As they were having a coffee at the café, Bao called up Zhao Qiang, and asked, "Good morning, how is your health now?"
"I am better. It is nice to talk to you. Your dad had come to meet us with the Liu family last week. You are quite blessed to have him as your father."
"Well, that's true. So, what was the outcome of the visit of the Liu family?"
"I am going to take charge as the Vice President of their company. Uncle has some health issues and needs a helping hand with their businesses down there as their daughter is still a university student. Grandfather has plans to adopt me officially as his legal heir. I have already applied for a name change to ensure a smooth transition. I was already a U.S. Citizen when I had gone missing. Once the name change is processed, the embassy will issue a passport post which I will be able to fly back. The whole process might take a month or two."
"What about the resort of the Zhao family?"
"I have been training Chynna over the last two weeks, and she has picked up well. She can handle it. Though at times she seems like a prankster, when it comes to business, she is very responsible. In the past when I had been studying abroad, she was the one who helped dad in the business, along with attending school. Hence, she is well acquainted with the nitty-gritty of the business for a long time now."
"You both seemed pretty close though."
"I am going to miss her a lot. I heard, that Liqin is preparing for his wedding. Do convey my wishes to both."
"They are here with me. I will hand over the phone to Liqin."
As Bao handed over his phone to Liqin, Qiang said, "Congratulations on your engagement, and best wishes for your scheduled wedding."
"We will send you the invitation card, once it is printed."
"I will make sure to come for the wedding. Convey my wishes to Jia. She is lucky to have found you."
As Liqin disconnected the call, Bao said, "He is going back to the US as the grandson of the Liu household to help his uncle out."
Jia turned to him and replied, "Isn't that pretty quick?"
Bao nodded his head and replied, "That's what happens when dad gets involved in matters. Things move up pretty fast."
Liqin shook his head and added, "I feel sad for Zhao Fai. He loved him like a son."
Bao sat still and replied, "I am pretty sure his sincerity will not go in vain. If my calculation is right Liu Taio will eventually marry Zhao Chynna."
Jia turned to him and replied, "How could that be possible?"
Liqin pointed to Bao and replied, "Bao could be right. They never looked like siblings even at the diner the other day. Moreover, Taio throughout was aware of the fact that he was an adopted son of the family. Maybe it will only take time for them to realize their feelings for each other."
"Rightly said. I am pretty sure they cannot survive without each other."
Well, now that the suspense is over, I will just head back home. You both spend some quality time together. I don't want to be the third fiddle."
As Bao left, Liqin looked at Jia, and asked, "How do you want to spend the time?"
"Let us go over to your place, and discuss the details of the wedding. We can have lunch with grandpa. Once everything is discussed between us, then we can ask him for his suggestions."
Jia turned to Liqin and asked, "Where do you plan to arrange the meeting between the planner and the family?"
"Let us do that at our place. But then you will have to oversee the lunch for all, that day."
"Agreed, and sealed then. Now let us go home. I will inform my parents on the way."