picked up a piece of bark from the tree. It was indeed a solid piece of bark.

I went to a different tree. This tree was much taller and wider. About as big as a pine tree. The tree was about 150 feet tall with a diameter of 6 feet at its trunk. I was tiny compared to this tree.

I put my hand on the tree to feel if it is indeed a real solid wood tree. Somehow, I was able to tell that not only was the tree indeed a solid tree, but it even felt sturdier than the ones on Earth.

I raised my right arm and cocked it back. With my small tightly clenched fist, I threw a punch at the tree, this time with the purpose of destroying the tree as I did with the last one. And just as I expected, the place where I punched it completely shattered like the last tree and the large towering tree began to tumble over. The tree started making creaking and groaning noises as it slowly falls over with continuous sounds of snaps and cracks of the wood. It then landed hard on the ground with a loud thud almost causing the ground to shake.

I inspected my hand and found it to be completely fine. Not a single scratch to be found anywhere on such a small pale delicate-looking hand. I was completely baffled at such a surreal phenomenon that I couldn't utter a single word.

I then spotted a nearby boulder and walked towards it. The boulder was about eight times my size, but considering my current body size, being eight times my size isn't too big but it still dwarfed me completely nonetheless.

I went ahead and did the usual inspection placing my hand on the boulder just like I did with the earlier tree to feel if it is indeed a hard solid boulder. After confirming that this is indeed a normal solid boulder, I commenced the test once more and threw another punch with the purpose of completely obliterating the boulder that is in front of me.

Unsurprisingly yet surprisingly at the same time, the boulder was completely destroyed as smaller rock fragments flew everywhere at high speed.

I stood there for a bit to assess the new and surprising experience. Then a really exciting and thrilling realization overtook me.

"Oh fuck yes..." I spoke as I gave a wide grin.

• • •

'That... was exhilarating~' I thought and sighed contentedly.

I was currently on my back relaxing on a patch of grass some distance away from my crash site. The grass felt soft to my skin. After some time, I sat up, stretched my body, and looked at my current surroundings.

After three straight hours of my uncontrollable rip-roaring rampage, happily testing out the physical limits of this new body, what came to view was absolute destruction. There were massive craters everywhere, destroyed trees and hills. The entire landscape was in ruins for miles.

It felt wonderful releasing all that pent-up steam earlier that I accumulated for years through frustrations. This whole forest felt like a sandcastle to me. You can say I feel young again when I literally am.

After three hours of terraforming the landscape with my bare hands, though I didn't see any wildlife or monsters during all that besides some unfamiliar birds, my mind felt at peace for the first time. Just the kind of therapy I really needed.

The pain I was feeling from the fall has already completely subsided by now as well. I was feeling great! I cannot recall the last time I felt this good in the past, or ever for that matter. I did feel a bit guilty having just single-handedly committed ecocide within three hours on an unfamiliar planet I just arrived at, but it was worth it.

After a bit of time basking in my tranquility as I finally regained my calm state of mind from my earlier violent urges and extreme euphoria at the same time, I started thinking of my next course of action.

'So I think it's about time I check what my appearance looks like. I was in the moment so that thought didn't even get the chance to cross my mind after finding out that I have a new body.'

My goal was to look for a water source as it'll serve both as a mirror and a place where I could get myself cleaned up from all this dirt.

Instead of trying to navigate through the forest, I decided it'll be much easier if I could just spot one from high up. During my earlier rampage, I found out that besides the super-strength, super-speed, and enhanced durability and stamina that this body apparently possessed, it can also jump extremely high thanks to its strength.

I was able to jump thousands of feet in the air. When jumping that height (and laughing like a maniac), I would shatter the ground that I was standing on earlier. It's taking a while to get used to the landing afterward. At first, I just crash-land every time I jump at such heights, but I didn't care too much about it since it allowed me to cover great distances really quickly and the great view that comes with it. Plus it doesn't hurt one bit when I crash. I did survive a crash from space after all. I guess I should have noticed my abnormal body earlier after being able to survive such an ordeal.

But soon, I'll be able to stick a badass superhero landing every time. Thinking about it gets me excited being able to do things I always dream of doing when looking at superheroes and overpowered anime characters back on Earth.

It only took me a couple of minutes to find an acceptable water source that looked like it'll satisfy my goals. After hopping thousands of feet in the air in a single direction away from the disaster of a crime scene I caused earlier, I spotted a large pond in a clearing of the endless hills and forest.

Landing ungracefully at the edge of the clearing, I proceed to walk towards the pond after checking if the coast is clear.

Anticipation, suspense, and eagerness were building up in me as I prepared myself for what I am about to see in the water as I head closer to the pond. I pushed on with determination preparing myself for whatever I'll end up seeing in the reflection knowing that I'll have no choice but to come to terms with.

