Chapter 16 - Money (Re-written)

Rito found himself in front of the black coffin which opened its door with a creaking sound, due to the silence effect of the area Rito felt his heartbeat raised as he looked at the coffin lid, which had many claw marks inside the lid while a joker came out of it with a smile " Welcome new one, my precious child Rito and let me tell you one thing in this game only strong will prevail while if you survive you will become exceedingly strong."

" What is this death game all about and why was it inside my little brother phone Pre- Installed and what will it take to uninstall it from our smartphones," Rito asked calmly which was out of anything Rito behave in the real world if Allen would have seen this side of the Rito he would have been shocked a lot by it.

Allen, on the other hand, was helping Mikan with a smile while Mikan's eyes had been on the smartphone from the beginning to the end, her eyes had worry mixed with anxiety but remembering something she smiled and shook her head which made it seem that held special confidence for someone presence.

' I had to believe in them, that's the only way I can face the upcoming problem and in truth, it seemed it was my problem originally. I cannot force them inside it, but I can't be irresponsible to run away without saying and proving anything to them.'

" Mikan, can I ask something out of you which can be hard to describe and I..."

Allen looked at Mikan while it seems she was waiting for it and looking at him, where she cut him off on between saying " No matter what we are now family Allen -Kun and you don't have to tell us everything but if you are in danger please don't hesitate to ask anything out of us, given hiding some secret is fine but getting injured due to it is something you are not allowed."

"Hmm, I'll remember it from now on, Anyway thanks Mikan I guess I got the answer I wanted to found by your words, one day I'll tell you guys about everything but till then please bear with me."

Allen laughed at his resolves as he remembered that he promised to protect his mother and family from before and today he lacks the courage to determine what he needs to do from now on.

"I guess when the time comes I'll have to fight without reservation."

As Allen looked at the Death Game while a name called Light Andy with a clown face status image keeps on flashing on the map with 'Hunt.' word shining with the red hue and on the other hand Psi_Nerd he had chosen in the dream name flashed on the screen.

It described to him that contestants can only have 5 lives every month and if one died 6 the time he will truly be dead since his heart will rupture with burst. Allen knew it was not lying and he had only 5 live and 6th deadline, be was prepared to fight to the death.

Given Psion energy which no one knew off and all the physical powers, Allen held a little confidence to survive in the world of Death Game, where he thought deeply but was not able to find the memories where he installed this game. So Allen had whatsoever no reasoning for him to blame the blunder his past self made, then the other reason he was not able to find was his name Psi word came from word Psion then why his previous self knew of that.

Shaking his head he cleared his mind when the Succubus inside his system spoke which attracted his attention " Master, I know about this game since I was once apartment inside the game I can help you out in many fields so don't worry I will not try to lie and harm you in any case. Since our lives are connected and if you were to die I will die to alongside you master."

"Hmm! Hmm! Master huh! that's awesome and to top up with it she is a great beauty too, God of ROM comedy is a blessing upon me."

Allen nodded his head inside his mind while saying on which Julius felt a little embarrassed inside her heart as she humph inside her heart glaring at Allen.

" So then being serious, what do you think we should do from now on since the start of this game I want a guide to help me around it."

Hearing Allen serious voice, Julius ponder while explaining " you should know that this game was created by gods and demons gods to help the children beneath them to train for time being and training heroes from both sides."

" Hero why would we need a hero, in an advance world like this I think we don't need a hero and all given you need superheroes don't you think so."

"Master please don't joke around I am pretty serious right now."

" As for why Hero is needed in this world, we don't need Hero but they can be sent to another world to save them that is why this system collects all the data about the participant and see if the character of the person is good enough to be a hero in other world or not."

"Eh, like being sent into another world to become a hero and all, that's cool hmm."

" That's not cool, don't think like Isekai storey since the world of demon are like bloody path and people think they can get used to it but even demon like us can't help but stir up hearing them."

"Also for being chosen as a hero you had to be able to reach a certain rank like "Titled One." because if you are not then you might end up dying very badly, for example like being ripped apart and all."

"Uhmm! I also think your girl might be someone special, while your brother seemed to be a strong one too, so if you need help go to him and I can guarantee that he might beat even Titled One too."

"Allen, what are you dreaming about in the broad morning like this." Mikan voice calling him waked up Allen as he looked at Mikan and smiled.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about something and it was lost in this thought, you can say it's a habit of mine so please don't mind me and pinch me if you want to wake up me again."

"It's good that you are thinking about it deeply but breakfast is going to be cold so have some already."

"Sure let's go and have some food, I am already having a hard time controlling my rumbling stomach by smelling the scent of the food."

After having breakfast with both of them, Allen helped Mikan in washing the dishes and cleaning the table, I wanted to help her as an excuse since he wants to take some time where he could invite her to a coffee or something while going to school. Mikan, I was astonished how fast the work was done with the help of Allen, given Allen enthusiastic face Mikan just smiled gently as she changed and walked down while recalling that they were going way too early for school.

"Mikan it seems we are way too early so I wanted to try some coffee at that shop, want to come with me for a sip, it will be my treat."

"Hmm! alright but next time we came I will pay for it though. I don't want you to run dry given you want to drink coffee as an excuse."

Mikan smiled but Allen felt a little heart Ach while he knew she didn't mention it that way and was only being considerate about him, but still, it stings a bit inside his heart while he thought about earning some cash from doing a part-time job so that in the future he doesn't have to feel this way.

"Hello, sir and Madam what would you like to order." A waitress smiled politely at them, given one can see that Mikan cloth was not out of the normal and had a unique perception to itself.

" We would like to order a cup of coffee one dark and one," Allen spoke as he looked at Mikan for her suggestions.

" A dark one is fine by my side too." Mikan smiled and spoke.

"Yes, we understand your order and is there anything else you would like to have with it."

Waitress bowed and asked while Allen shook his head while Mikan also denied it, at which Allen felt more and more pathetic, these feeling he was experiencing is something he never had before, it was because of that Allen's finally realised that strength can't get you everything you need from time to time and he had to maintain a balance between gaining strength and wealth alongside it.

" This will be the last time, I want to have experienced this feeling and I swear that I will find the way to make some money in the future."