Avatar’s Descent

||Morningstar. ||

The voice was calm and collected, but the amount of energy imbued into that one word was far more than Lucifer could ever do even when speaking with his true voice.

Lucifer frowned as the being's head faced in his direction, the gaze he was feeling remaining present as the mouth spoke out one more time.

||Do Not Interfere. ||

The head then turned in Alexia's direction as the mouth began speaking.

||Alexandria Vladicur.

For the crime of endangering exactly 97 secondary worlds in this secondary plane's star system cluster, attempting to alter the fates of countless existences while not having sufficient qualifications or justification, attempting to forcefully change the futures of quintillions of existences, and overstepping your bounds in an attempt to infringe upon a concept.

You shall have your existence level reduced by two whole realms and your authorities above the mid-rank stripped from you.