As I finally reached the large pond, I noticed how calm and still the pond is with no slight current in the slightest. It was also a beautiful clear pond that fits well with the surroundings of the beautiful luscious green forest.

I checked to see if the pond seems safe before taking a single step in the waters and leaning over to see my new reflection. Never in my life could I have ever prepared myself for the sight that came up because what I saw caused my heart to skip two beats as I was flabbergasted by the unforgettable reveal.

"...holy shit..." I whispered in a soft sweet voice in awe at the sight.

In the reflection, an adorable, delicate, petite purple-haired loli stared back. Her beauty was beyond description. With a doll-like figure and slender body that looked to be around that of an 8 or 9-year-old. She still looked prepubescence as her height was only around 127 centimeters.

She has really smooth and flawless snow-white skin that was so soft and smooth to the touch with not a single blemish in sight nor any possible injuries from earlier that could be found (excluding a bit of dirt that was still on the skin). Just completely clear and smooth pale skin, impossible for any human to possess.

She has very long and beautiful shiny lavender-purple hair with a few strands of iliac that reach almost to her knees with bangs that cover a bit of her forehead. Its enchanting pinkish lavender color cannot compliment her snowy white skin enough as it looked mystical, like the prettiest purple flowers that bloom in the winter snow.

Her big round eyes with long eyelashes like that of a little girl's were even more ineffable. With pure radiant pink amethyst-like eyes that not even the most mystical twilight can compare. Her eyes looked gem-like and almost glowing like an indescribable glittering violet galaxy.

Other features of hers that caught my eye include long and pointy ears, two small but sharp white fangs when revealed as both features looked super cute, slit-shaped eye pupils in her eyes, sharp claw-like nails although not too long currently, a small round face, cute nose, and small light pink lips that all looked impossible for any master sculptor to recreate perfectly, small soft white hips, inimitable curves though barely noticeable yet flawless in features, and really small breasts that are barely A-cup if I'm being generous at the fact that she's pretty much flat, yet in a way, it's a beyond perfect fit.

I couldn't help but start blushing as I began to process that the reflection in the water was indeed me. Talk about unreal... if unreal is a good enough word to even describe the sight to behold.

'My goodness! I look like one of those anime lolis. A vampire loli to be specific. James would laugh if he were to see me now… that or he'll just straight up fall for me. Lolicon or not, this level of impossible beauty will distract anyone from it so I can understand. And the guy had too many waifus anyways.'

Nothing else comes to mind when looking at a body that is literally pushing the limits of perfection. This body looked like if all the gods were to pool all their powers and funds together to create the most perfect looking being. Only except... I recognized this appearance.

'This appearance… it looks awfully similar to… it can't be…' after finally processing the beautiful figure that is in front of me, it finally dawned on me who I looked a lot like.

'This appearance is the same as the character that I played as in my favorite MMORPG Epoch Fantasy! The hell!?' I exclaimed internally.

The realization was shocking enough, but then there's a question that requires immediate attention.

'Only… why do I look like a child version of her?'

It doesn't make any sense. Not that there's any sense to be found since I fell into this world. I of all people should know that in a fantasy world, common sense goes out the window. But still, I found it really strange as to why I reincarnated as my game character from EFO? And why as a child?

'This is one fucked up transmigration if I've ever seen one. Like seriously, what happened to the Isekai cliché? All the novels and manga I read have the MC waking up peacefully, preferably on ground level, and usually after meeting something like a reincarnation god in a form of either an old man or a beautiful goddess and they would give them some sort of context and how they would reincarnate. But instead, out of the blue, I woke up hundreds of thousands of feet in the air before crash landing face first in the dirt all while in the body of a child version of my game character. And where was MY reincarnation god? I wanted to meet them so I could punch them in the nose! They fucking dropped me into this world like they did with the meteor that killed the dinosaurs!' I continue to internally blather in frustration.

After a bit of internal blathering, I took a deep breath.

'Alright, calm down. No use getting so worked up now. The universe being fucked up should be nothing new to me.' I gave yet another one of my usual "sick of this shit" kind of sighs as I began to loosen up and finally started washing off all the dirt on my body.

It wasn't too difficult at all to wash off the dirt even without soap due to how small my body is and how smooth, soft, and silky this body feels right now. It was astronomically far from the rough body I was used to in my previous life. My entire body was completely hairless with the exception of the long purple hair on my head. While wrapping up my bath time, I took another look at my reflection in the water once more.

My beauty was otherworldly before, but it truly shines now with all the dirt off. Looking at it again, my appearance definitely looked impossibly beautiful back in the game, but goddamn is it worlds apart when seeing it in person. If I was back on Earth with such an impossibly adorable appearance like this, the internet would absolutely blow up. But if that's the case then...

'This supernatural beauty... wouldn't it cause problems like let's say being able to easily topple kingdoms? Being also the perfect target for slave traders and politics of nobilities and royal affairs? I'm definitely sure it can charm anyone.'

