Games, Wine, Introductions

[This concludes Day One of the Summit.]


The exclamation that came barely a second after the Summit's end was declared came from the mouths of one of the 72 throned Deities.

McEnda II looked at the man beside him, before sighing and shaking his head in silence.

As for Jamie, he ignored the man's sigh and teleported right in front of Arthur and Evan, placing his hands on their shoulders as he spoke.

"Let's head over to my place."

Focusing on Arthur, he continued.

"We'd tackle your dormant Pseudo-Origin core issue as well."

"Oh? The help would be appreciated…"

Arthur glanced at the Demon Queen of Gravitas whom he originally wanted to ask for help, but the woman just waved him off, knowing fully well that Jamie could handle the issue.

Just before Jamie teleported them off to his place, he turned to McEnda II and tossed what Arthur could only see as a 'ball of cosmic energy'.

"Here, the vault key."