As they were turning, towards the road out of the mansion, Jia blurted, "Oh! I forgot one of my bags. Can you wait for five minutes?"
"Fine be quick."
As she was about to enter the mansion, she overheard a conversation.
Li Delun and Li Bai had been silent spectators to the turn of events all the while.
As Bao walked in, Li Delun gave a sly smile, and said, "Does my grandson think, that my hair turned grey, without seeing through people, and situations all these years?"
Bao went speechless, turned around, and after a while responded, "I only did, what was the right thing to do."
Li Delun tilted his head toward him and asked, "Don't you think, you lost on the opportunity to have by your side the most eloquent, beautiful, graceful, fearless, and yet grounded girl in town to cherish?"
Bao shook his head and replied, "She may be what any man would desire, but not what I need."
Li Bai stood up and interrupted, and said, "Bao, she would have been a blessing unto this family and our business, and would have stood by you through thick and thin."
Bao held her by her shoulders, looked forward from her shoulders at Delun still seated on the sofa, and replied, "Granny, I don't understand the need to win always. In our attempt to be victorious, we lose our loved ones."
Li Delun held out his arms and replied, "It is survival of the fittest."
"That does not apply in human relationships. Even the animal kingdom wins over their mates: they do not force themselves, upon them. Are values amongst the human race eroded to an extent, that we are willing to sear our conscience to satisfy our ego and greed?"
Li Bai cupped his face with her palms and said lovingly, "She would have been blessed to be a part of us. There are families, and girls who are willing to go to any extent to be a part of us."
Bao hugged her and replied, "That's what you think granny, but not what she thinks."
He hugged her tightly and said, "I don't desire a woman who wants to be a part of us, just because of our status, position, and financial blessing. I don't want a spouse, who wants to be a part of this Empire; I need a better half, who would be a part of this family."
Li Delun walked up to them and asked, "How does your marriage not satisfy these? Being a part of this family is always a packaged deal."
Bao broke away from the embrace and smiled and said, "Since the day we converted the institution of marriage into a business deal, the loving structure of the family has been attacked and slaughtered. Values have eroded and lust has replaced love. I don't want to be a part of this dirty business."
Li Delun shook his head, sighed, and said, "She was the best match we could find for you."
Bao brushed his hair with his hands and said, "The problem is not her, but who she wishes to be with. I have known since high school, that she had always liked Liqin. I don't want to possess a woman for all the qualities, that she adorns, but want to cherish her throughout as my own flesh in a complete willing submission on her part as well."
Bao held Delun and made him comfortable on the sofa, sat beside him, and said, "I want her to love and cherish me with her soul. I don't want her to follow me around, with a plastic smile on, just because of a decision, that was made, that fulfilled our situations and business requirements."
Li Delun touched his shoulders with one of his arms and interrupted, "In the long run, what glues the relation is the core values and circumstances, that both the parties involved are brought up with. Look at your mother. She has been the loving and patient stronghold of this household throughout when your father was busy and had no time for all of us."
Li Bai shook her head and murmured, "Yes, but she was not the first choice, and I was wrong."
Li Bao immediately turned, tilted his head, and asked with a creased brow, "What did you say about the first choice, I beg your pardon, could you repeat it?"
Li Delun interrupted to avoid the awkward truth from getting exposed, and said, "Huang Jia would always be our first choice."
Li Bao shook his head, "I believe in love as it is expressed in the Bible. It is patient, kind, neither envies nor boasts and is not haughty. It neither dishonors others nor is self-seeking. It is neither easily angered, nor keeps a record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. Love never fails, but it conquers all."
Li Delun tilted his head, pointed a finger, and asked, "Have you become a Christian?"
Li Bao smiled, and said, "You can consider me as one."
Li Delun was surprised, and said, "What, and how?"
Li Bao blurted out joyfully as he stood up, "That's because all these years I looked to aunt Rou----."
Li Bai interrupted wide-eyed, "Whom did you say?"
Bao was taken aback by his momentary revelation, which was supposed to be a secret for life. He composed himself, and recollected, that one of his American friend's mother's name was Rosemary, and said, "Aunt Rosemary. She is the mother of my close friend David. They are staunch Christians, and have influenced my principles to a huge extent."