It does sound worrisome. It's a problem I'm sure would prove to be troublesome.

'But I'll leave that for future me to worry about. And maybe, later on, there'll be *ahem* "research" to be done~' I blushed a bit at the thought.

I may be ex-military but I'm still also an otaku at heart. And as a male otaku, I can't help but be a little curious. Call me a degenerate if you want. I've been called worse by people better than you and me. And every single one of them received the bird nonetheless. After all, this is all new to me after years of nonstop same shit different pile every day.

'But wait! If I reincarnated as my game character, does this mean I'm in the game right now?' A thought of realization popped up in my head as I snapped out from my earlier thought.

'If that's the case, then that means this should be like the game right? Then I should have some kind of menu interface system where I could see my status or something similar like in those Isekai fantasy game novels.' I concluded.

Without further ado, I decided to test out if I have a system or not. In fantasy work, the phrase "Status" is usually the phrase that triggers the system for the protagonists.

"Status" I uttered in a soft cute tone which is something I need to get used to.

After a couple of seconds passed, nothing happened. No matter how sharp my senses have now become, not a single thing or sound came to my view and ears but the sight of trees and sounds of rustling leaves in the wind.

'.…. Nothing. I guess it didn't work. Unless it's a different phrase. I think one of the novels I read also used the phrase "Menu" or "System".' So I decided to try those.

"Menu?" I spoke.

As soon as I spoke that, I heard an electronic beep in my head which startled me a bit before realizing that it might've worked.

At the same time, a holographic-like transparent screen popped up right in front of my view. It shows some kind of loading screen.

[Loading system - 0%...…. 50%..... 90%… 95%… 100%]

[Loading Complete]


After waiting just a few seconds for what appears to be a system to load completely, what pops up next is a menu screen with four options.



[Inventory] (Sealed)

[House] (Sealed)

[???] (Sealed)

'Huh. This menu screen is similar to the game menu screen.

'But what's with this 'sealed' label on most of the options?' I thought curiously.

Most of the options on the menu are currently sealed. Whatever it is, I can't seem to access them right now as much as I want to.

'Strange. Why are they sealed? And what's with the fourth option?' I wondered.

I have no idea what this unknown opinion could be. I don't recall any strange fourth option back in the game besides the settings option. It is also sealed so I can't do anything about it for now, but I'm quite curious to know what it is.

Deciding that there wasn't much use in pondering about the sealed menu options, I decided to check out the only option on the menu that wasn't sealed—and that is the 'Status' option.

"Status" I uttered.

As I said that, the screen now shows a recognizable status page with my information and stats in it.

'Oh, now you work?'


Name: Viola Hellstar

Sex: Female

Age: 530

Race: Omega Vampire

Class: Astro Sword God

Level: 265

Rank: EX

State: Sealed

HP: 30,000/30,000

MP: 30,000/30,000

Blood Essence: 0


STR: 1000 (Sealed)

CON: 1000 (Sealed)

AGI: 1000 (Sealed)

DEX: 1000 (Sealed)

INT: 1000 (Sealed)


Skills: [(Sealed)]

Special Skills: [(Sealed)]

Unique Skills: [(Sealed)]

Title: [Hyperuranion Star]

The first thing I looked at was my name.

'I guess my name is Viola now… just like the name I gave my game character. Looks like this really is my character from Epoch Fantasy Online.' I thought while confirming some of the info the 'Status' screen provided.

'As for the last name 'Hellstar', heh, I named her after a "star" you don't ever want to see. It just kinda fit considering what I could do. I kinda lived up to the name as I was also pretty renowned in the game. Players tend to regard me as the "Cosmic Horror" to not only play along with the joke but also due to me being quite the menacing player in EFO being known to absolutely destroy and devour in PVP and was one of the 'good' solo players. Plus, it was similar to my old name 'Hellstein' so why not.' I couldn't help but blush a bit at the thought.

I can't help but feel a bit embarrassed at myself for the Chuunibyou behavior I had back then even as a grown-ass man. I guess I didn't care too much because I was having too much fun playing together with Sis...

It's a little reassuring now that I have some information about my new body at least. Even though some of the other information is a little head-tilting.

'My age on the other hand.... well, it looks like this body's legal.' I shrugged as I see no other reasons I should be surprised anymore after everything that's been happening. To be honest, I am burnt out from trying to question and process everything the second I step into this rabbit hole of a pond.

As much as I do want to question why this body's age is apparently way high in the triple digits, I figured I won't even bother as it's not like I'll get an answer anyways. It might as well wait in line at this point.

I continue to inspect my status screen with a questionable gaze. It's the first time seeing an actual system in person. I have a pretty good idea of how to use it thanks to all the novels that I have read, however, this system is a little different than I imagine.

