Fated Reunion II


The girl could not be blamed for her reaction. After all, she had believed that Arthur had died alongside Ger and the others when Duskhand's Inner City was attacked by the 'Silver Demon Summoner'.

But here the silver-haired and black-eyed boy was, chilling in the Mercenary guild with drinks in hand. (Arthur used contacts for his eye colour.)

Seeing Rachel, Arthur wondered what sort of fate twist this was.

One of the Mercenaries with him looked up at Rachel and posed a question to Arthur.

"You've got friends in the Army?"

"Yeah, I know a few people in the Army."

Arthur's reply could be taken either way. He did know people in both Armies who were fighting for the planet, after all.

"Seems like you guys have not seen each other in some time. Go catch up with her."

The men heartily laughed as they pushed Arthur towards Rachel, while the girl was still looking at him as if her eyes were deceiving her.
