Chapter 14 - Brawl (Re-written)

Looking out Allen waited as Run insisted on treating him the lunch from the cafeteria, and since Allen condition was not that good enough to afford dishes from the cafeteria by his side, which might end up costing him his liver and the lungs for a bite from there, Mikan told him that the canteen most of the dishes and pastries order from Rin mother main shop.

Which took him by surprise and also git to know that the principal of this school and Rin's mother were classmates from previous generations top cadet's.

" She is not that good but she is a very kind mother to me, given how lively a person I am there is no way for a mother to turn me down in any request."

Rin joined in as she smiled at the Mikan and others, while Allen could only nod since he was already in his deep thought if not for the old man back up, everyone would have noticed that Allen was out of the zone.

After the lunch break was over, the following classes wha very short, that's what Allen's thought since he was inside the zone, for that long.

After the classes were over, Allen set up as they left toward home, Mikan had a club activity so she was not able to come with him, and Allen dragged Aichi with him since he would be bored to go alone and Aichi literally club doesn't have much of activities to perform daily, unknown to both of them someone was following them from the school gate, but the old man I had already felt somebody following so he had, heads up to Allen about it.

Allan scratches his face and look backwards slightly to discover A boy from his school, and knew must be among those categories, MMM (Marvelous Mikan Madona) or TST (Twin Star Twins) fan club of Rin and Kirin. Since the girls had already warned him about it.

Allen laughed as he imagines those guys beat up by him because he has whatsoever no reason to hold back against them when they are trying to have some dibs on those girls private life, Aichi who was unaware of Allen thoughts shook his head while asking 'What are you thinking, you are laughing wickedly, something wrong or what?'

Allen was surprised as he looked at Aichi and thought 'This guy had good senses but I think it's only working on the guy he trusts or something.'

"I say, those MMM and TST guys had bothered you before or not and does those guys are also responsible for that timid confidence you had."

Instead of answering him, Allen asks a question with a serious look which Aichi was not able to refuse while nodding his head in approval, with the look he nodded Allen was sure that those bastards played a very crucial role in destroying all the remaining confidence inside Aichi.

'So those guys gave Aichi confidence a death blow huh! Good all the more reason to make them beg for mercy, and I guess today Aichi major reform will happen.'

Allen looked at Aichi and apologized in his heart because Aichi is going to suffer a little but he will be the one to gain the most by this fight, shaking his head he started walking toward the convenient store direction as he said " Aichi wanna grab some juice from there and some snack since I felt a little thirsty."

"Sure that's also fine."

Aichi nodded as he also picked up some pace to follow Allen toward convenience stores, entering the store they picked up some drinks and snacks as they walk out but found themselves surrounded by a group of males with their school dresses.

"Who the hell are you guys, getaway we are already running late for the home." Allen smiled as he spoke with a little arrogant tone. "Our name is MMM star member from serial no 1 to 30."

" Allen let's apologize and go even though you seemed athletic and all but 1 against 30 is an impossible task." Aichi who was familiar with them started requesting Allen as he looked at Allen face who seemed more serious than ever.

"Okay then you run away, I'll fight them given as a friend I will help you but for me to apology without doing any mistake it's impossible."

Allen smiled with a bitter look as he faced Aichi while patting his shoulders as he lost some light inside his bright eyes with which he saw a punch coming, since he cannot use Psion as he did in school to jump his strength could only be counted as the peak of middle schoolers.

He dodged it while a whip kick crashed inside the guts of the boy who had punched, Aichi stood there as he saw Allen kicking the big guy in the stomach making the guy struggling to breathe.

As he recounted the moment Allen shallow smile and eyes he felt gut-wrenching pain, as he finally felt the most loathsome person he found was himself as he remembered the word Allen asked at those moments.

"I say, those MMM and TST guys had bothered you before or not and does those guys are also responsible for that timid confidence you had."

He asked because he wanted to make those guys pay for what they did to me.


"Tsk that hurt bastard." Aichi saw Allen fighting them even though he was kicked punched which made him grimace, most of them were dodged but a few were still landing on his body.

'What have I been doing.'

'Why I worked so hard all those days, to let the first friend of mine.'

'No, no ….' " No one can harm my friend." A shout with pain and anger shook few people closer to Aichi as they saw punches landing on their guts making them pained, while a brilliant smile flashed Allen was looked back at Aichi.

'Bastard, this Shy'Chi had gone mad.' 'Argh.'

" Beat that bastard too, we will break his final balls apart making sure I will never step out of his home from now on."

A guy shouted but a kick crashed his stomach while a total silence prevailed as they looked at Allen face who was smiling with a mocking face at them.

"Wana kick my brother ball, I will make them pack a thousand times worst condition they can imagine."

"Haha! Bastard Aichi, if you have balls to fight like this then what were you waiting for me to get beaten up them or something."

"I well, you looked cool so Uhm." Aichi smiled as he flushed up, while Allen smiled bitterly, "Bastard don't blush while speaking and think about what are you speaking about."

While getting beaten both of them had beaten around 20 of them down while after few minutes Allen gritted his teeth to beat the last two of them as they all ran away, panting both of them supporting each other, Allen thought that he was right since the moment Aichi grabbed his collar he knew that this guy had trained his body.

What Aichi needed was the dose of self-confidence and tenacity to bear with brutal punches which he pulled off, since that kind of personality he had and Allen would only need to push him beyond that.

Aichi felt his whole body breaking apart but still, he felt all the pain was nothing compared to what he had felt before and the pain he is is suffering right now was proof that he is not the same Aichi he had been all this time.

'Thank you Allen for believing in me again.'

Aichi smiled as he spoke, " Thank you Aichi, but you become a friend of mine." Allen was stunned because even though Aichi spoke some great words but the red face of his with the girlish way he felt a stabbing pain as he commented inside his heart 'Why he had to be a girl.'

"Allen and Aichi are those guys Allen and Aichi," Rin spoke as she rushed while Mikan and Kirin also notice the duo who were sitting on the park bench battered given Psion energy can be destructive but it had no effect on bodily damages and takes time to heal external wounds.

Internal wounds were restored of Aichi body as Allen used Psion energy quietly without letting Aichi guess.

"Allen, Aichi are you both okay Mikan rushed supported Allen and Aichi but was surprised by Aichi since he was smiling like Allen even though both of them were hurt which made both of them a little manlier."

Both Rin and Kirin were also shocked by the look of Aichi, plus this time they all carried Aichi and Allen to their respective house since Aichi was a neighbour of Mikan house, Allen was shocked as he gasped in amazement.

Shaking his head and walked inside his home where Ryuto came rushing out as he held Allen and supported him, Ryuto had a worried face as he asked but Allen said " Don't worry those guys had paid more than us, we had beaten them they had to run away from us."

Ryuto smiled and nodded " Then that's fine."

Walking out of the room Ryuto revealed an angry face as he knew that was a group of people had attacked both of them and MMM could only be the one who can do something like this.