Chapter 8

Ace backed away from beside the door quickly making his way down the stairs in order not to cause suspicion with the female he had pried on.

As Perla recollected her composure she walked out the room with the files in hand as she made her way down the large staircase.

"I found the files" her voice rang through the male's ears as he perked up as she made her way towards him handing the files over.

"we need to sign these before bringing them back did you sign your part?" he questioned leaning back on the large couch as he read through the work files while a pen rolled between his long skinny porcelain fingers.

Perla made her way towards the coffee machine as she poured it into two mugs adding a spoon of sugar and whipped cream to hers as she mixed them before bringing them over handing one to the seated male taking a seat beside him as they scanned the files and documents together.

There was work documents and files scattered all over the coffee table along with two mugs as the duo eagerly had worked for the past hour.

Ace stretched his arm out beside the female to grab a file making they're faces centimetres away as they stared at each other inching closer and closer by the moment.

Just as they're lips almost brushed against each other both they're phones simultaneously rang snapping them out they trance as they fumbled through their words as they searched through the piles of papers for their devices.

"Hello/Hey" Perla and Ace simultaneously said as they walked on either end of the living room in order to not interrupt each others calls.

"okay/k on it" they once again simultaneously replied to the callers as they ended the calls before turning to each other.

"I'm guessing you had the same call?" Ace questioned a smirk gracing his lips as he licked his top set of teeth revealing a silver toung piercing making the female's ears turn red as she nodded.

The female quickly grabbed her back along with her keys before bidding her cats farewell with kisses on their foreheads as she grabbed the male's wrist dragging him out the apartment as she locked the door and ran down the hallway towards the stairs hand in hand with Ace as she pushed the door open.

Despite being on the highest floor there were not many stairs and it was faster for Perla and Ace to run down the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator as it stopped everywhere.

"We're taking my car" the female explained as she dragged the male down the stairs and onto the underground garage as she continued to drag Ace towards a matte black Mclaren 720S.

"Didn't know you were into flashy cars?" Ace smirked as they went in the car with Perla in the driver seat.

"Now you do" Perla smirked back as she started the vehicle as the engine roared throughout the large parking lot.

She looked over to make sure he was buckled before zooming out the parking lot and onto the streets.

Swerving through the streets, taking sharp turns and going over the speed limit was never what Ace expected her to drive like yet he had found it attractive as if she was a street racer as he stared at her a hint of amusement flashing in his eyes as he watched the joyous smirk on her face as she blasted music, braking all the driving rules.

The engine roared through the city streets as she took shortcuts in order to not be in large areas and to get to the underground base faster.

They soon arrived at the base 20 minutes earlier then what they would have usually arrived at driving at a normal pace.

"You're quite the racer" Ace commented a throaty chuckle escaped his lips as he exited the car with the reckless female still grinning ear to ear in joy.

They made they're way inside as soon as possible in order to go on an emergency mission, Perla's first mission.

She had trained long enough with Ace in order to be able to go on a mission though she wasn't nervous for she had been on many mission before though the agency was not aware in fact this whole thing WAS a mission.

As they walked inside they made their way towards the conference room were they met with the boss' son who was in charge of informing the group that had gathered about the mission, Joe Casey.

"Perla and Ace along with the rest of you will be going to The Diamonds restaurant since it belongs to the leader of the Fire Dragons" Joe explained to the small group of agents. The Fire Dragons were a well known dangerous mafia gang feared worldwide due to the danger it consists of.

"Perla and Ace will be going in there as a couple dining there and slowly make they're way to the boss' office in order for Perla to hack into his computer and gather all the information, The rest of you will be in the van checking the security cameras in the restaurant and communicating with the duo through ear pieces. You will be heading in an HOUR so get ready and strapped be prepared for anything" he explained before letting everyone leave to get ready.

Everyone quickly scattered in order to get ready and grab they're stuff in order to be prepared for any outcomes possible.

To be continued~