Chapter 15

Zack was thinking it was something important story. When he heard him say that was it, he was speechless.

His master looked back at him. Seeing him speechless he shook his head, "I'm once again disappointed in you, my disciple."

Zack responded quickly, "I understand master. The moral of the story is that different people have different views of the world."

Elder Grey shook his head again hearing him, "What moral? It is just common sense. This is why I tell you to always read more."

Zack shut his mouth without saying anything, 'Then why would you even talk about it. I thought it was an important part of history or something' He thought inwardly.

Elder Grey looked at him and sighed as if he were disappointed.

He waved his arm saying, "Now for your next step in training. The reason why I picked you up all those years ago as my disciple was because you have somewhat better potential to walk the path of spirit master."

Zack immediately straightened his back as soon as he mentioned spirit master. Even tossing the previous topic back of his mind.

It was not his first time hearing the term.

His fellow student learning under his master was also someone who stepped onto the path to becoming a spirit master.

His master was also a spirit master. From what he had learned from his fellow student, the spirit masters were the ones who walked the sky unhindered.

They could alone influence the whole kingdom with one word. But not everyone could lay their eyes on one.

So he always anticipated when his master would teach him to be a spirit master.

Elder Grey continued, "Potential does not mean that you are superior to others or those who are normal people. It is simply a term we use when someone is born with adaptive nature required for being a spirit master."

"There are thousands of spirit masters who were born disabled or beggars who were living on the streets, so potential does not count for much."

"Now, your path to becoming a spirit master is different from those of me or your fellow student Jude. But that is for another time."

"For now you will learn how to be a spirit master."

Zack sat quietly as his master talked about spirit master and what it meant to have the potential to be one.

Soon afternoon passed and the evening was approaching.

"Close your eyes and meditate, leave other things to me." Elder Grey stopped talking and asked him to follow his instructions.

As Zack closed his eyes he heard his master talking. Even though he knew he was sitting in front of him, the voice sounded from all directions in his mind.

"Nowadays we are lucky to have a spirit masters look after whenever someone steps foot in the spirit master's path. A long time ago they did not have anyone to guide and it was much harder to be a spirit master."

"But those who became one without the help of others were surely intelligent and knowledgeable people."

"Now feel the spirit and follow the instructions I gave you."

Zack slowly became calm. He was not sure, but this was the first time he felt this much calm. His mind was occupied with many different thoughts but as soon as he closed his eyes and heard his master's voice all those thoughts and distractions were gone.

As his mind became clear, a feeling suddenly rose in his heart. He felt as if he were floating.

It was for a brief moment but the sensation it gave him made him feel even more clear-headed.

As he sat there close eyed his breathing became slow and steady along with his heartbeat.

His focus automatically came upon his breathing. He felt his breath taken in and taken out but as he became more focused on it, he noticed every time he breathed out it was different than when he breathed in.

Slowly he felt a prickling sensation all over his body. But it was soon gone.

The prickling sensation came and went many times. He could not even pinpoint where the sensation was coming from.

"Ok enough wake up. It's time for you to go." He woke up from his calm clearheaded state after hearing his master's voice.

Zack opened his eyes with a flickering light but it was soon gone. Looking around he noticed it was almost dark.

"It takes years even with other's help to succeed so there is no need for impatience."

"From now on this will be your early morning routine, when you are capable of doing it without outside help that is when you have taken the first step."

"Now go, I'm tired after seeing your face all day." Zack was once again speechless hearing him and slowly stood up.

After helping his master with cleaning up the plants and other stuff scattered around the room he went home.

Because he was late his parents were home before him. Jaiden scolded him how he forgot about the firewood. But he and his mother ignored the man as if he was in his own world.

From then on his mornings were spent with his master. In the afternoon he studied about different subjects his master prepared for him. And in the evening he would help him with different tasks.

His fellow student Jude would come too, but soon he came less and less. After asking him, he mentioned how he was preparing to go to the capital for further studies.

His job started and he adjusted his study schedule in the evening. The hunting became once in a while thing.

But as time went he got even more fascinated with his studies. His master had books he did not even think were written about.

After starting his special meditation with his master, reading and remembering became much easier.

After his mother's constant bombardment he also got married when he turned 21. His mother arranged for the daughter of the town's carpenter.

Jude left the town a long time ago, before leaving he mentioned that he became a 5th level spirit walker making him few steps closer to becoming a spirit master.

After these few years of training, he could meditate without his master's support. Which was a sign that he achieved 1st level in spirit walking.

As soon as he achieved the 1st level spirit walker, hunting became a lot easier. But aside from necessary needs, he did not hunt excessively.

After he got married, his mother demanded a grandchild immediately after. Which he denied for the time being.

"Why would you not have kids? Your mother came to me yesterday asking to educate you."Elder asked Zack who was now had grown up to become a young man.

"But master aren't I supposed to be a spirit master? What happens if I have to leave the town?" Zack asked not understanding why his master would ask that.

"Huh? Leaving the town? That's going to take a long time. You might as well have your own grandchildren by then.

Zack was stunned, "But that green-eyed fool said it won't be long before I become a 5th level spirit walker and would have to serve the kingdom."

"What kingdom? You have not even studied properly what good can you serve?"

"Besides haven't I told you before? Your path is different than Jude, me or other spirit master's for that matter."

"I would say enjoy the life as it is until you are ready to go outside."