62- Rest

The group arrived back at their base a few hours later, which all of them are still tired, it was not a peaceful journey going back since they have to fight off the monsters that came out at night, it was already midnight when they arrived back at the base.

"How are you guys doing?" Mark asked as he looked around, the ones who were staying at the base already prepared dinner for the tired group, their leader was White Reaper, "Nothing much happened, except for some monster attacks that came earlier, but I easily took care of it" White Reaper bragged with his daughter beside him.

"Ha? I defeated a gigantic snake, look at this" Mark took out the large body of the Ice and Fire snake from his inventory, it doesn't turn to small items anymore after they entered Midgard, seeing this White Rabbit's eyes started to shine in admiration.

"Wha?" Seeing his daughter being amazed at someone else, White Reaper was spook, he then glared at Mark, "You dare to steal my daughter Die!" He launched himself towards Mark, they then both started having small wrestling by the side.

"What is the progress of the base?" Chris rolled her eyes as she decided to ignore them and asked Alexa who was in charge of building the base, Alexa nodded and took out a list of paper, "Mhm, we have already started building walls around the base and also the crafters started producing more weapons, and we also have installed our defenses"

"What defenses have you guys installed?" Chris asked in curiosity, Alter Online had many kinds of defenses not for players but for defending your territory, making them are very costly and takes up a lot of materials, There are tons of different types of defense mechanisms.

"Yes, we have decided to build the Crossbow turret, its capable of firing 5 rows of javelins in a second and could one-shot a player wearing full iron armor, we can also upgrade it in the future" Alexa explained.

"That is good, nice work, now, let's continue working hard everyone!" Chris yelled getting everyone's attention but as she finished speaking Mark also spoke, "No!"

"Hmm? What is the problem? Do You want to add something?"Everyone turned towards Mark who stopped wrestling with White Reaper, they were both full of bruises and have haggard appearances but Mark and WhiteReaper had smiles on their faces.

"Well, everyone come and gather around the fireplace, let's take a rest for today," Mark said with a smile, White Reaper also moved and was the first one to sit near the fireplace, everyone was confused at first but decided to sit along with Mark since he was the leader and all.

Mark sat on the fireplace beside him was Chris and the others also sat around the fireplace, "That's good" Mark nodded and watched the fire quietly.

Everyone looked at each other and doesn't know what to do, they looked at White Reaper who was following along with Mark but he was also looking at the fire with a calm face and a smile, not knowing what to do, they turned to Chris but also saw she was very confused.

After a few minutes of silence, Chris finally spoke, "Mark? do you have anything to say for gathering everyone here?" Mark lifted his head and looked at everyone, "I did say everyone should take a rest, so do that, do anything you want that will keep you relax" Mark replied with a smile.

"Yes, but why?"

The ones watching the stream are also confused, if they rest now then the stream will be boring!

Chris asked wanting to know the reason why Mark was making everyone rest, is it that they have to do something difficult tomorrow? Mark looked at them and smiled, "I just wanted to rest, its something I do every time I feel tired or have done something difficult, remember everyone, it is not a sin to rest, sometimes, when you feel like you have enough of it, or it's just too much, just take a rest, yes, just take rest" Mark said with a very calm voice that soothed everyone.

They didn't know what Mark wanted to say but remembering everything they have done for the past few days, it was really tiring, they all closed their eyes or do something that made them very comfortable and rested in the fireplace.

Chris felt the warmth of the fire but she also laid her head in Mark's lap feeling very comfortable as he patted her head carefully making her feel very loved, and just like that, everyone quietly sat around the fireplace enjoying their rest.

'This is not so bad' Azi thought as he looked at everyone then his eyes stopping at Mark, he had always worked hard, wanting to help his tribe, he always thought that stopping meant bringing the doom to his tribe but feeling it now, yes, he deserved a rest like this too.

"Hmm, how about a song, just like old-time sake Nevermore?" White Reaper asked as he turned towards Mark, "That is great, I have a guitar here" Mark pulled out a guitar from his inventory that he made in his free time and passed it to White Reaper.

White Reaper took the Guitar and started tuning it, after a while, he finished and looked at Mark, "Should I play that song?" he asked, which caught the attention of his daughter who was staring at the fireplace.

"Hmm. yup, that one is very relaxing" Mark nodded, White Reaper then started playing the guitar hitting the strings, then started humming, White Rabbit's ears twitched as he heard the song, she suddenly felt the old memories of when she was but a young baby, her father always played this song to make her sleep, she could not help but feel very sleepy, she then laid her head on his shoulder and fell to sleep.

Mark closed his eyes started to feel the song which title was [The Loser] a song that he loved to listen, the most.


[I feel like I am a baby once again, sleep peacefully not minding the world and not minding problems]

[Yes, it's not a sin to take a rest]

[I was thinking of killing myself... but I guess I will take a rest for now, and maybe continue forward, take a rest when you are full of everything then continue for tomorrow]