It seems that, like my menu page, all of my stats, as well as my skills, are 'Sealed'. My current stats are far lower than when they were back in the game and I have none of my skills or abilities. And yes, I played the shit out of the game back then in case you haven't noticed.

I was feeling a little disheartened by the fact that my stats are like this. Although, I think that even my current stats can still be considered very high in this world considering that I survived a fall from space with these stats. Unless of course, there are many in this world that could do the same. I'll find that out later.

I was really downcast by the lack of skills I remembered having plenty of back in the game. I was a bit curious about this odd separation of skills with 'Special Skills' and 'Unique Skills' as they were unfamiliar with the game. I was also really curious about this 'sealed' label so I tried inspecting the 'Sealed' label next to the skills.

[Your skills are sealed. Required Blood Essence to unseal a random skill you once possess: 0/10]

'Oh? Looks like I need blood to get my skills back. I wondered if it's like that for the rest of the seals.'

The seal on my stats, however, showed something different when I inspected it.

[Your stats are sealed. The first stage of the seal must be released in order to release the seal on your stats.]

'First stage of the seal? What does that mean?' I wondered.

That's when I noticed the 'sealed' label next to my 'State'. I went ahead and inspected it hoping to get some more info about this 'sealed' thing.

[Most of your powers and abilities are sealed. In order to release the first stage of the seal that shackles you and regain some of your powers back, a requisite amount of blood essence is required to release the first stage of the seal.]

[Required Blood Essence to release the first stage of the seal: 0/20,000]

'Ok... it turned out that my powers are sealed if I can't already tell. It still doesn't answer why my powers are sealed. I don't know why that is but it seems like I need blood in order to get things going. Not too surprising considering that I'm a vampire. It is the race I set my character as in the game.' I thought.

'But what's with this Omega Vampire race? It's unfamiliar as I have never seen or heard of it.'

[『Omega Vampire』 is a powerful otherworldly vampire that has surpassed all limits of a vampire and had transcended to a being of incomprehensible existence. An eternal being of the stars that has a connection and familiarity with the cosmos, allowing power to be drawn from the stars. Thrives under the brightest of stars, or the darkest of voids, an Omega Vampire is a unique race possessing no weaknesses of a typical vampire. Blood or any sustenance is no longer necessarily needed to survive as long as the vessel remains intact and not destroyed.]

'Ok, so the abridged version is... I'm an overpowered space vampire... what the f...'

You know what? I won't even question it. I'll just take it and move on.

Looking back at my status screen again, I also noticed where it said 'Titles'.

'Titles? I had many titles back in the game. And since it isn't 'Sealed' I'm guessing it just didn't carry over. But it would seem I have only one title right now—and one I do not recognize.'

I then inspected the one title I currently have.

[『Hyperuranion Star』: A special title granted to those who have done the impossible and successfully transcended beyond the boundaries of the heavens. A being who freely travels through the heavens, stars, and other worlds through all the cosmos. Unbound by any Universal Laws, they possess powers originating from the Astrals and can collect and manifest their mana to create perfection. Not limited by any Concepts, there is only one of 'you' in existence as no other universes can replicate a holder of this title.]

'Ah, now I remember. This title was granted to players who have completed the main storyline of the game. It was only supposed to be part of the lore in Epoch Fantasy Online where you as a player must eventually "reach beyond the heavens and obtain perfection" or something along the lines of that.'

This was only supposed to be lore-based and everyone didn't think much of it. Anyone can gain this title in the game once they reach the end of the main story. The description didn't mean much as we could pretty much do everything it said. I mean, something like "World Traveling" was actually a common thing in the game, was it not?

What this title could do for me now will probably come into question later. But thinking about it now won't be of much help.

Alright, from what I have gathered so far, it seems that I'm no longer human. Not that I mind. I never really felt human anymore considering how many lives I've taken. And after everything that happened, I just wanted to… leave.

'Well, I left. And now with a second chance, let's see where it'll take me.'

The past is the past. You're on a new road now. Nothing else to do but see where it'll lead.

'And you know what? I can work with this. It doesn't matter how different my body looks right now. All that matters is that this body's feeling great and full of energy right now, especially after releasing all that steam earlier. I wasn't even tired after three hours of my nonstop rampage. In fact, I'm feeling better than the time when I graduated from basic training. Who knew getting a new and powerful body is just what I needed. Kinda like getting a brand new supercar after replacing your old outdated car that was on its last wheels.'

Normally, I should have definitely felt uncomfortable when I found out I now have an appearance like this, but you don't know the first meaning of 'uncomfortable' after what I have experienced in my too long of a previous life.

'But still, to think that reincarnation is real… I always thought the concepts were just fun and entertaining ideas that only happen in anime or novels. But who knows, this reincarnation could either be the best thing that happened to me in a while, or the living hell I've been looking forward to for a long time now.'