Dowager Empress Aurina Eckrett

Two weeks later…

Servants were lined up next to the emperor's chamber's cream-colored wall. The drapes of the emperor's bed were pulled up to show the unmoving form of Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett. A thick blanket covered his body from the tips of his cold toes to his chest. 

His lips were purplish – a telltale sign of being poisoned. A wavy brown hair sprawled against the silky pillow where his head was laid onto. Thick lashes framed his closed eyes, giving him the aura as if he was only sleeping. In a sense, Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett was indeed sleeping but the reality of his situation was far from being fine.

The moment the Royal Honeymoon was about to end, an accident happened, stopping the supposed happy occasion abruptly.