Deep Feelings Let Out

****Things are starting to heat up**** You have been warned! This is a longer chapter!

"What do you think you're doing?" Aurelia hissed at him.

"I couldn't say what I wanted to say to you in front of all those people," Max whispered to her softly. "Your doubt in me makes sense, especially if you listen to rumors."

Her heart dropped. "What do you mean?" Aurelia asked.

His brow furrowed. "You don't know what I'm talking about?"

"I have heard warnings about you, but it was in humor more than concern," she responded carefully. "Is there something that I don't know that's damning to your character?"

Max raked a hand through his silky curls and sighed, "There was a rumor going around that I was untoward with a young woman a few years ago."

"Is it true?" Aurelia demanded, scared of what the answer was. "You don't seem overly concerned with us being alone right at this moment."

He grabbed her hands and bored his eyes into Aurelia's. "No, she made it up when I would not agree to marry her," Max explained. "She tried to manipulate me, I had no feelings for her, and she was obsessed with me."

"Who is this she?" She questioned; Aurelia started to piece the story he was telling together.

Max dropped her hands and turned away from Aurelia. He began to pace the darkened room in a huff. "The newly titled Mrs. Jacob Browning," he seethed, Aurelia's breath caught at her name, the day in the parlor with her made more sense. "She fell for me and would not leave me be, I wanted nothing to do with her, but she was so persistent. I had to be quite curt with her to get her to leave me alone. She was not happy about it in the slightest and started those vicious rumors."

"She tried to tell me that you were a womanizing degenerate," Aurelia confessed to him. "She seemed quite insistent and angry at the mention of you."

Max stopped pacing and looked at her. "Did she plant this doubt in you?"

Aurelia shook her head, "She tried but failed. It was her marrying the childhood love that made me distrust matters of the heart."

He stepped toward her and placed a hand on Aurelia's shoulder, "I am so sorry she did that. Did you know her well?"

"She was my best friend."

"Yet she never told you about me and the perceived transgressions against her?" He demanded.

Aurelia sighed, "Eve was secretive, and she married Jacob without telling me. She is the one with poor moral character."

Max grabbed Aurelia in a tight embrace. Her cheeks began to grow wet with tears. "She is a vile woman, and I am happy you didn't listen to her nastiness," he whispered into her hair.

"So you speak the truth about how you feel about me then?" Aurelia asked timidly.

Max chuckled lightly, reverberating in her chest. Chills tickled up Aurelia's spine. "Woman, I am in love with you. I can't say it any more plainly than so," he professed, tenderness filled his face. "I want you to be my wife so I can have you all to myself."

Aurelia felt as if she would keel over if Max weren't holding onto her, "I love you too, Max," Aurelia grabbed the back of his head and kissed him deeply.

She didn't care if it had only been a week and a few visits with Max, he lit her entire world aflame and Aurelia wanted so badly to be his wife. She realized that two years was a long time to pine after Jacob and since meeting Max, he was her childhood love but she was not a child anymore.

Max breathed in sharply but eagerly kissed her back, deepening the kiss. He pressed his tongue against Aurelia's lips. She timidly opened her mouth in invitation. Aurelia clutched her fingers in Max's curls. The now-familiar heat grew in her chest again. Max entwined his tongue with hers, and his hands roamed Aurelia's hair and back.

He pressed into Aurelia and she could feel him growing hard against her leg again, his arousal grew, and she felt brave and rubbed her hand against Max's pants. He gasped in surprise but didn't stop Aurelia.

Willa had told Aurelia a little bit about men and their anatomy to help her prepare for marriage and she was happy to have some semblance of an idea of how to please a man.

Max kissed Aurelia even harder and began to grab and squeeze her breasts over her dress, she let out a slight moan. Max growled in approval when Aurelia slipped her hand into his pants and grasped his hardness with her hand. She slid her hand over its length causing him to tremble, Aurelia was breathing hard as Max's noises of satisfaction grew more persistent.

"And you were the one speaking of scandal," Max panted. He was surprised to see how eager she was to be intimate with him, he couldn't wait to have her in his bed.

Aurelia giggled, holding his manhood more tightly, and moved her hand faster. Max seemed to be getting weaker and trembling more with every stroke. His lips crushed her and her tongue found his.

Aurelia broke away from his lips. "Does that feel good?"

Max smirked. "My Aurie, you have no idea, now take this handkerchief and hold it at the top of me in a few moments," he instructed.

She continued her ministrations even faster and grasped the handkerchief with her free hand. Max was panting and had a light sheen of sweat on his brow.

"Now, my love," He whispered in her ear in between gasps.

Aurelia placed the handkerchief on the tip of his shaft and felt a warm liquid begin to seep into the fabric in her hand. Max leaned against her and panted with an uneven breath.

Aurelia's heart was beating rapidly and Max replaced his hand with hers holding the fabric and kissed her lips gently. He cleaned himself up and Aurelia watched out of curiosity, when he was done he pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I cannot wait for you to be my wife, my sweet." Max kissed her cheeks and forehead before resting his chin on the top of Aurelia's head. She was beaming with joy.

"May I return the favor," Max asked huskily. Aurelia looked at him confused and she nodded, unsure what she agreed to.

He walked her over to a couch and locked the door to the sitting from before he kneeled in front of her. Aurelia had heard of women pleasing men but not the other way around. Her puzzled expression made Max laugh quietly.

"If you are uncomfortable at all let me know and I'll stop," Max said tenderly. He lifted the skirts of Aurelia's dress and his head disappeared beneath them.

Her eyes widened as she felt his hot breath against her thighs and she fought the need to clench her legs shut. Max focused on her sensitive area between her legs and brushed his fingers over the little nub at the top.

Aurelia gasped and bucked her hips up in surprise at the sensation. He chuckled as he nuzzled his face closer and slowly licked up and down her already wet slit. Aurelia let out a series of little pants and whimpers when Max paid special attention to her clit that was becoming more pronounced.

"Do you like this, Aurie?" Max growled against her lower lips, planting hot fiery kisses along her honeypot.

"P-please don't-t s-stop," Aurie groaned. Her core was on fire and she felt like something was building up inside her, she felt immeasurable pressure where Max was loving on her with his tongue.

Max chuckled deeply and sped up his pace, adding one finger into Aurelia's opening. She bolted upright at the intrusion with a low moan and slowly sank back onto the couch into the intensity of Max's hand and tongue working to make her finish.

He swirled his tongue around her clit as he pumped his finger in and out quickly. She wanted to scream and writhe around but Aurelia didn't want anyone to hear her in this compromising position.

Her pants became shallower and quicker, Max rumbled his approval and inserted one more finger inside of her. Aurelia sat up bucking her hips groaning lowly as she felt waves of pleasure wash over her. She sat with her eyes closed and couldn't move except for tiny quivers. Max got out from under her skirts and pulled her onto his lap and kissed Aurelia soundly.

"I will go mad if I don't have you all to myself soon," Max whispered, his voice hoarse from desire.

Aurelia looked up at him in a daze and smiled weakly. "I feel the same way." They helped clean each other up and stood up and embraced each other tightly. Max unlocked the door and led Aurie out by the hand.

In the quiet hallway, they embraced once more and Max kissed Aurie's forehead.