A Good News

. "Announcing the arrival of the Monakre Kingdom's sun, King Leon Monakre, with the crown prince, His Highness, Prince Allaister Monakre." 

In Tori's peripheral vision, she could see the gnawing fear written on Sinha's face as the pair entered the lavish dining room with their straightened shoulders, chins up, and intertwined hands.

'Oh, I have lived to see this day.' Tori's malice filled her thought as she controlled her emotions upon seeing the drastic constant changes in the faces of the three saved from her husband. 

The emperor waved his free hand to the awaiting members of the imperial family. "Yous may take your seat." All of them followed suit when Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett took a seat along with Queen Victoria Rozenreff Eckrett.

"Bring in all the foods."