Funeral To Attend

Tori was raging inside. She wanted to lash out, but couldn't. To win this, she must be smarter than Prince Cory. She needed to steel herself like how he steeled himself during those times when everyone hated him.

"No. Duke Castaña made it in time. Tori, what do you want now?"

What do I want? After what you told me, I also asked that myself. I buried myself in the misbelieved that no one will be able to protect me. But a strange prince proved me wrong. He defied my fate and took it as his own. So what do I want? "I want to continue his plan. I will usurp the throne."

"King Elphaim was the benefactor of the tribes that tried to conquer the Arin Tribe. With his obvious favor to Prince Lauren, we must expect an unfavorable judgment even if we present Tessa as a witness."

Prince Yei Lin sat in front of her so she served him tea. "So the trial will just be a farce."