Chapter 15: Nico Robin?


~5 days before reaching Alabasta~


'We've been sailing for two days and for the past few days I've been supervising my crewmates on their training and give them pointers' Everyone was able to progress just in two days, though it's little but it's good enough compared to the short amount of time they started training. The girls was having a duel to the three men to improved their combat ability, though the three was taking it easy on their fight but the most who have improved was Rosette, she asked Ronald to teach her in sword fighting using scalpel and sometimes scissors to fight and Van Augur in gunmanship using her syringe and thread to have high accuracy in shooting her enemies. It can be said that she is the strongest out of the three girls following Jane and last was Perona.

"Time to advance my Busoshoku haki as I felt that I will finally be abe to reached the bottleneck of it" Renz said to himself.

"So based on my previous memories about One Piece during the Wano Arc Hyogoro showed him how to use Ryou. The concept of the skill was to concentrate the haki on a certain point and release the energy making it flow in your hands in short distance looks like an transparent energy that envelope your hands" Renz then concentrate an energy to his hands but failed due to having two different energy making it difficult to concentrate a certain energy as he is more used to concentrating his natural energy which has an unknown origins than his spiritual energy. Renz just punched the air projecting an airwave resembling a fist it was due to his natural energy but it is not Ryou, though it makes his punch strong but he failed to make an energy flow in his hands, but if he was able to combine the two energy then it will be more destructive than the normal Ryou, so he trained while their ship was sailing to Alabasta

~5 days have passed~

"Captain we can already saw a silhouette of an island it might be Alasbata and will reach in an hour" Jane said to Renz who was training.

"Yosh, okay let's get ready to dock, let's stop training for now and explore the new island" Renz said to his crewmates. During the five days he has been training he was able to reached the bottleneck of Busoshoku Haki and will be able to advance with a little more training.

~Meanwhile at Albasta at an underground base~

"Mr. 0 it seems we have a visitor, it was the Night Howler Pirates. I don't know yet there purpose of coming here" a girl in a cowgirl outfit said.

"Okay good job on reporting Miss All Sunday find out more about them. If they just explore the island let them be, as I don't want to add more trouble and complete the Operation Utopia and call all the Baroque Officers. We need to get ready for the worse, if by chance we can't avoid a battle against the Night Howler Pirates, though we just need to take care of the Black Hands Renz his just the threat the rest was just so-so" "Puff~" said Mr. 0 in an arrogant voice as he smoke his cigar.

"Hai Boss!" said in resonse by Miss All Sunday.

"So how was the effect of Dance Powder? Did they succeed?" Mr. 0 asked.

"Yes, according to the Baroque Works agents they were able to put the blame on the King Nefetari Cobra and the people started to rebel against the kingdom, now they are in a riot"

"HEHEHEHEHE, Good it won't take too long before I take over his position as the King and soon I'll found the Pluton and I'll overthrow the World Government" said Mr. 0 as a devilish smile surface on his face.

Miss All Sunday just faked a smile as she heard Mr. 0 mentioning one the ancient weapon "Okay Boss!"


Renz and his crew went inside a hotel, he looked at the reception area where he smiled as he recognized the receptionist 'Nico Robin' Renz thought to himself.

"Hello, welcome to our hotel" Said the receptionist also known as Nico Robin.

"Oh, hello miss Robin" Renz said in response.

Robin was shocked as she took a stepped back ready to flee at any moment 'H-how? Did he come to take my head?!' she thought to herself.

"Oh, you don't need to be scared I'm not here to take your head. I just want to offer you a deal that you might like how about it?" Renz said as he smiled towards the girl who was in panick but she took a deep breath and exhale. She just nodded as she doesn't have any choice but to agree to Renz.

"I assume that I don't need to introduce myself as you already know who I am" Renz said.

Robin smiled at Renz "Yes, sir Renz please come in" she said as she lead Renz and his crew to her personal office.

"So what's the offer that sir Renz wants to talk about?" Robin smiled and said as her fear went away.

Renz didn't beat around the bush and just said his purpose in coming to Alabasta "I want to recruit you in my crew. If it's protection you want I'll promise that you will be protected even if its the cause of my life. Also, if you want to unravel the history of the void century sure enough I'll be helpful to you, as I know where they can be found and you also knew that there is one ancient weapon here knowm as Pluton"

Robin was again taken aback as she heard the last sentence Renz said "So, you knew where the ancient weapon is? What do you want with them?"

"Oh that I'm not interested on that kind of thing. I don't want to rely on that, that's no fun, my crew will be as strong or even stronger than an ancient weapon. I just said it to attract your interest as I knew that you want to unravel the history and I'm here to fulfill your dreams. You don't have to worry that I will force you to translate the text. So, how is it, will you join my crew?" Renz said explaining himself.

"This, I would like to think about it first and observe the situation" Robin said to Renz.

"Okay then that's it I'll leave the rest to you. I hope you will find the answer soon" Renz said as he and his crewmates went outside of the hotel.

"Okay, do your things first, you can have fun if you want just be careful" Renz said to his crewmates.

"Hai, Captain, so can we use the money?" the girls said as stars surface on their eyes.

"I'll just follow you girls to avoid trouble" Ronald said.

"Yaaay! Thank you Ojii-san" said Rosette in a cheerful tone. Ronald just smiled at the girl.

"Oh I forgot to tell you Ronald if you want to have a weapon, we have one, Jane give it to him" Renz said.

Jane nodded and brought out 'Shusui'. Ronald picked up the sword but the sword tremble as to reject Ronald.

"Oh I forgot to tell that it is a cursed sword HAHAHAH!" Renz laughed.

Ronald just sighed to his childish Captain and used his sword technique "One swordstyle: Eclipse!" 'Shusui' was instantly ingulfed with an arc shaped aura as it finally came to a calm state and didn't tremble which to show that Ronald was recognized by the sword.

"This sword is good!" Ronald said.

"Of course it is. It was one of the 21 great grade sword and was used by a great swordsman 'Ryuma'" Renz said to Ronald.

Ronald was surprised at what Renz said he didn't think that it was one of the 21 great grade sword. He was happy to receive such a gift so he thanked Renz.

"Oya-oya, I'll leave now, I'll go and find a nice café to drink some coffee, bye-bye Captain, Yohohohoho!" Brook said to Renz and his crewmates.

"I'll just go somewhere to train Kenbonshoku Haki" Van Augur said.

"Oh okay, you guys just remember that when the sun sets we will meet up on this same spot" Renz exclaimed.

"Hai, Captain!" (6x) the crew went on their separate ways.