Li Delun shook his head and replied, "Your father also had a friend by the name, 'Abigail.' She was the daughter of a pastor."
Li Bai for a moment sunk into the sofa and thought, "Why did I feel, that Roulan had found her way back into the family after all these years?"
However, she was relieved at the response, sighed, and said, "You both match each other in every way."
"Grandpa, I agree, that I need to have someone by my side, who would gel into our family like coffee and cream that is inseparable, yet unique in its characteristics, and go on to add an aroma, taste, and value to each other."
Li Bao leaned back with his hands behind his head and feet up crossed upon another and affirmed, and said, "I don't want her to become a possession, that I am proud of, to present to the world, neither do I have a desire to demand love and obedience from the one I lust after. I firmly believe that women are intellectual companions and not objects of desire."
Bao opened his arms and said, "I would want the woman I love, to walk by my side in every step that I take, and cherish every moment of our life. I would want her to submit to me with a hundred percent desire to do so, out of love. I would want us to cherish the relationship, that we have through the thick and thin of our lives. I would want each other to build each other, and complement each other in every way. I would want us to be a perfect plan of God in our lives, to endeavor, and motivate each other in every way."
Li Delun adjusted his spectacles and asked, "Is this your final decision?"
Li Bao shook his head and affirmed, "There was none other than this, from the time I realized my requirements of a life partner. I would rather wait than want to lust after someone, that is loved and cherished by another man."
Li Bao stood up and said as he walked toward the window, his gaze fixed out at the garden, "I am firm on this decision, and there are no second thoughts to it. I believe it is the same with Jia as well. Once mom and dad return, I will make my stand clear, and firm. There's no turning back on this decision, no matter what happens."
Li Delun sighed, and said, "Since you are adamant in your decision, you have your own way, after all, it's your life, and you have a right to choose and decide. As long as it is right for yourself, and this family, we will stand by it, to the end."
Li Delun looked down and said, "After all, it's not necessary, that the elders are always right. We have also had our fair share of erroneous decisions, and I don't want history to be repeated."
Stunned, Li Bao turned around and said, "Thanks Grandpa, but I didn't understand the 'history repeating' part you discussed. When were you wrong in your decision?"
Shocked at the sharp observation of Li Bao, Li Bai interrupted, and said, "What he meant, was that, there were so many families ruined by the incorrect decisions of the elders in our society."
Li Bao smiled and said, "Oh! That is what he meant. Yes, you are right because those marriages were only business decisions. I clearly don't understand, why parents sacrifice the joy of their offspring, for their need to expand and merge."
"So that's decided, and sealed. Once mom and dad return, you both will stand your ground, and support my decision. I have some emails, that require urgent attention, so I will get on my way. You two enjoy your quiet time. I heard you were planning a stroll out. I will arrange for the chauffeur to take you both when you need it. Where do you plan to go?"
"We need to do some shopping together. We will be out after lunch."
"Should I join two senior lovebirds on their day out?"
"You carry on with your work. Bai and I can manage it."
"I will arrange for the chauffeur to take you where you need. Also, take Jake along with you. He will assist you in carrying your stuff."
"All right, ask him to be ready at three o'clock sharp in the afternoon, it is quarter to one now, we have two hours for lunch and a small nap."
"Three o'clock, it will be, then."
Huang Jia rushed in and interrupted the conversation, "Bao I forgot something."
They glared at her, with an astounding look, not wanting her to have overheard their conversation, but it was quite late for that.
She gave an innocent blink, and said, "I am sorry, I overheard, but that's fine. I am honored, to be wanted, and be considered as precious in your eyes. But that doesn't change my choice." she giggled.
Li Bao laughed at her antiques as the two elders followed suit, and said, "You and Liqin are a match made in heaven."
She gave him a huge hug, and said, "Thanks, Bao."
Li Bao walked up the stairs to his study, and Jia walked up to her room to pick her bag. As they were walking up the stairs, he heard something, unexpectedly. Although it was whispered, their ears were too sharp to miss the same.