Lewis Arrives...

"What?! Boy! Do you understand that you are just a fifteen-year-old superior stage grandmaster? One who can use the powers of three laws!!

Not one or two but three!!! And they're difficult laws to use like time and destruction!!

I am a fucking two hundred thousand-year-old god and you were able to damage my physical body, even if you had to use your progenitor authority alongside your anti-divinity and cosmic energy to do so.

You should be proud of your achievement!!"

Arthur rolled his eyes after hearing Hades' words before replying, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I am very, very, one hundred and ten percent proud of myself. Happy now?"

"This kid, do you even know the reaction other gods would have if they find out what you just did? They'd go crazy!!"

"Sure they will, says the two hundred thousand-year-old god whose wounds have already healed."