Chapter 8: Adventure Time!

Grand Line

Boin Archipelago


A man was standing near the edge of the petal-shaped structure of the island, his height reaching 2 meters, with blue hair reaching his shoulder (same as Manjiro Sano hairstyle) orange eyes, wearing only white pants with a sword on his right side in line with his belt, looking right and looking left. The man was Renz.

"It has been 2 years, ever since I came here. All this time I have been training non-stop and I'm kinda bored with it. I want to go on an adventure!"

"There's still a year before Luffy starts his journey to become the Pirate King" Renz exclaimed.

While thinking of this Renz noticed that there's two silhouettes reaching 2 kilometers from his standing point, since the day he unlocked Kenbonshoku Haki, his eyes ability has reached 2 kilometers, he focused his eyes ability on the two silhouettes and saw that there are two ships, one with a jolly roger, a sword stabbed in the skull at the top of the ship's mast, while the other's jolly roger is a smiley being crossed out. It was Donquixote Pirates.

"Donquixote? Heh. It seems that I'm quite lucky today, there might be goods on that ship" Renz exclaimed paired with a grin.

"Time to go! Mants you take care of your self here. I'm going now!"

Mants who heard Renz statement has jumped in ecstacy, as he finally got rid of the devil.

Renz using his own version of Geppo, he concentrated the natural energy on the sole of his feet and then launched to the sky faster than the original version" SWOOOOSH!". In just 1 minute he arrived at the top of the two ships.

"You dare to make trouble with us, the Donquixote Pirates?! You seem to have a death wish" standing at the bow of the ship, he wears a pink shirt with purple pants and a crimson cape made of steel. The man exclaimed, it was Diamante, one of the elite members of Donquixote pirates.

"You seemed unaware of us huh? What an idiot, I'm the captain of George Pirates with a bounty of 150,000,000 beli! George "No Beard" standing at the opposite bow, the man put both of his hand, exposing his chin with no beard.

"GUHAHAHAHAH! another idiot has come to his own death" Diamante used "Soru" and instantly arrived at the bow of the ship of the "George Pirates",without wasting time, he beheaded the Captain who had a shocked expression.

"Puff" George head rolled to the deck while blood splattered on the headless body and fell on the sea.

The members on the deck has a shocked expression making their chins dropped at the deck, as they can't seem to comprehend just what happened, it was just too fast! But before they could think of the subordinates of the Donquixote have arrive at their ship slashing them one by one "GWAAA!" the other members of George Pirates has awakened from their shocked expression and trembled as they saw that they don't stand a chance on the Pirates in front of them "Ru-run!" one of the members shouted. They run to the side and tried to jump at the sea, but it was too late, as the members of Donquixote Pirates have surrounded them and without wasting time, the George Pirates got wiped out creating a pool of blood on the deck.

"Search the ship for any valuables and loot them" Diamante exclaimed. The subordinates looted the ship and sink it.

"Set sail! we have been wasting too much time, we need to deliver the goods at Sabaody Archipelago"

"Haiii!, Diamante-sama!" the members shouted in unison.

While preparing to set sail a large explosion occured on their deck "Boom!"

"Who?! Who dares to make a ruckus on the ship?!" Diamante exclaimed in anger.

"Iam! Do you have a problem?" the man with a wide grin and glaring eyes, It was Renz who came at the scene, as the smoke from the fall he made disspiated.

"You, who are you?!" Diamante shouted.

"Me? I'm the man who will take your life" Renz replied.

"GUHAHAHHAHA! You will take my life huh?" Diamante with a mocking grin exclaimed and immediately launch an attack towards Renz.


Renz dodged the attack using his instinct, without using Kenbonshoku Haki to see the extent of his power.

"You're slower than a snail" Renz said to provoke Diamante.

Diamante got an irritated expression as he launch an attack again and used his devil fruit ability, suddenly Diamante's hand became thin like a fabric and became long, it instantly reached Renz, but he deflected the incoming attack like it was just nothing, using just his raw strength.

"Heh, so this is the power of Hira Hira No Mi a paramecia-type that makes the user bacome a fabric itself. Sadly, this ability of yours is just so-so, so weak, well, time to get serious now" Renz exclaimed as he released his Haoshoku Haki making all of the Donquixote weak subordinates instantly fell unconcious.

Diamante who felt the pressure release by Renz shuddered in fear and sweat pouring in his forehead as he exclaimed "Ha-Haoshoku Haki?" Diamante looking at the man standing infront of him, seeminly around the age of 19, he can't believe that a young man like Renz can inflict fear on him.

While thinking of the young man, suddenly, Renz squatted and applied the enery on the sole of his feet and released it "Ketsuryu!". In an instant he arrived in front of Diamante.

Diamante with a shocked expression can't help but exclaimed "Fas-so fast!"

