Chapter 34 Coming and Plan(Re-written)

Sometimes there are times when you do not wish to let it go, the one you treasure the most sometimes and it up the one who and the taking you all up in the depth of Abyss, which will never let you out of it, so before you take a step towards it things it a million time given it is something which will swallow you up.

Mikan looked at the guy, while she was thinking where at which time she had taken a step towards it without knowing about her future, she knew he was different and there will be a lot of people who will think ok for having him by her side, But! I will not! let it go so easily, even if I have to walk down a brutal path.

' I'll let myself fall, I used to believe that everything will fall into places somehow like they should be, but I started to realise it was not when I felt someone climbing on my bed one by one but I was wasn't sure of who.'

*Person entering regional zone and the energy within them is resonating with host soul energy so they will be transferred inside your world.*

"What? what do you said just now." Allen had just entered the world of dream a hour ago and was working on the new weapon he had thought of and with free play of the fire ore from the underground cave, I was not in the lack of material at all.

What Soul resonating? What transferring to my world? when Allen had so much to ask a bright light envelope a certain area and magic circle was drawn.

3 people came into being in front of him which almost shocked the soul out of Allen. "Mikan, Lala and Mizuha, everyone why are you here."


"Why? are you guys here." Allen jumped as he remembered it is a spirit world and one person only enter here when they are dead as he grasp their hand.

Mikan was stunned but Allen worried look calm her mind as she looked at the surrounding but the stench of blood make her wink, while Allen was also bleeding since he had fought a monster few minute ago.

Lala looked at Allen as she remember this smell her father used to have when ever he would come out from the battle and hug her, even though it was unpleasant she couldn't speak bitter for it, given he got this smelly just to save her and his family.

Mizuha almost cried since Allen was in truly battered shape and the pain of it was something he was getting numb of it, but for these girl they were horrible making them almost cry out loud.

Allen who was busy worrying about girl never noticed a three of them looked at him with a little redden eyes as they spoke "Don't worry, I only remember some called Hope system to help you, when we sneak in your bed."

"Huh! you guys sneak up in my bed, heh! I guess its a dream or something." Allen shook his head and spoke in his under breath.


"It's not a dream baka."


"Now can you tell me what are those wounds for and why this place reek of blood, even though their is no body lying around, and those mark on your body are of an animal for sure."

Mikan asked as she glared at Allen, who nodded his head and spoke the truth " That's in this world all the animal are spirit form except they the smell of blood which disperse during fight doesn't go away like other and body is crystallized into a core, this one." As he took out a core of Sharp yellow colour where the spark of electricity can be seen dancing to and fro.

"Hmm! Then those animal first attack you or you kill them for this core or something."

" We are living thing, so literally all the animal around us will try to kill us if they were to find us here, spirit world is something a normal living people cannot come and go, so we have no choice but to kill them at first."

"Nowadays, I am hunting them for myself since these core strengthen me with this." Allen spoke as Psion energy came out of his hand.

the energy was able to take different kind of shape and colour II II blue and red representing water and fire II

After girls calm down Allen spoke to them while he told them about Psion Engineering as he looked at end result of the product he had created and picked it up while he use reaper to it to the girls, seeing reaper movement all the girls were stunned only Mikan looked at Allen differently then other with the look of questioning.

Mikan was shocked bht still smiled as he looked at Allen while thinking "Everything you do will be for good I wish to think in that way, and trust you right Allen- Kun."

After which he woke up next morning time when all the three girls had already left him in his room alone and gone for doing some work or might be sleeping in their own room.

His first priority from this forward on must be earning his money so that he could live a luxury life in this world as for strength, The group who was able to capture a tyrant ruler was beaten to extinction by him long ago.

But the other side of the darkness is also something to fear of but to get inside that he needed more and more of something he doesn't have money, fame and respect. So he had a way it was earn it from his grandfather and for that we have to land a business and impress his grandfather first.

Easy to say right, but is it really easy, hell no given if it was so easy to earn why millions and millions of people have to go through to so many hardship to reach a company where they can earn a little bit of money compared to he wish to earn.

For that he needed connection, and with those he might be able to and a lot of money and respect while he can also get to know more people, given connection in this world mean money.

So he was in great school, given he can make connection through them, yes it was students from all over the country which has joined there middle school because of its famous name and culture.

Allen smiled as he thought of improving his body language and fashion, in the sense the parameter of his body was quite good and he had a little bit confidence on it, And I am not being sarcastic given I am good looking given other student didn't disdain him when he transfer over.

So for something like body posture, he requested the old man inside his head to help him like all the time, "Yeah I remember it so don't worry, I used to be a dignified person when I was alive so something like body posture and noble attitude is within my grasp."

"But it might be a little attractive and unique since I do not belong to this world and as for etiquette of mine may be different from your world but it is not too much differ given I have seen all those boys in your school and can assess about it."

Old man spoke in which a little bit of Excitement can be heard from his voice.

I always thought he was a different person giving he could be open about how much he likes girls and feelings related to them, his senses are those of train veteran not in the case of amount but in the shape of sharpness, but how much you think about it he always find himself drawn toward still zero.

Old man never spoke unnecessarily but it was also one of the point Old man is proficient about, he try to speak out his heart he always come out with useful information and more dignified then he look.

Oldman were you ruler or something, at the point when you were alive." Allen asked inside his head.

"Hmm! guess your self young man."

Teasing each other from time to time while laughing at each other this is how they usually spend their time together, this time it was different since Alan was being taught by the old man about how to be a noble and what it takes to be a noble.

Nobel etiquette was made at first was made to look elegant an pleasing to eye, which show out true potential of dancer form and beauty.

slowly and steadily it had been declining from it's thrown since even a fat person started to mimic it, if one want to be elegance they had to work on their figure and posture which should be straight as a tree.

Movement should be as light as air, with which no sound should be made while walking on the the floor even with heavy shoes.

Third was attitude at which one present his face, not present on face but he present his face.

It should face straight and tilted upward to face the gods and eyes looking straight to see their own demons.

After which they continued their own practice for several hour it was only 4 o'clock while after practicing for 2 hour there was not much of a progress as old man said it would take time and accumulation of practice.

after which he came down to take a shower but Mikan looked a little confused as she thought 'What's with him he just looked a little different in kind of a good way for sure.'