Chapter 13: New Nakama?

~Grand Line~

~Mock Town~


Renz and his crew has arrived at Mock Town they went to a bar "Pub and Pies" that is run by a former pirate and its costumer was also a bunch of pirates. Renz and his crew just came in not minding the pirates that stopped eating and drinking that looked at them.

"Give us foods and drinks please" Said Renz to the owner of the pub.

"Right away" replied by the owner.

Renz and his crew who was about to start eating, suddenly a pirate crew has entered and the seemingly Captain of the crew just kick the door open and laugh out loud. A tall man with tan skin and short, unkempt blond hair, he wore white pants, a green sash with markings, and a pink sleeveless shirt with a navy blue pirate captain's coat over it. The man was Bellamy and also known as "The Hyena". His crew followed suit with an arrogant demeanor.

"BABABABABA! Oii, you all get out of this place we're gonna have a party and take the pub for ourselves tonight"

But the pirate didn't seem to know who was the guy so he refused to go out, he stood from his sit and aimed the gun to the man who said it "BANG!" without saying a word he pulled the trigger and instantly making the crewmate of Bellamy lying on the ground without the sign of life as blood flow to the ground. He then pointed his gun towards Bellamy who didn't even care but the fact that someone wants to provoke him makes him annoyed so he laugh it off "BABABABA! You dare make a trouble with me huh?! You don't even know who you're provoking. I'm Bellamy "The Hyena" with 55,000,000 beli bounty" said Bellamy with a proud tone as his calves turned into a spring.

The other pirate who heard the statement of Bellamy seemed to realize what trouble he had encountered. The man in front of him was the famous pirate in Grand Line who controls the Mock Town and he just provoked him. The pirate thought as sweat poured down on his forehead. Bellamy on the other hand saw the panicked face on the guy, so without saying a word he disappeared and instantly appeared above the head of the pirate and punch it embedding the head of the pirate on the ground as blood splattered all over it. The force of the punch was too strong that it killed the pirate instantly.

Pirates started running to the door hoping to get out from the trouble, in an instant many pirates have already left but there seems to be a few who stayed it was none other than Renz crew and there was another two who seems to not care of their surroundings and just continued eating. Renz was surprised as his Kenbonshoku Haki seem to detect three auras, so he turned back and saw a rather thin man, with light brown hair that hangs down to his lower neck. He is extremely tall, His eyebrows are almost always furrowed in what looks like a saddened expression, and he rarely smiles. The left lens of the black glasses he wears is a normal, rectangular eyepiece, but the right side is circular and wore a big top hat.

'Van Augur' Renz thought to himself as he knew the guy from one piece and a future sniper of the Blackbeard Pirates 'Huh? who's the other guy with Van Augur?' it was a man with a long blond hair tied in man bun, a style that features a ponytail bundled together somewhere on the crown, a thin but tall man though shorter than van but his height should reach 2 meters tall same as Renz, on his right side he has a katana but nothing seem so eye catching on the katana, as it seems that it was just an ordinary katana, he wore a fisher man attire, even his earings was a fishing bait, he wore a triangle bamboo hat and an unbuttoned grey vest and a trouser pants that has been torn to become a short. On his right side was a harmless little girl around the age of 15, Renz did not pay attention to the girl as he only looked at the man beside him though his aura was weaker than him but it won't be an exaggeration to say that his strength can be said to be one of the top in the first half of grandline and a pirate like Bellamy don't pose a threat to him.

Bellamy got a furious look on him as not only did they not take his word seriously, they don't even seem to care about him. So, not even saying a word he launched an attack towards the man who wore a bamboo hat and fisherman attire "BOOM!" Bellamy's punch was stop by the man using his sword hilt, then he directed the hilt towards Bellamy's face that threw him towards the wall of the pub and penetrate it outside. The Fisherman stood up and went outside, he saw a 10 diameters pit and inside the pit was Bellamy who has a blood dripping on the corner of his mouth and threw a mouthful of blood.

"One sword style~" the fisherman mumbled as he hold the hilt of his katana.

"~Basilisk!" ~"WOOOSH!"~ the fisherman arrived at the back of Bellamy and sheathed his katana but broke due to it not being able to withstand the force of the sword skill. Though, it did not stop him from making a huge slash on Bellamy's chest, who fell unconcious and is barely breathing. "BANG! ~BANG!" Van Augur shot one of Bellamy's crewmate and continued to shoot the other. Sarquis who was the first mate and also second-in-command take his captain and ordered his crew to retreat.

Renz who was watching the whole scene was satisfied to the shown strength by the guy, he went out and arrived to the fisherman and said while clapping both of his hands "Clap~clap" "Bravo! you defeated a 55 million beli bounty in just one sword skill!"

"Who are you?!" said the fisherman who was on guard to Renz as he take one of the sword that a pirate left while escaping.

"A swordsman talk with their sword not the other way around" Renz said as devilish smile appeared on his face and hold his crescent-shaped sword. He squatted as he launched towards the fisherman "Ketsuryu!" ~"SWOOOSH!" ~ instantly arriving in front of the man and slashed "CLANG!" the man gritted his teeth as he felt the heaviness of the attack and took a step back.

