Trap Question and Revelation

The Star System Rilene ended up in when she was chasing the trail, was the Stroay System where Aramis was. She informed Jamie of this later, and not long after, Jamie made his way to McEnda II, where he found Alvey reporting Evan's arrival to the other Demon King.

"Both Rilene and I knew that someone or something was travelling through time. I was certain of it; this wasn't my first encounter with time travellers."

Jamie's gaze briefly flickered to Arthur when he mentioned the last two words, but he returned his attention to Evan before Arthur could read too much into it.

"I see. So, you already had your eyes on me from the start?"

"Yeah. I had not been able to come over to Aramis in person, and when I heard Arthur's reaction regarding your presence, I got interested.

I wanted to know what he saw with his Pseudo-Authority that made him want Beatrix, Artemisia and now you, around."