Renz didn't want to waste time as he unsheathed his crescent-shaped sword on his waist and draw it towards the neck of Diamante and beheaded him like what he did to the captain of George Pirates, his head rolled with a shocked expression, while blood splattered at the headless body.

Renz sheathed his crescent-shaped sword and stomp at the heads of the subordinates, breaking their heads, as blood flow at the deck of the Donquixote Pirate ship.

"I'm quite strong, even the elite member of Donquixote is not a threat to me. Anyways gotta find something valuable here" Renz descended at the ship's hull, a compartment where they stored their goods.

Renz arrived at the storage room and saw many cages with humans inside. He slashed the cage one by one and give them the keys to their handcuffs.

"You are free now, I hope you don't get caught again, as I don't have the leisure time to find you and release you again"

The slaves who heard this have a bright expression and they all bow in unison "Thank you benefactor, we will remember this and treasure the freedom you give to us!" the slaves exclaimed in unison.

The slaves take their leaves and get a small boat for themselve as they set sail to the nearest island. However, there is still a beautiful blonde girl standing in front of him looking firmly at Renz eyes.

"Thank you! Umm"

"The name is Renz, Fukuro Renz" Renz replied.

"Thank you Renz-sama for saving my life, I am Jane" Jane said to Renz with a blushing face.

Renz saw this got himself a puzzled face but he seem to understand why the girl was blushing "Well, I can't blame her for being attracted at my looks" Renz muttered.

"So Jane, why didn't you follow the others from escaping?" Renz said to Jane.

"I-I want to be with Renz-sama. I don't have anywhere to go" Jane replied with a blushing face.

Renz just smiled and said "I'm a Pirate who will take a dangerous path and you might die if you follow me"

"You're a Pirate Renz-sama?!" Jane said as he didn't expect such a young man is a pirate.

"Yup, from today onwards I'm a pirate, though I'm alone right now, but soon my crew will be big with so many great characters KEKEEKEK!" Renz said as he revealed his devilish grin.

Jane saw this as she giggled from the childish laughter of his benefactor making her blush.

Jane came to her senses and said to Renz with a firm expression "I'm willing to follow Renz-sama, even if the path he will take is dangerous, I just want to be with Renz-sama and serve him for the rest of my life"

Renz got flustered from what Jane said to him, he just sighed and said "I can take you with me, but, you need to show me what you are capable of"

Jane heard Renz and with a bright expression she said "Really?! I know a little bit about navigation, I can cook and I'm a devil fruit user"

Renz got shocked at the last statement of Jane "You said you're a devil fruit user?"

"Yes, I am, I ate the fruit" Soko Soko No Mi" the power to store inanimate objects" Jane said to Renz

Renz got more shock hearing this. "These fruit is really convenient for storing objects, though, it might not be of use to fighting, but the conveniences storing objects is really good and beside that, Jane is not a fighter, this ability just suits her" Renz said in his thought.

"Okay Jane, I accept you as my first mate in my crew. So, how big is the capacity of your storage ability?" Renz said.

"Um, this, I don't know, but I can store this ship using my ability"Jane exclaimed.

Renz heard this, he understand if she didn't know the exact measure of her ability since most people on One Piece World lacked the knowledge about Mathematics.

"Well, If she can store a big ship like this then her storage capacity might be big enough" Renz thought to himself.

"Let's go Jane, store the valuables here, we will be using this ship for now"

"Mm-mm, Okay Renz-sama" Jane said as she store the goods in her storage ability.

Renz walk to the captains cabin, he searched the room and he opened the cabinet he saw a flintlock gun with a silver frame engraved with "Moon" word on it and golden handle.

"Wow! finally a decent gun, this just suits my style, I finally can use this paired with my eyes ability and I can fight in a long and melee range combat" Renz happily exclaimed as he caressed the gun.

Renz continued to search the room and found a casket beneath the bed. He took the casket and unlocked it, he opened it and saw a fruit with a claw marks on it.

"Hmm, devil fruit? What ability does it have?" Renz search the casket and saw a paper with the decription about the fruit in his hand.

"Uni Uni No Mi Devil Fruit, Zoan type, Model:Wolf type, grants a user with strength comparable with wolf and granted a claw as a weapon, can transform the user into werewolf" Renz said as he read the description.

"I see, these fruit might be the one used by "Jabra" one of the CP9 member"

"Well, I'm not interested in this fruit, I'll just store it for my future crewmates" Renz said as he thows it to Jane.

"Store it Jane, we'll give it to our future crew member" Renz said to Jane.

"Hai! Captain Renz-sama" Jane said as she stored the fruit.

"Well, time to set sail Jane, you go to the navigation room and find a map, we will sail to another island" Renz said.

"Hai!" Jane said in response.

Renz pulled down the sail and shoot the jolly roger of Donquixote and set it on fire, turning it into ashes. After doing that he went to the helm.

"Yahoo!! It's Adventure Time!" Renz happily exclaimed as he stirred the ship's stirring wheel to the direction Jane told him.