He took a deep breath and said "One swordstyle: Basilisk!"

Renz just smiled at him and also launched an attack a weak version of Getsuga Tenshou, just a pure energy being projected towards the man.

"BANG!" the man was thrown a step back as he face the attack head on.

The man knew that his strength is a lot weaker than him and the man in front of him is a monster. So, without hesitating he used his ultimate skill towards Renz.

"One swordstyle~" he mumbled as he ready his attack and his sword was enveloped with an aura making the sword big though it was an illusion but no doubt that the man strength has gone up.

"Eclipse!" he launch towards Renz.

Renz already saw this from the future using his Kenbonshoku Haki. He also launched and attack on him. During the time they are sailing and when he fought Moria he trained Kenbonshoku Haki as he felt that he reached a bottle neck on it, he was able to reach the advancement level in Kenbonshoku Haki as he was able to take a glimpse in the future for 2 seconds.

"Fukuro style~" Renz mumbled as he raised his crescent-shaped sword.

"Getsuga Tenshou!" an arc shape sword projectile was released from the crescent-shaped sword as Renz swung his sword down.

The man face the attack and a large explosion occured "BOOM!" both of the attack have the same strength but the man's sword can't withstand the attack as it shattered. Though the man was unharmed but he doesn't have a weapon to fight "Please take care of Rosette, Van!" the man shouted to Van as he finally accepted his fate.

"No!! Oji-san!" Rosette shouted as she burst from tears.

Van take Rosette and shot towards Renz who was approaching his new found friend.

"BANG!~BANG!" two bullets went to the direction of Renz. Renz didn't stopped as he took his flintlock and shot the bullets approaching him without even looking.

Van Augur was taken aback by the shown gun skill of the man, not only is he a strong swordsman but he is also good at gunmanship and compared to him he is just a nobody.

Renz arrived in front of the man and said "KEKEKEK! that was a good show of swordsmanship" Renz was happy because the strength of this guy was the same when Zoro fought Kuma on the Thriller Bark, though it was an estimation but no doubt he is strong. So, he didn't waste anytime as he offered the man an invitation to join his crew "I only tested your strength and have you join my crew, KEKEKEK!" Renz said as he let out a devilish laugh.

The man was surprised to a sudden invitation, so he replied "I am sorry as I can't join your crew, I still have an enemy to fight and a little girl to protect"

Renz smiled "Oh that is not a problem, who might be your enemy?" he asked.

"Donquixote Donflamingo one of the Shichibukai. The girl you saw was her slave who ate a Paramecia Type Devil Fruit: Medi-Medi no Mi, she can turn her fingers into a medical tools which makes her able to cure wounds fast. I only found her on a wooden plank as she floated on the ocean when I was fishing and I picked her up due to pity and adopted her" The man said in an serious tone.

Renz was more happy when he heard that the little girl was a devil fruit user and it seems the power is to cure and it fits the role of the doctor "But that doesn't explain just how good you are at swordsmanship?"

"Oh that? I was once an apprentice of a certain swordsman clan but it was massacre by a bunch of pirates, so I wander to the sea and became a normal fisherman but that was when Rosette came, I met Augur when we are chased by Doflamingo subordinates, he helped us escaped and we became friends afterwards" The man replied to Renz.

"I see, so that explains it all, then I, Fukuro Renz the Captain of Night Howler Pirates invited you three to join my crew and promise to give my all to protect my crewmates like a family!" Renz said as he extended a hand to the man.

The man was shocked, even Van Augur was taken aback when they heard the name of the man and his pirate crew name.

"Y-you - you are the Rookie Black Hands Renz who defeated one of the Shichibukai Gecko Moria and with a bounty of 120,000,000?!" The man said as he also read the newspaper and admired the man for defeating a shichibukai in his first appearance in Grand Line and envy the man because of his strength that if he is as strong as him he won't need to runaway from Doflamingo but something unexpected happen the man he admired due to his strength was now in front of him offering him an invitation to join his crew, though it was not what he hoped for but it was not such a bad offer to reject.

"Then, would they also be invited to your crew?" he asked Renz.

"Of course! I lack a sniper and also a doctor so that just fits them on the role my crew lack" Renz said as a widesmile appeared on his face, his journey to Mock Town was not in vain he was able to recruit three capable people that he lacks: a swordsman, sniper and also a doctor.

The man was happy "I Ronald, swear to be loyal to Captain Renz and never ever have the audacity to betray him" he took the hand of Renz and stood up.

"I see, so your name was Ronald, the little girl waa Rossete and Van Augur the sniper. It was nice having you in my crew. So we will throw a welcoming party! KEKEKEK" Renz said.

Brook and the other two girls said in unison "Hai, Captain!"

"It seems destiny has put us together. It's nice meeting you Captain, hope you will be able to teach me that technique of yours when you shot my bullets without looking" Van Augur said to Renz.

"Oh that? That's called Kenbonshoku Haki, don't worry I'll train you all" Renz said to Van Augur who has a bright face.

They started their welcoming party for the three new members and Rosette was now having a conversation to the two girls Jane and Perona.

The party lasted till the daylight and all of them was sound asleep. Renz with a happy smile as he sleep~~