Chapter 10: Thriller Bark

Grand Line

Florian Triangle


Standing at the bow of the ship. A good looking young man, with blue hair, orange eyes, wearing a black suit with a white cravat tie, paired with a black pants, black shoes with shiny edges, he also wore a black gloves and a dark blue cape with a blue outline. The man is Renz who was observing the island resembling a ship in front of him.

[Thriller Bark]

The island is surrounded by a huge outer wall that goes around the ship, with a gate resembling a giant mouth that opens and closes. There are four separate chains that connect from the wall to the mast above the mansion. The island has an old broken inner stone wall encircling it with towers and a moat, there are three mast that can be seen, on the circumference from both side, both has a name imprinted on it (Thriller Bark) and from the center, a black sail with Jolly Roger, a white skull with a fork-shaped on top of the skull and on the chin, it has two purple wings and a white flames on each side of the skull.

The ship that Renz, Jane and Brook that they are currently staying in, went through the mouth and enter the Thriller Bark. There is a mansion in the middle of the island, surrounded by an apparently dead forest.

The ship docked on the island, a bat with a humanoid form, with stiches on his face and a potion bottle on his back was hanged on the tree branch like a bat would do.

"Intruders! I should quickly report this to Moria-sama!" The humanoid bat was "Hildon" one of the subordinates of Gecko Moria.

Renz has long been able to noticed Hildon, but he didn't do anything, he just watch him left, as he already know that Hildon will report their presence to Moria and that's exactly his intention.

"Let's get moving" Renz said and hold the waist of Jane as they jump to the island.

Walking at the dead forest, many graves can be seen on the ground giving it a scary vibes on it.

"T-this is scary Captain" Jane said as she hold the left arm of Renz.

Jane stepped into one of the grave. Suddenly, an arm has erected and pulled her feet.

"KYAAAAAAA!" Jane jump to Renz arms making him carry her like a princess. Renz just stomped at the zombie, shattering its head and continued to walk.

"Brook, you lead the way to where we can get back your shadow"

"Aye-aye Captain, Yohohohoho!" Brook said in response as he lead them to the location of Ryuma.

Renz and his company arrived at the Mansion. Brook take the lead and open the door, walking at the stair leading to a room, a zombie was drinking tea, he has a yellow hair who has white tape on his forehead that hide his left eye, he wore an attire of a swordsman and a sword on his right side, a black blade that has as distinct white (reddish-purple in the anime) reverse wave hamon (hardening line) that is of a Kanemoto style and its tsuba (hand-guard) has flower-like edges in the shape of an octofoil. It was "Shusui" one of the 21 great grade swords. Brook who saw the zombie in front him had a firm expression on his face.

"Captain, I'll handle this from now on, this is my fight" Brook said to Renz.

"Okay Brook, you be careful" Renz said in response as he approved to Brook.

"So, you came here again Afro guy" Ryuma said to Brook.

"I'm here to take back my shadow"

"Ohoh, you might beg me again for your petty life to spare Afro" Ryuma said to Brook.

Brook didn't say anything as he unsheathed his cane, revealing a thin silver blade on it "SHING"

Brook squatted and launched an attack to Ryuma "Swoosh!" he pointed his sword towards Ryuma, but it was deflected by Ryuma making a metallic sound "CLANG!" Brook was pushed back, but he didn't stop and attack Ryuma again "CLING" "CLANG" (SLASH).

The fight continued for a while, but it can be seen that Brook was slightly at a disadvantage on this fight. Suddenly, Ryuma found an opening and stabbed Brook on his left shoulder, as he was thrown back making him roll and hit the wall "BANG"

"It seems that you have lost again Afro guy" Ryuma said as he launched and attack towards Brook who was lying on the ground, but it was intercepted by a crescent-shaped sword and the wielder of the sword was a young man on his teen.

Ryuma jumped back, as he sensed that the young man seems to be not an ordirnary man, so he asked him "Who might you be young lad?"

"It's Fukuro Renz. The Captain of Brook and the Night Howler Pirates" Renz said as he introduced himself to Ryuma.

"I see, Renz-san it was nice meeting you, but sadly, this is where you will be buried" Ryuma exclaimed.

"Oh, you are welcome to try that"

"Brook, I will handle this from now on, you go to the side of Jane and protect her" Renz said to Brook.

"This... Be careful Captain" Brook said hesitantly but decided to leave it to his Captain.

"Don't worry, I'll take your shadow back for you" Renz said, as he walked to face Ryuma.

"So, Ryuma-san I hope you're ready to have your last breath" Renz said as he released his Haoshoku Haki.

"BOOOOM!" a distortion on the atmosphere has occured.

Ryuma and the others felt the pressure, as sweat poured down on their forehead, but Ryuma didn't back down and started to prepare for his attack.

"SWOOOSH!" Ryuma take the initiative to attack Renz, who has able to defend the incoming attack.

"CLING" "CLANG" "CLANK" the exchange of an attack lasted for a while, as they both seemed equal in strength and speed, but Ryuma noticed that Renz didn't seem to be exhausted, while he himself find it hard to catch a breath on this fight. So he jumped back and panted heavily.

Renz did this on purpose for him to gain more sword fight experience from Ryuma and he didn't seem to be disappointed as he learn new things from this fight, but it's time to end the fight, so that, they can finally leave this island, Renz thought to himself.

"Hey Old Man, Let's end this with our best sword skill" Renz said to Ryuma.

"That's what I'm waiting for, young lad" Ryuma said, as he can finally breath properly.

The two looked at each other as they both hold their swords. The two squatted to prepare a launch attack at the same time.

"Hanauta Sanchou-"

"Fukuro Style:-"

"Yahazu Giri!"


"SWOOOSH!" Ryuma and Renz both passed each other holding their swords and stopped at the same time.


"SHING!" a small cut from the cape of Renz can be seen, but it seems that he didn't take any damage from the attack. Ryuma on the other side, was full of cuts on his body and the wound has blue flames on it, he coughed out a mouthful of blood as he fell down on his knees and used Shusui to prevent himself from lying on the ground "PENG!"

"I lost. It seems my time has finally come to an end" Ryuma said as he threw the Shusui to Renz who caught the sword and his body quickly engulfed with the blue flames and turn into ashes.

"Th-the match was over" Brook exclaimed with a shaky voice, as a shadow flew towards his body and form the shados of Brook.

"Your shadow is back now Brook, but our fight has not yet come to an end. We still have to fight Gecko Moria and his army" Renz said to Brook.

"Haii Captain!" Brook said with a serious expression and his respect towards Renz has reached a new height. He didn't expect that a stranger from before would be the one who would free him from his cage.